10/18/24 05:57AM
Blue Sky Refugees
Hey I havnt really been active here for quite some time but I figure I would atleast come post this here. With the changes to the TOS on twitter I have made a Refugee Megathread on blue sky to help people find their favorite artist and freinds that they might not know are over there.
10/18/24 07:41AM
Alright, I'll bite.

Do you guys think BlueSky is the place to go now?

I asked about people's thoughts on Twitter about year ago (, and there didn't seem to be any clear consensus on where to go yet.

This time seems different. There are a lot of people on this Refugee Megathread, and on my Twitter feed I saw a few more refugees that weren't on the thread.

But maybe that's just me. What do you guys say?
10/18/24 07:48AM
Bluesky is good to upload pictures, but since the web dont allow gifs and in order to upload videos need to be 1 minute max, I still cant see it as an alternative for a main account, but a secondary place to upload things.

I hope they improove the video and gif features.

Anyways, this is my account:
10/18/24 08:29AM
... I always forget about my bsky accounts. lol. (I have a sfw and a nsfw one, but might just ditch the sfw one).

Also, I hope that more updates are coming soon to it. I'd like for it to ACTUALLY be a proper contender against X/Twitshit.

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