10/20/22 02:09AM
Pool Zip Userscript v0.1
Hi, so I noticed that the new site seems to have removed the ability to download a zip file with all the images in a pool. While the user script by Detour allows a pool to be downloaded, it downloads each image individually. So I wrote a userscript to be used with TamperMonkey that adds a button to download a pool as a zip file. It will name the images in the order they appear in the pool, and there's an option to, when applicable, download the notes from a post as well. They will be in a txt file with the same name as the image.
Here's a link to the script, I hope you all enjoy it!
10/20/22 07:11AM
I don't mean to be a buzzkill but it would've probably been easier to just ask me to add the feature to the other userscript.

That being said it does seem to check out? some very weird decisions but nothing bad or malicious from what I can tell.
10/21/22 12:14AM
I was thinking about it, but I wasn't sure my implementation would translate well into your code. I had to do some weird daisy chaining to get the script to run properly. That being said, if you want to combine them, I can try to help out where I can.

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