10/20/22 12:01AM
What if Hypnohub had merchandise...?
On one my posts, someone suggested an idea in case Hypnohub has merch. This happened months ago, but I kept that comment in mind because there's a lot of iconography and gizmos that can easily be merchandisable.

The commenter suggested pajamas based on the DC character Spellbinder (post #146743) while I had an idea of a papercraft or cardboard z-tech helmet from zko's works. If you have any ideas of you own, feel free to share them. I doubt the hub will have merch any time soon, so don't worry about copyright or anything like that.
10/21/22 01:34AM
Got to go with one of those giant Hypno-Tan jerseys. Those things look comfy as hell
10/23/22 11:44AM
When I think of hypnohub merch this ( post immediately comes to mind as a sick print

Other than that there's probably a lot of subtle designs you could make, like the Erika hoodie or any number of yellow-black spiral designs based on hypno-tan sweater, not to mention the infinite potential prints depicting the eternal primordial battle between hypno-tan and awake-san, or some stupid joke about "no thoughts, head empty"
10/29/22 06:51PM
IIRC this was discussed years ago but never got off the ground. I'd like to see something subtle like a wristband or pin or something that I can wear around and "hide in plain sight". It would also make hubians easier to silently identify one another at cons, should they wish to be identified.

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