01/09/23 08:43AM
Real Life Hypno-Visor?
Hi, I'm just looking for a real life version of hypnotic headwear, preferably with customizable text or video. I know there are ones with custom LED displays, but are there any where the person wearing them can view the message? Mostly asking out of curiosity since I'm broke.
01/27/23 06:21AM
There's a few products out there which are an LED array on the front of a pair of glasses, which can project a scrolling message or animation outward... None that I know of which project inward. I'm sure it could be done with a small LCD/LED screen, but so far nothing exists which you can purchase, that I'm aware of.
01/28/23 09:37PM
Hypno-Visor is just another word for VR headset.
02/03/23 02:57AM
Doomstar said:
Hypno-Visor is just another word for VR headset.

02/06/23 07:10AM
Doomstar said:
Hypno-Visor is just another word for VR headset.

Except a VR headset is way less compact. Much more cumbersome.
02/06/23 09:00AM
The difference between a hypno-visor and a VR headset is not only the size; the VR headset isn't transparent. We want to see the spiral from the outside, and also the subject's eyes as they fall into trance.

An alternative could be augmented reality glasses, but I think those are made so that only the wearer can see the display. It's like a mini projector aiming at a total internal reflection angle. Plus, I think they're not supposed to cover the entire view.

I would say that to have a hypno-visor in real life, someone's gonna have to craft it themselves.
02/06/23 03:20PM
come on society, how hard it is to make transparent googles with a screen that projects images from both the inside and the outside
02/06/23 03:41PM
Transparent screens are still far from being ready for consumer products, small and flexible ones fit for a visor shape probably even more so.

A VR/AR headset with an outward facing screen is probably the most viable option right now, think Zko's z-tech headsets.
02/06/23 06:42PM
Detour said:
Transparent screens are still far from being ready for consumer products, small and flexible ones fit for a visor shape probably even more so.

A VR/AR headset with an outward facing screen is probably the most viable option right now, think Zko's z-tech headsets.

well my idea was two screens, one projects text/image you want inside of the headset and another projects the exact same thing outside, and you could probably connect the two so they are synchronized

but hey what do i know i'm just a maid
02/07/23 10:37PM
The problem with that precise idea is it only works if there is only one image projected into the interior of the headset. If there's any offsetting between the two to account for stereoscopic vision (or old school 3D) what do you do?

Otherwise yes, that should be doable as it's just effectively splitting a display across three screens (left eye, right eye, exterior). I'd personally want to have the exterior screen be different though and that would take extra horsepower.
02/09/23 08:36AM
I'd say the stereoscopic thing isn't too big of a problem. Just doing it the same way a videogame is displayed normally compared to its VR version. And if it's something like a VR YouTube video, just pick one at random, I guess?

The cool thing about this idea is that I can see it having three options: display the image normally, display it mirrored, or show something completely different. For example, you could have a drawing of eyes with an expression that's a
clear juxtaposition with what's really behind, like what Zko's Z-tech does.

The downside: You can't see the subject's eyes.
02/12/23 12:15AM
A progress indicator would be a practical use for the outside display. When you have multiple subjects chained up next to each other, you can see who will be done soon.
03/03/23 07:41PM
There are smart glasses like the Nreal Air that provide a (relatively speaking) sleek pair of glasses that provide a display in front of your eyes...

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