06/30/23 09:27PM
Speech mannerism/verbal tic modification via mind alteration?
Hello everyone! I was curious to know if you knew scenes/eps of anime or manga chapters where one or several characters get a speech mannerism or verbal tic due to a mind alteration (which can be trigger by anything: virus, gas, hypno, tech, pheromones, brainwashing, curse etc ...).

Bonus if it's contagious or something that becomes trendy.

An example of that comes to my mind is one of the episode of season 2 of vampire dies in no time where a vampire hypnotizes everyone to constantly say the word "wee wee" which becomes trendy.

Thanks in advance for your replies ^^
06/30/23 09:55PM
in the Powerpuff girls reboot there's a character that i don't remember the name that mind controls buttercup with a purple beaded collar into having a redneck accent
06/30/23 10:01PM
This is completely out of left field, but it's the only one I can think of:

It's a old nukige visual novel where protagonist gets some magical power and proceeds to go around mind controlling everyone. He makes the blonde witch add a 'nyaa' to the end of all her sentences. I think it might have been only for one scene.
06/30/23 11:11PM
The first example that comes to my mind is the "L33t Hamm3r Broz." from Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time. Two Koopa soldiers who were brainwashed by alien invaders and, for some reason, made to speak in the style of early-2000's forum trolls.
06/30/23 11:27PM
jigiyak said:
in the Powerpuff girls reboot there's a character that i don't remember the name that mind controls buttercup with a purple beaded collar into having a redneck accent

Thanks a lot! it definitely sounds promising! Another example that comes to mind is ep 20e of saiki kusuo no psi-nan where everyone becomes obsessed (due to a form of society manipulation via reality warping) by the idea of pronouncing number "100" as often as possible.

And by "reboot" you mean "powerpuff girls z" right?
06/30/23 11:42PM
manjumemajeur said:
jigiyak said:
in the Powerpuff girls reboot there's a character that i don't remember the name that mind controls buttercup with a purple beaded collar into having a redneck accent

And by "reboot" you mean "powerpuff girls z" right?

i would assume they mean the 2016 reboot on cartoon network
06/30/23 11:59PM
nisantis said:
The first example that comes to my mind is the "L33t Hamm3r Broz." from Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time. Two Koopa soldiers who were brainwashed by alien invaders and, for some reason, made to speak in the style of early-2000's forum trolls.

Really love the idea of that. In a way it reminds me of an ep of 'nurse witch komugi-chan" (the first one) where people are infected by a virus that transforms them physically and mentally and they talk like people from the itnernet form the 2000's too
07/01/23 12:00AM
loganblast39 said:
manjumemajeur said:
jigiyak said:
in the Powerpuff girls reboot there's a character that i don't remember the name that mind controls buttercup with a purple beaded collar into having a redneck accent

And by "reboot" you mean "powerpuff girls z" right?

i would assume they mean the 2016 reboot on cartoon network

Thanks for telling me! NGL that def sound interesting!
07/01/23 09:07PM
This is more for the sake of curiosity since it's not very accessible to most people, but the changing of speech mannerisms or verbal tics is pretty common in Japanese, especially with brainwashing. The "depth" of the subject is often tied to how formally they speak so a character who might normally respond with "yeah" might instead respond with "yes, I understand." Brainwashing, especially full "rewiring" of the brain often ends up both audibly and visually changing a character's tone of voice from using hiragana/kanji (standard Japanese writing style) to partial or full katakana (normally used for loanwords, SFX, emphasis, etc.). This is similar to dialogue font changing into a mono-spaced font or all caps. I think this stuff is super interesting so I'm writing a post about it, though it's not finished yet. When that comes around, I hope you'll find it enjoyable.
07/02/23 05:13AM
I remember there was an season 2 episode of MLP called The Cutie Pox. Applejack's little sister, Apple Bloom tries to use a magic flower to get a cutie mark.
It works too well.
She gets a disease called cutie pox that causes cutie marks to break put all over her body that force her to preform the associated talent. At one point, when a Fleur-de-lis appears, Apple Bloom cannot stop speaking French.
There's an episode of My Life As a Teenager Robot where Jenny takes a mission in Japan. She loads her Japanese language disk so she can talk to the locals. A hard knock to the head causes her English language disk to eject. So when she returns to America, she finds that she suddenly doesn't know English anymore and is stuck speaking Japanese.
Of course, there is that classic episode of Dexter's Laboratory where he accidentally brainwashed himself so that the only thing he can say is "Omelette du Fromage".
07/03/23 10:04AM
anonymind said:
I remember there was an season 2 episode of MLP called The Cutie Pox. Applejack's little sister, Apple Bloom tries to use a magic flower to get a cutie mark.
It works too well.
She gets a disease called cutie pox that causes cutie marks to break put all over her body that force her to preform the associated talent. At one point, when a Fleur-de-lis appears, Apple Bloom cannot stop speaking French.
There's an episode of My Life As a Teenager Robot where Jenny takes a mission in Japan. She loads her Japanese language disk so she can talk to the locals. A hard knock to the head causes her English language disk to eject. So when she returns to America, she finds that she suddenly doesn't know English anymore and is stuck speaking Japanese.
Of course, there is that classic episode of Dexter's Laboratory where he accidentally brainwashed himself so that the only thing he can say is "Omelette du Fromage".

Thanks a lot for mentioning these 3 eps! Each of them looks really promising in it's own right ^^
As usual you come up with excellent suggestions ^^
07/03/23 10:12AM
themy said:
This is more for the sake of curiosity since it's not very accessible to most people, but the changing of speech mannerisms or verbal tics is pretty common in Japanese, especially with brainwashing. The "depth" of the subject is often tied to how formally they speak so a character who might normally respond with "yeah" might instead respond with "yes, I understand." Brainwashing, especially full "rewiring" of the brain often ends up both audibly and visually changing a character's tone of voice from using hiragana/kanji (standard Japanese writing style) to partial or full katakana (normally used for loanwords, SFX, emphasis, etc.). This is similar to dialogue font changing into a mono-spaced font or all caps. I think this stuff is super interesting so I'm writing a post about it, though it's not finished yet. When that comes around, I hope you'll find it enjoyable.

NGL I'm really interested by that subject so I wonder how your post will look like once it'll be finished ^^.
If I may add another example (btw I hope the ones me and others gave good examples that you might not know even if you seem to have solid knowledge regarding that), ep 18 of keroro gunsou is very interesting because Natsumi is affected by a device that makes her constantly talk (not in terms of voice but purely in terms of speech mannerism and all) like old men and also she constantly say "old men jokes" (the type of which only old men say). At one point someone modifies the settings of what's affecting her so she starts to speak with an american accent and constantly says american jokes that are irresistibly funny to americans.

Also in the same logic, in ep 130 of yokai watch the MC's parents look and behave like americans and say english words in their japanese sentences and they have an american accent (it happens only at the very beginning though).

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