06/03/14 06:31AM
The MC Image-Scenario Thread
Long before the days of manipping, we had only our imagination fueled with the desire to discover the wonders that hypnosis or mind control held. This thread is meant to be accessible to everyone, especially those who do not have experience with writing MC erotica, manipping MC images, and drawing MC art.

It's simple. Take an image that looks like it could suggest something MC and describe it to us! It doesn't have to be detailed or in-depth as long as we get the idea. This was inspired by my early-age curiosity with my MC/hypno fetish. Back then all I had was my arsenal of imagination to peak my interests with the kink.

Don't forget to mark loli/shota on links that contain NSFW loli/shota content!
I like to view this image as hypnotizing a girl into slowly becoming more aroused with each passing second.
Another Touhou image. Flandre and Reimu wake up bound in a room unable to recall how they got there. The captor explains that he/she will give them a chance to escape. Freeing Reimu from the bound ropes, she approaches Flandre to help untie her. However, what isn't known to the poor captives is that Reimu was given a post-hypnotic suggestion to become absolutely captivated by Flandre's feet and completely addicted to the taste once she gives it a lick. Forgetting completely about their current situation, Reimu succumbs to her new-found desires.
I put this one up on the General Manip Request thread for a text manip that it never got. I guess I'll put it here.
RebKMG said:
Anything hypno would be fine, though I personally like the idea of having to go on the spot, being aware of it all but unable to stop. :D
06/04/14 09:57AM
What, no, I don't do this all the time... of course not...

Actually I think this goes a long way towards explaining the appeal of empty eyes images and manips to me--they make imagining a scenario easier, even though they aren't as elaborate as pictures with spirals or props or text.

Strangely posting this stuff is actually kind of embarrassing haha. I guess because it's so unfiltered compared to a manip or a story.
OOC stuff with established characters can be a goldmine. Why, someone's hypnotized Shiki to be all cheerful and peppy! The fact that this actually gets me off is kind of bizarre!
This one is fun. Hakuno could be confidently entrancing a bashful Caster. Caster could be embarrassed by the forwardness she's lulled her Master into. They could both be hypnotized and Caster still has enough self-awareness to feel embarrassed. There's a kind of ambient glow around them--it could be hypnotic gas. Incense? Caster does tend to burn it. Or magic, or good old-fashioned eye contact.

Makes me realize that this is probably one of the reasons I prefer images with characters I'm familiar with to unknown or original characters--it's easier to fantasize when you're not making up characterization on the spot.
Mysty masturbates herself into a trance.
Sakuya entranced by both Remilia's feet and her overwhelming charisma. (It's long been my headcanon that Remi's famous charisma is not just a personality trait but a kind of powerful glamor, to the extent that she could leave even would-be assassins kneeling at her feet.)

The image doesn't even need to be suggestive of MC to me if it provides a good jumping-off point, but I'm too tired too come up with any good examples right now :p
06/04/14 01:32PM
If you've read my Tea Club series (which I'm still working on), <<|this image>> pretty much sums up the basic idea, right down to the characters who inspired me to make it the Tea Club in the first place.

TakyonH actually showed me a really adorable picture of Orange Pekoe which ended up being my headcanon for one of the characters before I realized a week or two later she was from Girls und Panzer. :P

(Also, if Takyon still has that image I'd love to get it again. ;u;)

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