05/19/23 05:51AM
Salazzle blurb/caption, free to a good home
So, first time forum posting, and not sure if this is something that should go here. If it's not, I apologize, and will take it down.

I wrote a spicy first person Salazzle blurb on a whim awhile back, and figured I'd post it here. Feel free to use it as inspiration, for a manip of your own, etc.

You hear the door creak open behind you, and as you turn, you're met with the sight of her head poking through the door frame. As soon as her eyes land on you, that lazy, predatory smile steals over her muzzle, and she pushes open the door at a deliberate crawl. You look around frantically, searching for an escape, but of course, you find none. You never do when she decides to come for you. For all you know, she's planned this all out in advance.

Still, as she saunters toward you, you at least make an attempt to back away. You don't want to be easy prey. Of course, what you want, and what you do, are two entirely different things, as you seem to be having trouble controlling your limbs. They're moving, sure, but it feels as though you're trying to back away through quicksand. Your body fights back with every movement, and even at her leisurely pace, she easily catches up with you.

You should be able to resist as she reaches up and pulls on your collar. Pokemon may be stronger pound for pound, but you're at least twice her height and four times her weight. Muscle to muscle, you know can beat her. That fact makes it no less easy for her to pull you down to her level. She regards you with sultry eyes for a few moments before nuzzling a cheek against yours. She then takes a deep breath, and softly blows in your face.

A pink, stifling haze descends over the world, clouding over everything except her. By comparison, she seems to stand out against the fog like a beacon. She's so beautiful. She's so incredible. She's so cute and sexy and fun and wonderful, and you're full of tingles and butterflies just being around her.

You barely notice as she pulls your collar, leading you to a chair. You know you're smiling like a fool, but how could you not?! You're here with her, and more than that, you know what she wants. She wants you, and you're happy, so, so very happy, to give her what she wants.

Your body responds automatically as heat and pressure blossom between your legs, something not lost on her. She slides her tongue along her lips appreciatively, giving your groin a lingering squeeze, before pushing your head back and carefully climbing up your body. With a thrill, you feel her tail wrap around your neck before worming its way under your shirt, where it begins sliding along your chest. That sensation is utterly eclipsed, however, as she spreads her legs and clasps them around your head, pulling you into her most sacred, alluring place.

Everything fades around you but the heat of her body, the slickness of her flesh, and the impossible weight of her sweet, all-consuming scent. You feel as though you're high on her. Living on her. Drowning in her. She is everything you've ever wanted and needed, and right now, what she wants from you is very simple.

And so, as the good toy you are, you begin to lick.

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