11/02/22 10:38PM
i'm making a manip series
as with everything i do on the internet i like to announce it before/while i'm doing doing it, this times will be a set of manips of maids in a mansion, the plot is without spoiling too much is that your the new freshly hypnotized maid of the mansion and the maid supervisor and master's voice holder (portrayed as emilico for lore reasons) is guiding through the mansion, and with the help of mrs yor(you know damn well who i'm talking about) the relatively recent teacher are going to guide and teach you how to be a proper hypno maid(although canonically they rarely use the word hypno) here you will find a vast variety of maids and other servants with some familiar faces and some new ones(my "old" ocs) so... does anyone wanna give me permission to use your oc, or will i have to do it as a pov
11/02/22 10:47PM
i had this idea after seeing the comments on qiller newest character which is why the story starts with her cumming her brains out or if you wanna be real specific and in universe it starts with her channeling her free will into her juices and expelling from you know where, do keep in mind that will be speaking in character as the maid supervisor(emilico) in the replies sometimes, as a side note the maid uniforms all contain pockets in the hem and a corset(both are mentioned one time each in the story and do have an explanation) which isn't really relevant to the plot but i thought it would be fun to note
as a final side note, to whoever makes background text my only wish is that you step on 4 lego bricks because this thing is harder to remove in gimp than chewed gum from under the desk
11/12/22 01:05AM
i see nobody gave a fuck about me, which does make a bit sad, but at same time i'm reconsidering this whole story, now i'm think of either replacing this manip with another manip named drone high(you can probably guess what's that about) or keeping this one on the fridge and focusing on the former
11/12/22 01:13AM
...I'm sorry?
11/12/22 01:17AM
If you want people to engage in a conversation, try the discord instead.
11/12/22 06:25PM
Detour said:
If you want people to engage in a conversation, try the discord instead.

that place gives me some serious "discord mod" vibes but i supposed i will enter a second time
11/13/22 09:10PM
If comments are still welcomed i want to say that while the original maid idea wasn't my cup of tea (the reason i didn't say anything about it), the one you mentioned about drone high has my attention, just in case you decide to do it.
11/15/22 08:41PM
maybe i won't do it, maybe i will, it all depends if i can the right images, or if can manage to install koikatsu without destroying my pc, because i'm sure it will not be able to handle custom maid 3d

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