05/31/23 08:01PM
About JohnGallin
So there is this john gallin guy, who apperently went on the forums to ask people to rp with them for "charity"
Well i did.
And it turns out, "charity" is it's fetish which is fine, but my experience with this guy ended up a bit negative, to put it blundly, i am afraid that i almost got scamed
So this guy messaged me in the sites dm's and seemed like a genuine guy who just wanted to erp, i gladly accepted the request not knowing about him and he would then direct me to email, still i noticed nothing weird about him, and then in the emails he begin to act a bit strange, this is where he just started to go on and off about charity and also his writing stlye was weird for me, lot's of repeats and uncoherent sentences, he started to look a bit sketchy
After we ironed out a few rp details he redirected me AGAIN but this time to google chat, then as the rp went on he seemed more and more weird, especially here he constatly repeated himself how he wants my charater(which for him i made into a female fox called violet) to go on donation websites
Then the rp ended and he said that it's "your turn"
I became even more confused then how much i was already, we didn't spoke a word about a "your turn", and then the last straw happened, he then send me a bunch of charity websites and wanted me, the IRL me to donate to these websites
Well let's just say that
1.I currently have a already tight bank account and i don't like to spend money on things i don't feel sure about
2.He said things about chairty, asked me if i liked charity and i did play into that because i didn't wanted to hurt the poor guy but NEVER specified me that then my payment is gonna be me being his donation sugar daddy
He even started to refer to me as my charater outside of the rp and tried to get me to donate
Long story short i am fucking afraid now and i have no idea what to do, can any of you guys help me sort this out?
Also consider this post as a "warning" about john, this is what most likely gonna happen if anybody else tries to rp with him
Sorry but my autistic brain just has no idea how i should react to this...
05/31/23 08:07PM
sorry to offend people
05/31/23 08:09PM
Honestly, that sounds like a scamm, you simply don't give suspicious link with a bunch of charity pages, and I hope you didn't clic in any of that.

I'm always the kind of paranoid person with these kind of links, it could be nothing, but it's better to be sure.
05/31/23 08:10PM
please formally join a charity. even if you don't like me
05/31/23 08:14PM
IDPet said:
Honestly, that sounds like a scamm, you simply don't give suspicious link with a bunch of charity pages, and I hope you didn't clic in any of that.

I'm always the kind of paranoid person with these kind of links, it could be nothing, but it's better to be sure.

They didn't seemed legit at all, so no...
05/31/23 08:15PM
please visit some charity websites. even if you don't like me personally
05/31/23 09:15PM
holy fuck i knew gtp4 was good but damn openai didn't said anything about it being able to acquire consciousness and beg people to join charities
05/31/23 09:16PM
I am not a robot. I have autism.
05/31/23 09:22PM
JohnGallin said:
I am not a robot. I have autism.

me too bud, but unlike me and ars99 you seem to lack any trace amount of self awareness, which makes you look like a weirdo rather than someone with autism
05/31/23 09:22PM
JohnGallin said:
please visit some charity websites. even if you don't like me personally

Dude, I understand that you care about charity and want people to donate, but it's really inappropriate to try and force or manipulate people into doing it. Trying to pressure people into surrendering their money, even if for a good cause, is morally wrong (funny to mention here since this is a site for hypnosis fetishists, but that's fiction! This is reality!)

If YOU really care a lot about charity, you can help without messing with other people: you could donate your OWN money, or do some volunteer work for a nonprofit.
05/31/23 10:33PM
I got curious and searched up his name on twitter and yeah. This guy's notorious in some circles from what I can see. Just search for "Charity transformation" or ""Charity transformation guy" on twitter and you get some very odd stuff
05/31/23 10:37PM
He gave me links to the following sites:

And he spammed links to this site specifically

Does any of you know if any of this is dangerous?
05/31/23 10:42PM
I can vouch for it. they raise money for charity. think American pocket change
05/31/23 10:45PM
bugmenot said:
I got curious and searched up his name on twitter and yeah. This guy's notorious in some circles from what I can see. Just search for "Charity transformation" or ""Charity transformation guy" on twitter and you get some very odd stuff

What exactly is "charity transformation" here in this context?

Like you a person transforming into a salvation army building or something?
05/31/23 10:48PM
something like that. or a priceless statue. or a service animal. or a dairy cow. or a cart horse
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