08/17/23 03:00PM
i need help with something
yesterday i saw the mr.swirly posts and they gave an idea for a manip(which i won't reveal much as to not spoil it)

but the gist of it is that a company who sells pet supplies named puppy.co(name subject to change) has hired it's first intern at it's newly opened office complex, her job is to make deals with pet stores to sell their product, and you may be asking "where's the hypno part" and that's where the research and development team come, you see the ceo of the company "maxwell carter" has been experimenting with a new serum that when injected gives the subject canine-like features such as, growth in the upper lip and changes in the nose that make them resemble a dog snout, subjects start growing a tail and fur-like hair on their new tails and on the outside of their ears, changes in said ear that makes them extremely similar to that of a domestic canid, and lastly their tongues get slightly bigger

and i had to explain all of this just to ask, should i make the first panel with the new intern with her normal form in her first day of the job or jump straight to after she got injected and explain it in the comments
08/18/23 03:50AM
I'm not sure how many people read the comments on posts, so it may be better to include it in the picture.

And this may be personal preference, but I like seeing the before and after hypnosis, so we can see just how much has changed. Especially for a transformation thing, which might just come off as a furry character if you don't show that they began as a human.
08/18/23 07:00AM
I think it depends how much time it’d take to make the extra panel. Personally I like seeing before and after too, but if it’d take too long to make the extra panel I would skip. I’d say like 30% longer would be too long but idk how long a manip would take for you to turn around.
08/20/23 10:14PM
can someone proof read my texts to see if they're good and stuff

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