11/16/22 05:39AM
Looking for Body Control Dancing content
Good evening hubfolk. I’m makin this post to help gather any material you fellows might have for a certain niche I like. Specifically when body control is used to make the victim dance, preferably while aware. There’s been a few great examples of this, some that I’ve posted myself (see However, it appears this type of body control is rarer then I thought. So I’m curious if anyone has any other examples befitting of this they know of, which if so, please do link here.

The most prominent examples I do know of are the Golden Boombox from Prevence, which I’m a huge fan of of course, and usually keep up with those anywho. But anything else is fair game.
11/16/22 08:42AM
There's this scene from Justice Leauge Action that has a little bit of dancing.
11/16/22 12:10PM
Val_Venis said:
There's this scene from Justice Leauge Action that has a little bit of dancing.

Nice, thanks

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