01/25/23 05:27PM
“Simplest” hypno you enjoyed.
Was reminiscing today and remembered a hypno scene that I was so obsessed to see. But in hindsight now it just seems “meh”. Not saying the scene, character, etc. aren’t good; just that how I first “watched it” was. I’m gonna date myself a bit here

Back before streaming, you had to actually ‘watch’ tv and if you missed it, you missed it. There was a channel called ‘TV guide’. It would just just rotate the schedule for tv shows on loop with ads and entertainment news playing on the channel. Back when Pokémon mystery of the unknown was gonna be release they had an ‘anchor’ talk about the film while soundless footage played as a tiiiiny thumbnail played in the corner. It showed the scene with Delia Ketchum being entranced and falling unconscious. At the time I was so hyped and excited to see Delia being hypnotized that I sat watching that channel for an hour just to see it again. Then when I realized that they would show that same clip/news spot every hour I made sure to change the channel back even if I was in the middle of another movie/show at the time. But I’m hindsight: picture was small, no sound, and clip was short.

So how about the rest of you?. Any moments of hypno you enjoyed before but have lost their “spark” so to speak?
01/25/23 08:18PM
Jpew2007 said:
Was reminiscing today and remembered a hypno scene that I was so obsessed to see. But in hindsight now it just seems “meh”. Not saying the scene, character, etc. aren’t good; just that how I first “watched it” was. I’m gonna date myself a bit here

Back before streaming, you had to actually ‘watch’ tv and if you missed it, you missed it. There was a channel called ‘TV guide’. It would just just rotate the schedule for tv shows on loop with ads and entertainment news playing on the channel. Back when Pokémon mystery of the unknown was gonna be release they had an ‘anchor’ talk about the film while soundless footage played as a tiiiiny thumbnail played in the corner. It showed the scene with Delia Ketchum being entranced and falling unconscious. At the time I was so hyped and excited to see Delia being hypnotized that I sat watching that channel for an hour just to see it again. Then when I realized that they would show that same clip/news spot every hour I made sure to change the channel back even if I was in the middle of another movie/show at the time. But I’m hindsight: picture was small, no sound, and clip was short.

So how about the rest of you?. Any moments of hypno you enjoyed before but have lost their “spark” so to speak?

For me it's the fucking fairy oddparents episode where everybody is hypnotized to drink dimmadome's milk and live a happy 50's nucklear family life in his suburb.
When I watched the episode back a few years later,it was somehow cringy to me
But yea, butch hartman gave me a fetish XD
01/26/23 02:23AM
There was a video on Google Videos like ten years ago from some hypnotist called Lady Medusa or something? It was a super simple file about forgetting a number but I think about it every now and then; it was just right in my strikezone.
01/26/23 02:31AM
I think for me it's the Jimmy Neutron scenes with his mother Judy when she got hypnotized. Especially the one from Jimmy/Timmy power hour. They're short but sweet:)
01/26/23 10:03AM
For me it's pretty much all the Yugioh scenes where the females go into a blank trance. I never really watched Yugioh as a kid but those scenes used to turn me on. Unlike most people I never really had a hypno "awakening" where I watched a specific scene and realized it did things for me. I just sorta realized it through process of elimination with porn. As a result I looked at a lot of hypno manga and anime that I didn't know existed, starting with the more vanilla stuff. But as I found more niche stuff that suited my tastes better, I stopped getting that rush from shows with more regular hypnosis, like blank anime stuff. Occasionally though, that spark for the vanilla does reignite, but not as often anymore. Just depends on my mood I guess.
01/26/23 10:41AM
A simple thing that hit me hard recently was in the Rise of Skywalker. Rey mind tricks some storm troopers and Poe says "Do you think she does that to us". Just that short scene implied so much possibilities in a few seconds.

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