05/31/14 12:24AM
Exist some...?
So a friend and me were talking about that Tet, character of the actual anime No Game No Life, is a male or female so I was exploring for information and encountered that Tet is a male and here's what I'm asking for

Exist ecchi images about Tet BUT like a female?
(I'm not looking only for MC Ijust want ecchi)

Thanks for reading.
06/01/14 08:09AM
Tet is just generally cute by design. Tet Rule 63, huh? I'll keep my eye out.

No promises, though. NGNL doesn't seem to be getting a lot of hentai, which is odd, considering the amount of fanservice and how damned good the anime is.
06/01/14 11:28AM
Vanndril said:
Tet is just generally cute by design. Tet Rule 63, huh? I'll keep my eye out.

No promises, though. NGNL doesn't seem to be getting a lot of hentai, which is odd, considering the amount of fanservice and how damned good the anime is.


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