06/06/23 01:51AM
just had an ideia for a new eye type
has anyone thought of giving mindbroken characters shattered eyes, like their eyes are made out of glass, and try tell oh "that's unrealistic" or "that would look weird" because the same thing could be said abiut heart eyes
06/06/23 07:02PM
I don't know if I'm getting the best mental image of what you're describing. Wouldn't something like that look more like "lightning/electric" eyes?
06/06/23 08:53PM
you know when you toss a battery at a glass and it cracks, that's what I'm talking about
06/08/23 03:48AM
Another way to look at it, is webbing. As cracks/shatters often have a bit of a webbed look.

.... I might use that in a thing with Anya. Because damn, that'd fit.
06/08/23 04:20AM
I think, for hypnosis that involves music, a musical note in eye.

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