09/08/22 03:16AM
Alternatives for Popular tab
It's been about 6 months since the site migrated and we lost a bunch of features. One of them was the Popular tab, which was extremely useful for filtering out all the lower effort spam and posts without any mind control.

Your average idiot user, i.e. me, doesn't understand search queries much and just wants to browse or search for a specific tag. For us, browsing is now sifting through pages and pages of lazy spiral eye manips and 2-5 tiny variations of the same image on the Posts tab or rolling the dice with random instead of having a selection week by week of the most popular posts easily presented.

What's the best alternative? Do I need to work out how to format a search for most popular between 2 specific dates and manually change the two dates every time I want to move back another week or month? That can't be the best option, right?
09/08/22 11:52AM
Unfortunately, yeah, for the time being the only thing really available to supplant this feature is "score:", or "sort:score:desc", and "id:". Far as I can tell, you can't even search for date ranges, just IDs. So if you wanted to search through the most popular for a month, you'd need to find both the first and last posts of that month to set the parameters. For instance:
"id:>149600 id:<151611 score:>20" would give you images from August that scored more than 20 in the site's typical reverse chronological order, while "id:>149600 id:<151611 sort:score:desc" would give you all images from August, but sorted in descending score order. (starting with highest rated first)
Needless to say... it would definitely be nice to have a way to lookup the dates without manually finding the id ranges. But unless I'm missing something, that's as best we got right now.
09/09/22 01:53AM
I loved using that tab, most of the time when I'm here my dick is in hand and it was nice to be able to fast track to the creme de la creme so I could get a good creme too
09/12/22 08:21AM
An update: A fellow user created a userscript to help restore functions we lost in the site move, as well as new ones. They just updated the userscript, in response to a request like this, to include buttons to quickly search the most popular posts from the last 10, 50, or 100 pages, or from all time. The thread is here:

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