08/20/23 10:50PM
Would anyone be interested in a bimbofication RP?
I'm looking for literate people who would be interested in doing an RP where the main focus is bimbofication. I would want to be the one to be transformed and controlled if that's alright, and a plot can be discussed in DMs. Just message me with more that just a "hi" and start with your kinks and limits and what kind of plot you would be interested in doing, or tell me you would like to brainstorm together.

I'm interested to see everyone, seeing that I am VERY desperate to get bimbofied.~ See ya there!~
08/20/23 10:52PM
I'm not sure how much traction this will get, but I'm willing to try!

I am looking for literate individuals who can RP at least a paragraph, and are willing to put in effort into it to make it oh so lovely.~ I'm fine with playing any gender or orientation, so feel free to come to me with an idea or image you'd like to be the basis
08/20/23 11:05PM
oh you naive summer child you should have known that this site is primarily composed of lurkers and chickens, rp attemps are entirely futile if you're lucky they may talk with you in sunday just before you go to sleep and chat for a few hours but as soon as you wake in the next day they will be nowhere to found FOREVER, and if you someway somehow managed to get any sort of communication with them they will state that they're busy as it seems they work 24/7 with no breaks or Holliday or they might just say that they're suddenly sick either mentally physically then never EVER TALK WITH YOU EVER AGAIN, so my advice is just not even bother
08/20/23 11:11PM
08/20/23 11:14PM
You could always try the official Discord server or do what I do and use one of the chat AI services.
08/20/23 11:26PM
i mean yeah you could try the discord server and wake up banned for reasons they will never tell so you will die without ever knowing and also will never be able to appeal

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