01/29/23 07:55PM
Code#089081075 deleted his images from pixiv
Can anyone translate what his message is?

I found his account from

if only i had saved some images

01/29/23 07:59PM
This also isn’t the first time this has happened to someone I followed on pixiv.
Senoudaisuki also deleted everything MC related 2 or so years ago.

Does anyone use a pixiv script that can save all the images of an account? and can recommend it?
01/29/23 08:06PM
The few thing I can interpret he's moving the content under a paywall, but I'm not sure if that's what the message really means.
01/29/23 09:34PM
some douche bags put his works for sale on some site, so he closed off his account, only let friends access to them. Pretty sad news.
01/29/23 09:44PM
So that's what happen, some people took their works and uploading them without credits? I hope the things get better for him.
01/30/23 12:54AM
MalloryMc314 said:
This also isn’t the first time this has happened to someone I followed on pixiv.
Senoudaisuki also deleted everything MC related 2 or so years ago.

Does anyone use a pixiv script that can save all the images of an account? and can recommend it?

There's an extension called Pixiv Toolkit that you can use to download those big galleries. The creator also made a program called Pixiv Omina that can download an entire user works, but I never tried using it.
01/30/23 03:49AM
Roughly translated it's something like the following:

Even whoring (?) has principles. It's not that you didn't credit me. If say you had only taken two or three pages per work, added a link to me, I wouldn't have cared much since you're just redirecting users to me. But you goodfellow (sarcastic) uploaded my entire work on Jan 15, every last page.

If you don't remove your upload over there I will just make my works friend-only. I don't care. Only a few people are civil enough anyways. Talking with these discussion-loving like-minded people isn't bad at all.

I'm not too sure about the translation on last lines. It's just saying they'll keep their works in their friend circle.

So the context is someone uploaded the entirety of one of Code's series in its entirety on a Chinese comic site (depicted in their post). I'm not linking it here but you can find it if you look hard enough. It isn't for sale (it's free to view) and there is credit, but Code is angry at someone uploading their content. As a result all of Code's works are now friends-only.

I'm not actually sure if the works are paywall'd, since the script for their work are still publicly available.
01/30/23 12:42PM
MalloryMc314 said:
Senoudaisuki also deleted everything MC related 2 or so years ago.

Still bummed out about that myself. Much like all the other greats they were gone too soon. Shame I couldn't save any of their works while I still had the chance.
02/01/23 01:50PM
I used that github script to pull their work and others. It works well enough and I've never had a real issue.
On a bright note I'm pretty sure I have all of Code's work (up until 1/24/23). My goal was to translate their work and others then share on here when ready. I started translating Kamen's work and I'd like to finish that before moving to Code's.
02/03/23 02:37AM
sandis said:
I used that github script to pull their work and others. It works well enough and I've never had a real issue.
On a bright note I'm pretty sure I have all of Code's work (up until 1/24/23). My goal was to translate their work and others then share on here when ready. I started translating Kamen's work and I'd like to finish that before moving to Code's.

I suggest you should tell Code about it, give him a notice of what you want to do, the man was a bit not too fond of having his work being uploaded in other places even when it's non profit. He said to me that he's fine with 2 to 3 pics uploaded, but not all of his comics.
02/03/23 03:35AM
I've... got translations for most of the three series, but have only really edited Doll Production and part of Doll Collection into something readable. (Thanks depression and a general lack of focus.) Mind you, I'm limited by what MTL can give me, and some would debate if that's really better than nothing at all though.

I reached out last week when this went down and urged temperance, but I also kinda understand how upsetting it can be when people take your stuff and do whatever with it when you've kindly asked them not to. Even if you put it out there ostensibly for free. So, hopefully something gives and we are eventually blessed with more glorious mind control tales, but only time will tell.
02/03/23 01:56PM
laststand0810 said:

I suggest you should tell Code about it, give him a notice of what you want to do, the man was a bit not too fond of having his work being uploaded in other places even when it's non profit. He said to me that he's fine with 2 to 3 pics uploaded, but not all of his comics.

yup, I was planning on reaching out and being upfront that it's not for profit, only translated so english speakers can enjoy his work, and refers back to him as the creator. That being said waiting 2-3 weeks is probably optimal given his current frustration.
02/21/23 06:50PM
sandis said:
I used that github script to pull their work and others. It works well enough and I've never had a real issue.
On a bright note I'm pretty sure I have all of Code's work (up until 1/24/23). My goal was to translate their work and others then share on here when ready. I started translating Kamen's work and I'd like to finish that before moving to Code's.

just to close the loop on this, I finished Kamen's work and I'm trying to upload it. First time uploading so bear with me. However, I did push the images into a pdf because it's more convenient that way for me and if anyone wants to download them, they're here.
03/31/23 11:00PM
Rather than start a new thread I thought I'd put this here since it is at least partially related. Despite the signs, I didn't make the connection that pr0n is illegal in Mainland China, and there have been some goings on with that recently.

HicceArs has been in "maintenance mode" for like a month, and only just came back the other day. There's a statement on the homepage about some Mainland-residing people who were publishing on there having been arrested. They claim it wasn't because of LGBT content, I've heard also that child porn was involved (real or not is unclear), but given that it's China, we'll never really know anyway.

All that is to say, if Code's stuff wound up on a directly China-accessible website, I can understand the extreme reaction of pulling all your content, because yeah...

A bit of coverage on the matter at the URL below. (I don't like linking to r/KotakuInAction, but they are seemingly the only ones who have mentioned this event in my limited searchings.)
04/04/23 08:16PM
lifmcs said:

HicceArs has been in "maintenance mode" for like a month, and only just came back the other day. There's a statement on the homepage about some Mainland-residing people who were publishing on there having been arrested. They claim it wasn't because of LGBT content, I've heard also that child porn was involved (real or not is unclear), but given that it's China, we'll never really know anyway.

well if that's the case then i think china's approach was way better than the way u.s and other countries deal with it or in the case of japan doesn't
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