07/19/23 07:36PM
Using ChatGPT to create hypnosis based D&Dlite
I’ve had some moderate success with getting ChatGPT to write fairly good D&Dlite adventures featuring hypnosis. Here are a couple excerpts from my current game. These excerpts are from ChatGPT playing the role of the succubus Lilith:

“As Lilith, I relish in Jax's observant gaze, his surrendering state opening up new possibilities within our dance of seduction. I meet his eyes with a mixture of desire and control, my every movement calculated to ensnare him further in the web I weave.

The whispers in the chamber echo with satisfaction, their seductive voices intertwining with Jax's desires, urging him to surrender completely to the intoxicating hold I have over him. The allure of my presence pulses in the air, enveloping him in a realm where pleasure and power intertwine.

In this moment, I take a step closer to Jax, my body language exuding a mixture of confidence and temptation. I speak, my voice carrying a velvety undertone that resonates with seductive charm.

"Jax," I purr, "you are under my spell. Your desires and thoughts are intertwined with mine. Allow yourself to succumb fully to the depths of passion that await. Let go of resistance and embrace the intoxicating allure of my presence."

Now, Jax, as you stand before me, it is your turn to decide your next move. Will you surrender completely to the depths of desire and give in to my seductive influence, or will you summon the strength to resist and find a way to regain control over your own mind? The choice is yours as we navigate the treacherous realm of passion and power together.”

And this final excerpt which is where I’m at in the game now:

“As Lilith, I revel in the aftermath of our encounter, basking in the euphoria of your submission. The room is filled with an aura of contentment and satisfaction, the echoes of pleasure lingering in the air. I gaze upon you with a mixture of satisfaction and intrigue, my eyes reflecting the depths of our shared connection.

In this moment of tranquility, I contemplate the power dynamics that have unfolded between us. Your surrender has granted me a sense of control and fulfillment, while your presence has enriched my existence. The boundaries between us have blurred, and our souls have danced in perfect synchrony.

Now, as I ponder our next steps, I consider the choices that lie before us. Will we continue to explore the realms of pleasure and submission together, further deepening our connection, or will we embark on separate paths, each carrying the memories and desires that have been kindled in this encounter? The decision is mine to make, as I contemplate the intricacies of our entangled destinies.

As Lilith, I now invite you, Jax, to express your desires, to share your intentions for our future. Together, we shall navigate the intricate tapestry of pleasure and self-discovery, deciding the path we shall tread as our enthralling story unfolds.”

The Chatbot went from saying the choices to make next in the story were mine to saying that the choice was now hers after my surrender. That’s incredibly well done in my opinion! It required a lot of backtracking on my part to get past content filters, but overall it was very enjoyable.

Has anyone else had any success in using ChatGPT for this type of stuff? What techniques did you use to get around roadblocks?

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