05/25/14 04:19AM
Manip tips&tricks thread?
Long time. I had been on a bit of hiatus for personal reasons.
How's everyone doing?

Anyway, I thought about a thread were we can share/ask for tips and tricks regarding manips!

(If we already have something similar, do feel free to delete this one).

Now, let me be the first one to ask about something... Do you have any tips about changing black hair to blond for bimbo manips? I did this as a request for a friend, but it took forever:
05/25/14 04:21AM
we got this thread here friend
05/25/14 04:32AM
Zko said:
we got this thread here friend

Ops. My bad, I did not see it! Maybe we should have it as a sticky or something?
05/25/14 06:02AM
Blue said:
Ops. My bad, I did not see it! Maybe we should have it as a sticky or something?

meh, it doesn't really need it.
05/25/14 10:04AM
Blue said:
Ops. My bad, I did not see it! Maybe we should have it as a sticky or something?

We try to avoid abusing the sticky feature. If we stickied every useful thread on the forums, we'd have over 50 of them. :P

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