11/07/22 05:01AM
A Question mark thread
I saw some really good art of nikusa from Friday night Funkin where she was surrounded by so many question marks, and I thought, “y isn’t there a question mark thread?” I want one to be made.
11/07/22 06:23AM
...And what would the point of such a thread be?
12/02/22 12:20PM
Cuz I think it would be cool and would work like this, “a question mark is shown over the subject’ head, pondering what the hell the thing hypnotizing them is. Or also multiple question marks surrounding the subject in a hallucination or trip.”
12/02/22 05:48PM
The reasoning why there's no "question mark" or "exclamation point" tags on this site is because the majority of pictures where those could apply are already covered by the "confused" and "surprised" tags respectively.

Same reasoning as to why our site doesn't have 1girl/2boys/3others tags, since the fem/male/futa/andro sub/dom and multiple_girls/boys tags cover them.

If you still want to push for it, head to the Official Tags Thread, forum #51288, since that's where talk of tag creation and debate should be done to avoid forum bloat.

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