06/29/23 01:58AM
Examples of official/canon bimbofication?
so i know there are numerous examples of writers managing to get their fetishes into stories but i was wondering if their are any examples of official examples of bimbofication in media? i wouldn't be suspired if there aren't but it'd still be nice to know.
06/29/23 03:02AM
I can't believe I'm actually replying in a thread like this but, does that episode of Ozzy and Drix in season 2 episode 1 where Ozzy got trapped in Christine's body and slowly morphed into a female cell count?

I mean, he went back to normal by season 2 episode 2 but I just thought I'd mention it.
06/29/23 11:06AM
does the end of chicken little count where this tomboy girl gets transformed into a proper lady.
06/29/23 03:18PM
Well, this is treated as an unambiguously bad thing, but this is pretty much the entire plot of stepford wives. Basically, all the women of Stepford become completely subservient to their husbands, with the exact method changing in each version. But it's not really sexy, more of a satire on the whole concept of the traditional housewife role, and how it reduces women to robots that do nothing but cook, clean, and make babies. Stepford wives takes that and makes it literal.
06/29/23 05:49PM
It's not flat out bimbofication but Susan in El Goonish Shive recently used a magic spell to "turn off" her mind a bit to help de-stress after a hard day.
06/30/23 05:07AM
Eerie Cuties had an entire subplot about this. The artist also had to edit a strip later as a result to edit out two characters making out.
06/30/23 08:24AM
There is the Dragon's lair comic that explains why Daphne is such a ditz/ bimboey, Singe the dragon traps her in the little crystal ball thing that Dirk has to save her from. she had be a go getter self confident action princess, but Singe puts her in that skimpy outfit and in that ball and it slowly drains her brain a bit so she's all goofy princess by the time Dirk saves her later

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