02/21/23 10:14PM
Hypno, brainwash or mind alteration that makes victims laugh, euphoric or extremely happy?
Hello everyone, I was wondering if some of you knew scenes where anythign (a gas, hypno, a brainwashign device, a virus, magic etc ...) altered, hypnotized or brainwashed one or more victims to make them laughor feel extremely euphoric/happy even in a context where they definitely shouldn't.

I can list a few example such as ep 11 of the japanese anime ninku where a girl is breathing a flower's scent that makes her laugh loudly and feel extremely happy.

Or ep 139 of keroro gunsou where a character who has an unique way to laugh caught a virus that makes any infected person mentally and constantly obsessed by the urge to laugh exactly like him.

Thanks in advance for your help ^^
02/21/23 10:51PM
This is Joker gas innit
02/22/23 07:01PM
Thanks but yeah I should have mentioned I was aware of the Joker's gas since it's very famous. But still, thanks for your participation
02/22/23 07:45PM
This is 100% my jam. Let me go through my collection and see what I can find!
02/23/23 01:07AM
There is a series on YouTube called Analysis Anarchy. It is an animated series where a bunch of people from the mlp analysis community get together to play TF2. They go through an arc where each person discovers their "super form."
In the two-part episode, "I'm the Finngerbread Man", Finn discovers his super form. He transforms into a living gingerbread man. In this form he has the power to infuse the feeling of the sweet warmth of a fresh baked cookie into someone's heart by giving them a hug.
At first he thinks it's great to see everyone happy and getting along. Then he realizes that he's turned his friends into cheerful zombies who are oblivious to danger AND HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TI TURN THEM BACK!
02/23/23 11:36AM
Treacherous said:
This is 100% my jam. Let me go through my collection and see what I can find!

Oh nice! that's really cool to see other persons who are into rare stuff like that. As I checked my own collection I found some more scenes that might please you.

In episode 15 of code lyoko a (a french animated serie) an informatic virus took control of a (literally) cloud of laughing gas and spends most of the episode chasing after the 4 main characters to force them to laugh thanks to the laughing gas. The episode can be found on youtube and is called "laughing fit" in english and "crise de rire" in french (if you wish to listen to the french dub). I'm pretty sure more languages are available on youtube. Good new (for us but not for heroes ^^): at different points in the episode each of the main characters is affected and will laugh out loud even if they know they shouldn't (too bad the group's nerd is only laughing for like 2 seconds but it's still better than nothing).

In a japanese anime named "peter pan no bouken" in episode 46 Curly (one of the lost boys) is affected by a magic from Tinker Bell. She didn't curse him or anything, he just wanted to be affected by a magic that'd make him irresistibly funny. The result of that magic? Curly is constantly altering everyone's sense of humor (their brains interpret ANYTHING he says (even a simple "hello!") as if it was the funniest thing ever). Each time he speaks, his friends just roll on the floor unable to do anything else than laugh like idiots and think their friend Curly is just the best and the funniest person in the world. The hot part of that episode is that even if they are in danger (for example if wild animals or Hook's pirates are around) if they recently heard Curly speak they'll keep laughing instead of running away from danger. Unfortunately he can't prevent that anymore. At one point Peter almost died due to an animal while he laughed and pirates easily captured everyone (except Curly) because they were laughing like idiots instead of preventing that to happen (it is very possible their brains don't even interpret anything that happens to them as a bad thing as long as they're laughing because of the spell's effects). The other hot part of that is that even Tinker Bell in person can be affected by her own magic and when Curly asks for her help she laughs instead of helping him! Later Curly managed ton infiltrate the Hook's ship and steal keys to deliver everyone but as soon as he spoke, instead of using keys to release themself the whole gang laughs even while they're imprisoned. The episode's title is "curly's laugh"

Amazing Spiez is a spin-off of totally spies, it happens in the exact same universe as totally spies (for example the main characters of amazing spiez also work for Jerry (the boss of spies)). The main characters are a bunch 4 young siblings and:

- in episode 7 (9 for the french version) named "operation break-out" at 15 min something or 16 min something, they're in the villain's lair and they fall into a laughing gas trap: floating balloons surround them and explode releasing the laughing gas inside them. ALL of the 4 main characters are affected and start to laugh while another trap is activated. Of course since they breathed the gas they laugh instead of escaping the trap.

- in episode 17 of season 2 named "funny" bone. They stupidly attack the episode's antagonist (a clown) frontally without any sort of preparation. Naturally the clown easily defeats them by using a gas that makes them laugh. One of the main character while laughing says it feels like the dentist's laughing gas but the clown reveals it's not a mere laughing gas but some sort of super laughing gas he made. Normal laughing gas would only have temporary effects but this gas NEVER leaves the body as long as the victim isn't cured which makes victims laugh even after they're already far away from the gas' source. The clown then traps them in a cage while they're laughing and laves. They escape the cage (still while laughing) and go in their vehicle to catch the clown but they're still laughing, unfortunately (for us) Jerry sends them the cure and they cease to laugh at that point. Funnily enough this laughing scene also happens around 15 min something.

in episode 4 of "Dororon Enma-kun Meeramera" (2011), main characters are mentally trapped in dream world controlled by a cat like creature while their bodies are taken to be turned into monsters. The problem is that this weird world has effects on their minds: instead of trying to escape it or worry about the situation, the world affects their behavior to make them laugh, dance and fool around instead of solving the problem. Even after one of them use a power to reveal what's happening in the real world (they KNOW their bodies are in danger) and even if they have some moments of clarity the dream world quickly "corrects" their behavior and they start to fool around again.

I hope you liked these scenes ^^
02/23/23 11:37AM
anonymind said:
There is a series on YouTube called Analysis Anarchy. It is an animated series where a bunch of people from the mlp analysis community get together to play TF2. They go through an arc where each person discovers their "super form."
In the two-part episode, "I'm the Finngerbread Man", Finn discovers his super form. He transforms into a living gingerbread man. In this form he has the power to infuse the feeling of the sweet warmth of a fresh baked cookie into someone's heart by giving them a hug.
At first he thinks it's great to see everyone happy and getting along. Then he realizes that he's turned his friends into cheerful zombies who are oblivious to danger AND HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TI TURN THEM BACK!

Thanks a lot for that one! You sure know some obscure stuff: I never heard of that before! That double ep seems pretty hot by my standards: I love the fact things gets out of control very quickly ^^
Thank you again for the help!
02/23/23 03:16PM
Haven't had TOO much time to look, but The Batman cartoon had an episode called Joker Express where as opposed to gas, Joker used subliminals and flickering lights on a subway to hypnotize passengers into committing heists for him. At one point Batgirl is discussing the case with Robin, starts giggling, then can't help herself from breaking into hysterical laughter.
02/23/23 03:33PM
Treacherous said:
Haven't had TOO much time to look, but The Batman cartoon had an episode called Joker Express where as opposed to gas, Joker used subliminals and flickering lights on a subway to hypnotize passengers into committing heists for him. At one point Batgirl is discussing the case with Robin, starts giggling, then can't help herself from breaking into hysterical laughter.

Thanks a lot! I remember that ep! it was really hot ^^. Don't worry, take your time to browse your collection. Meanwhile ... I think you'll love when you'll read your messages ^^
02/25/23 09:21PM
This hits a little bit loopier than the usual love spell.
02/26/23 12:47AM
Treacherous said:
This hits a little bit loopier than the usual love spell.

It def works! Thanks for showing that to me. Also feel free to reply to the PM I sent. I'm curious to hear your thoughts about what I shared
02/26/23 12:31PM
In the hindi cartoon keymon ache in the episode called "gussa nako" the main character mom gets angry for silly reasons so keymon (is like an indian doraemon) gives him a powder that makes the person who smell it happy, he uses in his mother and it works, so he later uses it in his teacher and his bully, later when the effect of the powder was getting stronger the mother starts to sing and dance and after that everyone that had smell the powder starts to laugh uncontrollably. Unfortunately the episode is not in english.
02/27/23 03:30AM
Thanks a lot! You def know some awesome eps! Do you know where I might watch or download that ep? I didn't manage to find anything. Also I may upload mega links myself so people can enjoy more eps where people are laughing, feeling happy due to brainwash, mind alteration etc ...

Thank you again for the ep Trafalgar and if I find any ep or scene you may like I'll immediately inform you ^^
02/27/23 05:15AM
Here is the link of the episode.

Thank you
02/27/23 06:36AM
Thanks a lot for your effort!s this is was certainly not easy to find it!
PS: I may have nice things for you in PMs depending if you like what I mentioned or note ^^
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