08/20/22 03:26AM
Update Regarding Certain Content On The Hub (Please Read)
Hello to all the Hubians,

Some of you might know this but I once called myself a manipper. I'm obviously speaking in the past tense because I no longer want my manips to be displayed here or anywhere else. I bear no ill will against other manippers or their work, but I've recently come to feel that manips are somewhat concerning in regards to artistic ethics. It's left me slightly bewildered in the past and might have caused me to make some terrible decisions regarding the art of other artists.

In around seven days from the posting of this thread, I'm going to request that all of my manips be taken down from the Hub and I be placed on the Hub's blacklist. If anyone enjoyed my manips then I give you about a week to save them before finding them becomes a little more difficult, if even possible.

Here's a link to them (Note that it will expire):
08/20/22 10:38AM
Thanks for the heads up! I'll add you to the Do Not Post list.
08/20/22 07:18PM
That's a real shame, your work is really good.
08/20/22 09:23PM
It's a valid conversation to have, and do what you need in order to get yourself right, but I wouldn't pull on the thread too much for madness lies that way.

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