11/18/22 05:30PM
When Do You Think Hypnosis is at it's Finest?
There are actually many threads on this forum that ask this sort of question. I, sort of, wanted to ask this on one of those but the search function is near unusable and I think this is a unique enough question to ask on its own.

So I like when the narrative or context of a situation brings emphasis to the hypnosis and its overall effects on the parties involved.

What are some scenarios where you think hypnotism really "shines"; so to speak?
11/18/22 05:48PM
I think determining a good scenario is so subjective that I'm not even the best expert on my own tastes, because it'll depend on what I'm in the mood for.

Like, philosophically it'll depend on how the scene is presented, the state and presentation of the characters, what you as the audience is into, and probably a bunch of other stuff.

For me, I like a scene that isn't super grimdark, hits one or two of my personal fetish boxes, and presents the actual MC as compelling or as a set dressing for something else that's novel.

My mind keeps going to the opening suggestion of a Red video where the subs are just marching around like Giant Robots complete with Rocket Punch. It's dumb as hell but also really fun. I also think the Skypenotized canon is pretty good, too but it's soooooooooo subjective.
11/18/22 09:03PM
Like Lurksalot said, it's really subjective and I don't think a definitive hypnosis experience exists as everyone's example of the perfect scenario is going to be different. However, personally I think mind control is at its finest when mind control is the main piece, but is also complemented by the dom indulging in other elements of power, like wealth, political pull etc. A good example is a rich dom who hypnos someone and makes them a maid or henchmen to add to their collection. To me the extra elements really drives home the idea of how superior the dom is to the sub. And that in essence to me is the whole point of hypnosis, domination and control over another.
11/21/22 04:31PM
I'm just going to assume here that we're actually interested in mind control, and hypnosis is but one way to get it.

In that case, it's all in the title: mind control. It's all about that creeping feeling of total control you get as you hypnotize someone(s).

And it can't just be the lesser control you get from gaslighting or blackmail or whatever. The control has to be complete. You want fine control over each one of their thoughts, control over which thoughts they can have and in what order, or whether they can have thoughts at all.

I think a lot of hypnosis doujins fall flat because they gloss over this control. They either skip straight to the sex, which is boring, or they emphasize the girl's emotional reaction, which is...also usually boring. I mean, if the main character dictated the girl's reaction in advance, that's great, but oftentimes he doesn't.

This is also why I think hypnosis fits into a lot of BDSM scenarios, and why this fetish is so subjective: some people want (mind) control as a means to an end, while others value it in and of itself.

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