02/16/23 07:05PM
so... about the last post
what are your thoughts on the "mallow" western controversy, btw i'm posting this on the forums right now before things go to shit in the that certain post
i already gave my opnion so now want to hears yours
02/16/23 08:25PM
Nothing burger. I prefer traditional gender types in my games but I don't really care about the pokemon system. I didn't even know about it till that post. Also I don't think this is going to be nearly as volatile as the Bridget situation. This is just... yeah. It's there ig. It's political, but it's not going to cause a fundamental breakdown of the tagging system like the Bridget stuff did.
02/16/23 09:25PM
It's ridiculous. "Boy" and "Girl" being changed to "Type A" and "Type B" is a purely cosmetic change that most players will only encounter a whopping amount of 1 time throughout an entire playthrough. Anyone who pretends that it's "colonialism" at the hands of "western ethics departments" has just completely lost the plot, and are only able to analyze things based on whether they're "woke" or "unwoke."

Whatever controversy Bluemyst34 is referring to regarding tagging in the wake of Bridget becoming a trans woman is unfamiliar to me. Suffice it to say that I don't think a barely-noticeable change in the nomenclature of character customization in Japanese games will be enough to cause some kind of shitstorm on how tagging works on the site.
02/16/23 09:36PM
Rocky said:
Whatever controversy Bluemyst34 is referring to regarding tagging in the wake of Bridget becoming a trans woman is unfamiliar to me. Suffice it to say that I don't think a barely-noticeable change in the nomenclature of character customization in Japanese games will be enough to cause some kind of shitstorm on how tagging works on the site.

Don't want to open the pandora box, but I could at least explain what happened. Basically there was an issue with the male/female tags, since the hub use the "what you see" rule, so you usually tag the body (even if the character have a psychical transformation like a sexswap, the character is trans, the character is non binary, etc), but some people started tagging Bridget pics as femsub/femdom and that was an issue with lesbians and cis males with malesub/dom blacklisted because they don't like to see dicks on the main page and other people that want to use fem tags for Bridget. That scalated in a lot of discussions, people insulting others and a lot of problems in both sides.

We have a trans tag now, so the things were solved, but it's better don't talk about the Bridget drama in order to avoid open the pandora box again.
02/16/23 10:03PM
IDPet said:
Don't want to open the pandora box, but I could at least explain what happened. Basically there was an issue with the male/female tags, since the hub use the "what you see" rule, so you usually tag the body (even if the character have a psychical transformation like a sexswap, the character is trans, the character is non binary, etc), but some people started tagging Bridget pics as femsub/femdom and that was an issue with lesbians and cis males with malesub/dom blacklisted because they don't like to see dicks on the main page and other people that want to use fem tags for Bridget. That scalated in a lot of discussions, people insulting others and a lot of problems in both sides.

We have a trans tag now, so the things were solved, but it's better don't talk about the Bridget drama in order to avoid
open the pandora box again.

this whole shitstorm happened overnight while i was sleeping so i had no ideia that happened, and yeah it's easier to pet a cactus than to talk about trans people on the internet
02/16/23 10:16PM
IDPet said:

We have a trans tag now, so the things were solved, but it's better don't talk about the Bridget drama in order to avoid open the pandora box again.

Yeah sorry for bringing that up but it felt relevant since this is about controversy. Anyways yeah this is nowhere near as bad. In fact I think most people have already moved on and comments have already died out on the pic.
02/16/23 11:40PM
I wouldn't take any drama created by Dimitri as relevant.

He also was one of the people complaining about Bridget's transition based on pure misinformation, so it's kinda related in a sense I guess.

Shouldn't affect the hub anyways.
02/17/23 01:09AM
Frankly i'm surprised this needed a thread to begin with.
02/17/23 05:40AM
Argonis said:
Frankly i'm surprised this needed a thread to begin with.

I'm not against healthy discussion about art and artists and other creative forces (especially in a place that's not the actual art post) and how this one force in particular needs to be shoved in a locker.

But also part of me is like "we have a vent thread for this don't we?"
02/17/23 12:41PM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
But also part of me is like "we have a vent thread for this don't we?"

so i was skimming through the vent thread, and i'm 200% certain this wouldn't be able to be posted there
02/18/23 03:16AM
Considering the increasing amounts of... liberties that some translators are taking with games like the latest Fire Emblem I do think they deserve more scrutiny.
02/18/23 05:28AM
Euronet said:
Considering the increasing amounts of... liberties that some translators are taking with games like the latest Fire Emblem I do think they deserve more scrutiny.

Why, because people suddenly realized that slang exists?
02/18/23 07:41AM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
Euronet said:
Considering the increasing amounts of... liberties that some translators are taking with games like the latest Fire Emblem I do think they deserve more scrutiny.

Why, because people suddenly realized that slang exists?

There's a line between "Woolseyisms" and the more... odious translations being used and called faithful.

There's a point where you aren't even translating to make things sound better to an audience because something cannot translate well, and then there's just making things up.
02/18/23 08:20AM
Euronet said:
Considering the increasing amounts of... liberties that some translators are taking with games like the latest Fire Emblem I do think they deserve more scrutiny.

Yeah, they took the liberty of removing the child grooming from it. Good.
02/18/23 08:35AM
I would prefer it as close as possible to the original to be honest regardless.
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