06/22/23 04:22PM
"Child posts"?!
I want to replace a few pics I've posted and collected in a Pool, but I can't figure out how to flag them as "child posts" to avoid shitting up the catalogue. How I do that? ;-;
06/22/23 05:28PM
Under the intended child post image, click edit. Under "Parent", paste in the post number of the intended parent post then save changes.
06/23/23 03:06AM
If you already have them in a pool, isn't making them child posts of each other redundant? I'm pretty sure you can control which ones show up in the index just by ticking a box.
06/23/23 04:01AM
anonymind said:
If you already have them in a pool, isn't making them child posts of each other redundant? I'm pretty sure you can control which ones show up in the index just by ticking a box.

Child posts are the only way to hide something from the index now.

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