02/07/23 07:33PM
PSA: Uploading the highest quality images from Pixiv and Twitter
If you're posting images to the hub, it's important to take the time to obtain the highest quality and resolution version of the image you can find. Websites will shrink and compress images to save bandwidth and fit their layouts. But this introduces artifacting, and the shrunken version will look much worse on larger screens. If this version is what's posted to the Hub, that's bad for a variety of reasons. While a bad image can eventually be replaced with the correct version, it's infinitely better to do things right from the beginning.

It's a little different with every websites. Here's how to obtain the best image from Twitter and Pixiv.

A 'bad' file from Pixiv will have a filename that ends in "_master1200.jpg". To get the full size to save, click the image to zoom in and go into gallery mode. Example: <-- A pixiv image post (nsfw)
105058893_p0_master1200.jpg <-- shrunken resolution, the bad version of the iamge. Do NOT upload this to the Hub.
105058893_p0.png <-- the original image. DO save and upload this.

Twitter creates several versions of each file. When looking at an images URL, you need to replace the name at the end with "orig" to get the best version
Example: <-- A twitter image post (NSFW) <-- The image shrunken to fit a twitter feed. Note "small" is in the url. Do NOT upload this to the hub! <-- The original. Note the significantly larger resolution
02/07/23 07:40PM
hear, hear!
seems like a lot of people don't know this and just post images the size of friggin postage stamps, or just look like garbage when you zoom in.
02/07/23 07:58PM
For pixiv you can also rightclick > save link as to bypass having to zoom in and load the full-size image.

For twitter I recommend the Twitter View Original Images extension for chrome, it also works when you visit to see if an image is from twitter (but someone directly uploaded it to discord or the like) so you can immediately grab the correct version.
02/08/23 03:30AM
Detour said:
For twitter I recommend the Twitter View Original Images extension for chrome, it also works when you visit to see if an image is from twitter (but someone directly uploaded it to discord or the like) so you can immediately grab the correct version.

Oh i have that extension, its really usefull.

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