07/19/23 03:01AM
Real Hypno VS. RP Hypno
So, color me curious, but I was wondering how many people on the hub are actually interested in the real aspect of erotic hypnosis, or moreso the roleplay aspect of it.

Either is fine, and I've personally done both, I just wanted to see where the hub leaned with this one.
07/19/23 11:05PM
to be completely honest with you, real hypno bores me to bits rp hypno on the hand can be quite engaging as preffer the more magical side of hypno
07/19/23 11:44PM
jigiyak said:
to be completely honest with you, real hypno bores me to bits rp hypno on the hand can be quite engaging as preffer the more magical side of hypno

Agreed, Common Sense Change Roleplay is a lot more engaging when the Sub puts effort in.
07/20/23 12:05AM
Roleplay for Me
07/20/23 05:04AM
I think these words have a lot of extra associations with them that end up putting a proverbial thumb on the scale aside from just comparing the two ideas straight-up.

I myself like a good real hypnosis. There's a bit of a Stupid Human Trick aspect that really works when you have the right two (or more) people in a scene.
07/20/23 05:32AM
I'm a huge fan of doing hypno RP, but then, for purposes of enjoyment, trying your hardest to actually think and believe the things your dom tells you. When you willingly suspend your reason and think whatever you're told to think, it becomes "real", and that's really fun.

One of my most fun RPs ever was pretending I had to repeat and believe whatever she said, as I got into it it got so real that I actually ping'd, I definitely recommend it.
07/22/23 07:56AM
I know actual hypnosis and use it regularly with my S.O. However, I believe we are in the severe minority here, as most people on the hub are here for fantasy and kink, not for real experiences.
Not that I find anything wrong with it, but that's just the perception I've gathered over the years.
08/10/23 12:30AM
I love real hypnosis. RP can be fun as well, however the feelings around real hypnosis just feel so addicting and tempting to me.
08/10/23 01:41AM
I mean as a long-term hypno-sub I'd be kinda miserable without real hypno XD

Nothing beats melting into trance for a good while, it takes so much of the weight off me, I forget my anxiety for a while, and I can just float with someone. It's really special, intimate and I don't think I'd cope without it these days ^^;
08/31/23 05:22AM
I enjoy reading and writing hypno fics but I also really enjoy performing actual hypnosis with girls. My hope is to one day to do a group trance for cosplayers and have it get naughty XD

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