05/27/14 12:35AM
Piper's Domain: Loli and Shota Stories
Hello HypnoHub! This is a notice for all of you that like stories with loli and shota characters. Piper's Domain ( www.asstr.org/~Piper ) has been around for awhile, but we recently made some big changes to the layout to make it more user friendly. We have updates almost every week to keep you coming back. We are always looking for new writers (no matter how much experience you have) and for readers to leave feedback for the writers we already have.
05/27/14 06:37AM
Piper said:
Hello HypnoHub! This is a notice for all of you that like stories with loli and shota characters. Piper's Domain ( www.asstr.org/~Piper ) has been around for awhile, but we recently made some big changes to the layout to make it more user friendly. We have updates almost every week to keep you coming back. We are always looking for new writers (no matter how much experience you have) and for readers to leave feedback for the writers we already have.

I'd be curious to upload the "basement" version of "Lineage of Bastet" (if that version is even extant on my hard-drive anymore), if i wasn't worried that your site would one day vanish without a trace like Cordial Knot did.
05/27/14 06:57AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
I'd be curious to upload the "basement" version of "Lineage of Bastet" (if that version is even extant on my hard-drive anymore), if i wasn't worried that your site would one day vanish without a trace like Cordial Knot did.

You know I am the same guy, right? I took down CKC in response to a legal threat I received in an email. I brought it back and realized that the threat must have been a fake. Trolling aside, the content is the same as before. I still have the stories you sent in up on Piper's Domain. I can take them down if you want me to. I could not reach you for permission when Piper's Domain went up because I lost my email contacts.
05/27/14 07:12AM
Piper said:
You know I am the same guy, right? I took down CKC in response to a legal threat I received in an email. I brought it back and realized that the threat must have been a fake. Trolling aside, the content is the same as before. I still have the stories you sent in up on Piper's Domain. I can take them down if you want me to. I could not reach you for permission when Piper's Domain went up because I lost my email contacts.

Eh, that's for the better. My laziness keeps me from getting a secondary email account, and my primary has my real name written all over it. Better to lurk anonymously in that regard :-P

But if the original version of lineage of bastet is still extant somewhere, that is good. I also gave you that one story with Rei and Asuka that DA killed too, didn't I?
05/27/14 07:25AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Better to lurk anonymously in that regard

If you ever have another story to send in, you can do it anonymously through the form on the contribute page.

Ogodei-Khan said:
I also gave you that one story with Rei and Asuka that DA killed too, didn't I?

Yes, and one other. www.asstr.org/~Piper/xox.html#ogodeikhan
05/27/14 10:40PM
Piper said:

Yes, and one other. www.asstr.org/~Piper/xox.html#ogodeikhan

Funny story with that last one, it turns out that Nowa, in canon, is a lot older than i thought she was. She's like 17-18. I thought she was 14.

"I swear officer, i didn't know she wasn't underage!" xD
05/27/14 11:36PM
I might post some loli Dom later
05/28/14 02:45AM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
I might post some loli Dom later

That would be great! We have a depressing shortage of loli dom stories. You can use the form on the bottom of this page www.asstr.org/~Piper/contribute.html

Ogodei-Khan said:
She's like 17-18. I thought she was 14.

We'll say she is 17 so I don't have to take it down for not conforming to the site's rules. I'd hate to lose a good story.
05/28/14 11:58PM
Piper said:
That would be great! We have a depressing shortage of loli dom stories. You can use the form on the bottom of this page www.asstr.org/~Piper/contribute.html

We'll say she is 17 so I don't have to take it down for not conforming to the site's rules. I'd hate to lose a good story.

Hey is it ok in the loli character in the story is older then a loli? Like the head is she is unaging

05/29/14 03:10AM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
Hey is it ok in the loli character in the story is older then a loli? Like the head is she is unaging

Hmm. We have not had that issue before. I think it will be okay as long as the story notes that she does not have the body of a grown woman. If she is clearly depicted as a childlike character then I have no problem accepting the story. Thanks for checking.
05/29/14 03:11AM
Piper said:
Hmm. We have not had that issue before. I think it will be okay as long as the story notes that she does not have the body of a grown woman. If she is clearly depicted as a childlike character then I have no problem accepting the story. Thanks for checking.

Awesome. I'm gonna post this week. Feel free to send any criticism
05/29/14 03:16AM
Piper said:
Hmm. We have not had that issue before. I think it will be okay as long as the story notes that she does not have the body of a grown woman. If she is clearly depicted as a childlike character then I have no problem accepting the story. Thanks for checking.

Here is the story. I'm gonna fix all the glitchy stuff don't worry (as well as extend the sex/hypno training)
06/02/14 10:34PM
New stories are up! I may finally be getting over my writer's block so look for more new ones from me in the future. www.asstr.org/~Piper
06/16/14 10:52PM
A couple new stories are up on the site this week. Remember, we are always looking for new stories if you get a flash of inspiration. www.asstr.org/~Piper
12/26/14 05:39AM
Have an idea that's been percolating for a while. I hesitate to start it, because i'm in the eye of the storm right now. 8 days and i'll return for another round of grad school.

Concept is *very* loosely inspired by Disney's The Jungle Book, basically taking the core concept and conflict with a very different theme. In short, a baby boy ends up in the realm of Goddesses, where human men (or male gods) are forbidden because a goddess bearing a child would upset the balance of power among the divine. One Goddess (goddess of life) takes care of him, until he turns 11 and begins to hit puberty, then she realizes the temptation to sleep with him will become too much to bear, so she recruits the Goddess of Peace to take the boy to a portal that will return him to the human world.

so, again, same basic plot as The Jungle Book. He has to be removed for his own safety, because mating with a Goddess is forbidden... for the human. Of course, they're all out to get him. Eight goddesses altogether, drawn from different traditions:

Life: Bast (Egyptian)
Peace: Frigga (Norse)
War: Morrigan (Celtic)
Happiness: Juno (Roman)
Prosperity: Pomona (Roman)
Desire: Parvati (Hindu)
Want: Beira (Celtic)
Death: Hel (Norse. And now you know where the English word comes from)

Fits with a long-running favorite of mine, the Milf/Shota line, as well as a thing for goddesses.

Still hesitant because it could be one of those things where i cook up a chapter, and then *bam*, indefinite hiatus. Like my "Omkara" story, where i just cannot find motive to do Act 3.
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