08/25/22 04:56AM
What happened to Spllcstr.
Hi, my name is Spllcstr.

Up until about a month ago, I had been semi-regularly creating chapters of an NSFW hypno-themed story featuring several Overwatch characters. Many of you logged on and noticed that the 50 or so pictures I had uploaded were suddenly gone with no explanation. I just want to give an apology and a bit of an explanation for what happened to me and all of my uploads here on the site.

For the past few months, I found myself struggling with the ethics of what I had been posting, as well as erotic hypnosis in general. It's a topic that has come up before on this site, and one that I just wasn't sure about. After a bit of thinking, I made a hasty decision to delete all of my previous work. At the time I felt that what I had been creating was wrong and that I needed to get rid of it.

In retrospect, I over-reacted big time. I think at the end of the day there is value in the stuff I made, despite its strange subject matter. Several people have reached out to me since the deletion asking what happened and offering encouragement. Looking back, I realize I robbed some of you of something you enjoy. For that, I'm really sorry.

I'd like to bring my old stuff back, if I can. I'm not sure whether the mods here can un-delete my previous posts (I'm guessing probably not), but if not I can repost the main series pictures. I did manage to recover my twitter account, which has a lot of the posts on there as well. Regrettably, I ended up losing a lot of the older stuff, including all of the gifs and videos I'd made. But the main story I created is still intact.

Sorry for the deletion, and thank you to everyone who reached out for helping me come to terms with my art. I promise it's gonna stay up this time.
08/25/22 06:28AM
Well dang. Yep, I was just looking for those myself and finally checked here to see if something happened.

Upset as I am about the deletion, I sympathize with how you felt. I would imagine a lot of people go through that moral conundrum with this fetish now and again.
08/25/22 10:32AM
Yeah, it does happen relatively regularly that people have a crisis of morality when thinking too deeply about this fetish. Which is fairly normal, I think. I would like to think most of us here are moral, ethical people and so, it's natural that sometimes a lingering thought on the moral and ethical implications of this fetish can cause discomfort.

For me, I find it helps to keep in mind that this is a fetish not only enjoyed on the dom side, but very strongly enjoyed on the sub side as well. What makes it ethical is an understanding that any real person involved should consent to being involved and consent to the extent they will be involved, and not be pushed beyond that point. Just as with any sexual activity.
08/25/22 04:56PM
I think the new site doesn't allow any CTRL+Z'ing like the old one did, so you'll probably have to reupload.

As an old person, I do worry about how younger people are disincentivized to connect with the real world or other interests within it. I'm not saying to swear off social media or other boomer crap, but if you only obsess about one or two things and then have a crisis of conscience about it, you suddenly find yourself without an identity and that will fuck you up.

I'm not saying this is what happened here, but it's a good reminder to try and be a well-rounded person with multiple interests and skills as well as a matching diversity of friend circles.
08/25/22 06:19PM
I hope you'll repost what you have, your stuff was always really good.

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