08/05/24 07:22PM
Quality Control for AI generated posts.
A lot of the AI stuff that's been flooding in to the Hub lately is just really not good. Can we please get better quality control regarding AI posts here, because in the last 2 months, so much of it has been really sub-par.
08/05/24 09:20PM
I think would be better if you send some examples.
08/05/24 11:54PM
If you think that an AI generated post is sub-par and shouldn't be on the hub, flag it for deletion.
08/06/24 05:31PM
i am not insinuating anything, but i why do some of these ai posts feel like they don't really have a problem with the ai quality but rather with fact that a post was made with ai to begin with, but they can't say that because they know it will get their complaints nowhere
08/06/24 10:23PM
jigiyak said:
i am not insinuating anything, but i why do some of these ai posts feel like they don't really have a problem with the ai quality but rather with fact that a post was made with ai to begin with, but they can't say that because they know it will get their complaints nowhere

Bruv I looked for a 2nd thread and found nothing within this page or the previous one.
08/07/24 12:58AM
jigiyak said:
i am not insinuating anything, but i why do some of these ai posts feel like they don't really have a problem with the ai quality but rather with fact that a post was made with ai to begin with, but they can't say that because they know it will get their complaints nowhere

As someone who messes around with AI art a lot (see the Discord, where I am most posts in that channel) I tend to agree that most of the stuff posted up on site is, frankly, somewhere between bland and bad. Generally with very weak MC elements. That's just my personal opinion, though, and I'd probably level that complaint against a bevy of things like a good portion of manips and captions, as I am a curmudgeon. Personally, I think a lot of AI stuff on the site really doesn't rise to the point that I'd care to defend it, and in most cases would probably be on the side of taking it down if it was flagged.

I'm not QCC, though, so I just let them come to a decision when things are flagged like anything else, and weigh in if they ask my opinion. And I tend to be on the harsher side of that judgement call if asked in general, whether AI or not.

The fact that it's AI is a factor in how it should be judged. We've said this before, as AI art generation does fall under the "mass producible" umbrella we also put things like Kisekae in.

Florpdrop said:
A lot of the AI stuff that's been flooding in to the Hub lately is just really not good. Can we please get better quality control regarding AI posts here, because in the last 2 months, so much of it has been really sub-par.

If you think something is below par, please, tag it so it can be reviewed. QCC isn't reviewing/going through with a fine tooth comb on every uploaded pic to determine whether it's "good enough". The team really only reviews posts made by new users before the account is deemed "trusted" (a certain number of accepted posts, basically) and uploads don't require manual review, or if they personally see something and think it needs review - so they flag it themselves to put on the queue, or if a user flags a post.

The QCC team also has real world stuff going on, and isn't always going to review every post uploaded if they're not brought to their attention. Sometimes there are things that slip through the cracks, and that's what we rely on people flagging images for.

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