02/02/23 06:57PM
original hypnohub character ideas
this is probably my most experimental post on the hub, but i wanted to see how many people like my oc idea for hypnohub, i had to change the character a couple of times until i settled into this version, and even rethink i why i was making this post in the fist place but my idea was.

a succubus maid with teal hair and purple eyes named sally that likes to use her succubus charm on her beloved master when she is really horny(and that happens fairly frequently) to which he doesn't really mind most of the time, she has a few screws loose and can lean into the yandere side if her ever increasing lust isn't taken care of.

so what do you think of this character.
i am gladly accepting ideas and criticism for both of them, as you can see they kinda of rough on the edges but nothing that can't be fixed

side note: i like to get other people's opinion on my stuff as i tend to be overly critical of my self and think everything i do is hot garbage
02/02/23 07:14PM
it looks good! she certainly sounds recognizable, which i think is important for an oc.
i guess my only real criticism of it would be that Sally is kind of a plain name for a demon that wants to drain people of their sexual energy, but i suppose that's up to personal taste.
02/02/23 08:13PM
loganblast39 said:
a demon that wants to drain people of their sexual energy, but i suppose that's up to personal taste.

yeah i actually have a fair bit of lore about that, you see i was being literal when i was talking about her "ever increasing lust" she does get in fact get progressively hornier overtime which causes the effects already described, the way make her "take the chill pill" is to have sex with her otherwise you're gonna have to face the consequences of negligencing your succubus maid, as for the sexual energy part she can also getting by kissing him and she calls it "mortal nectar" most likely because gets it from bulk of it from drinking cum

loganblast39 said:
i guess my only real criticism of it would be that Sally is kind of a plain name

oh c'mon give some credit, i had remake the character a couple of times before i settled into this, she was originally a ghost panda than a rat,slime girl, a robot and even a female clone called jigiyak, but i decided to scrap all of those ideas specially because 2 of them were borderline plagiarism of both my own oc and some other persons character, and even the final character is bit too similar to another character i have named alex, but what does this have to do with the name well... nothing i just settled on that name because i legit ran out of ideas as was writing the first post
02/02/23 09:46PM
continuing in this universe there's this recurring character serves a ""antagonist""

mika tsurugi is your average magical girl you know the deal a normal high schooler that finds a magical trinket(in this case a pair of bracelets) that can turn her into a super hero only this time with a twist, you see the bracelets are actually cursed so every time she put them on she enters a trance and switches to her super hero self called "pink menace" and in her white and pink skin tight suit she fights off evil in the name of justice... or so she thinks, what actually happens is she robs banks and wreaks havoc in the city and fights off the police that in her distorted view of reality are evil monsters that are causing chaos in the city, after her timer runs off her memories of said events get sealed away from her normal self and she only remembers of being a magical girl, now who exactly is puppeteering her every action while she is transformed into pink menace is unknown

now if people don't like this character than i don't what else you people will like

side note: while mika is hypnotized she has a more exaggerated and over the top version of her original personality speaking normally but throwing stuff like "must obey" "threat detected" "must defeat evil doers" and making zombie noises every so often, while not visible with her mask on she has a distant and glazed look as if she was sleeping and her body was moving on it own and while she refers to herself as "pink menace" she activates her transformation with "trance girl activate"
02/06/23 07:12AM
NGL, I find the second character (corrupted magical girl) significantly more original and interesting than the first idea ITT.
02/06/23 03:17PM
bullet said:
NGL, I find the second character (corrupted magical girl) significantly more original and interesting than the first idea ITT.

which is ironic, considering i just ripped off the whole concept from meet the pyro huh, i guess sometimes you have to blatantly plagiarize a character in order to be original
03/03/23 01:51AM
jigiyak said:
oh c'mon give some credit, i had remake the character a couple of times before i settled into this, she was originally a ghost panda than a rat,slime girl, a robot and even a female clone called jigiyak, but i decided to scrap all of those ideas specially because 2 of them were borderline plagiarism of both my own oc and some other persons character, and even the final character is bit too similar to another character i have named alex, but what does this have to do with the name well... nothing i just settled on that name because i legit ran out of ideas as was writing the first post

Well, one option would always be to make Sally a nickname or abbreviation of something more succubus-y. Plus, since we're talking demons, it's pretty common lore that they have a true name that give those who know it some amount of power over them, so it'd be something they'd want to not reveal.
06/06/23 02:05AM
so i just an idea for some characters that i don't know i'm gomna use them but i know if i am going to, they are more like a race then actual characters, but i my idea is to make some characters that behave and look like humans but they aren't exactly humans.

because their eyes are made of glass their skin is synthetic and made of some unknown material that unless someone told you it's not real no one would be the wiser, their mouths is where it gets weird and dips into the uncanny valley because their front teeth are made of plastic but their molars and back teeth are made of metal and tongues are oddly dry since they don't salivate they have doll joints but that's just visual and doesn't exist canonically, they still cry with tears and all that they just don't salivate or sweat, they also don't NEED to(that's an important distinction) drink or eat but they still need to sleep,

i am thinking of calling them replicants

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