12/30/22 04:51PM
How to make a pool
Just as a reminder, how do I do this? I think I wanna upload something probably needs a pool? Or maybe it doesn't I don't know :P
12/30/22 05:28PM
i'm sure there are other methods but the easiest one is going on pools and clicking new
12/30/22 05:44PM
>Name: Write a new for the pool
>Choose public (everyone can add/remove pictures), private (only you can add/remove pictures), or personal (the pool is hidden for everyone, but you, unless they checked on the pool menú)
>Write a description if you want
>Click on Save

Now, for adding pictures you need to go to the pool, import and copy the tags on the menú.
12/30/22 06:30PM
When importing, remember to delete the images that don't belong in your pool after tag search. Check "delete mode", and click on the ones that shouldn't be there.

Best way is to type tags that are less used than others, so there's less images to sift through.

I wish there were a more convenient way, though - the old website had a direct "add to pool" option under the posts in edit mode.
12/30/22 08:51PM
You can also use id:<your post's id> to import a single image

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