06/25/14 05:22AM
Anyone wants to Play D&D 3.5?
Just asking. Also, if anyone is good at DMing, then that would be great, 'cause I'm not. Also, if anyone got a story idea, then throw it at me.

A few details (note: these are subject to change. Also best you read this first.):

Material from any handbook published by Wizard Of The Coast along with the core Handbook (the obvious) except for Dinosaurs and anything Psionic is allowed.

For your character sheets, it'd be best to use this website:

Characters start with at level 4 with a 32 ability point buy (use this for help ). Max HP at each level, Base XP at start of the game (6000 XP)

Guns are allowed, the following is quoted by Grim for stats:

"mechanically, I am increases the base load time to a full round action [ which if anything is fast for an old time musket, however, unlike some full round actions, I will let this one be spaced over multiple turns], reduce the ranges by 30 and 60 respectively for the pistol (now 20) and musket (now 90), and have an automatic 10% failure chance [5% flash in the pan, 5% explode]. To help compensate for this 'grim and gritty' job, I will increase the damage by 2 die steps, so a standard pistol will do 3d6, and a musket will do 3d8"

Starting Gold is 5400 for all characters. Use this to buy the weapons, armour, and other Items you'll need once we start the adventure. Don't forget, you can make your weapons, armour, and certain items masterwork, making them better. The downside to this is that they will cost more.

Also, I hope nobody minds if we use Roll20: ,unless another Online game for D&D is used, then that's fine.
06/25/14 01:47PM
I don't mind DMing, especially if I can throw in a few home-brew rules - I'd be happy to have them OK'd by the rest of the group

when/how often were you thinking we'd meet? [my best days are Tues, thurs, and Friday, pacific time]

did you want a normal game, an erpg, or maybe something in between? I normally wouldn't ask, but considering where this is being posted....

there are 2 things that I'd really prefer not to have in my games: 1) dinosaurs, 2) the psychic classes/powers . I don't care how balanced they may or may not be, I don't like em - though if I'm a player, I'll shut my mouth and bear it
06/25/14 05:15PM
Grim said:
I don't mind DMing, especially if I can throw in a few home-brew rules - I'd be happy to have them OK'd by the rest of the group

when/how often were you thinking we'd meet? [my best days are Tues, thurs, and Friday, pacific time]

did you want a normal game, an erpg, or maybe something in between? I normally wouldn't ask, but considering where this is being posted....

there are 2 things that I'd really prefer not to have in my games: 1) dinosaurs, 2) the psychic classes/powers . I don't care how balanced they may or may not be, I don't like em - though if I'm a player, I'll shut my mouth and bear it

I'd say the best time would be on Friday. I live in the Eastern Standard Timezone, so I'll end up being four hours ahead of you. If you're DMing, then You can change up a few things that I listed, so if you don't want Dinosaurs and anything Psionic, then go ahead and not use them. Oh, not to sound dumb, but can you explain to me what an erpg is? I can't seem to remember what it is right now.
06/25/14 06:19PM
someguy231 said:
Oh, not to sound dumb, but can you explain to me what an erpg is? I can't seem to remember what it is right now.

I think he means erotic role playing game. His question, I believe, is if you wanted a normal campaign, an erotic campaign, or a mix of both.

But I could be wrong.
06/25/14 06:35PM
Vanndril said:
I think he means erotic role playing game. His question, I believe, is if you wanted a normal campaign, an erotic campaign, or a mix of both.

But I could be wrong.

Okay, thanks. And yeah, I was thinking a mix of both, for it will be hypnosis themed (the fucking obvious), but having it be nothing but erotica can get dull. So a good mix of both would be good.
06/25/14 09:32PM
Grim said:
I don't mind DMing, especially if I can throw in a few home-brew rules - I'd be happy to have them OK'd by the rest of the group

Also, can you link what website the game will be on? I've also set a base setting to help create a story line, unless you got one already to go.
06/26/14 02:11AM
I don't have a set site - I mostly GM in RL, and when online, it's mostly been on ichat or icechat or the like - if you have any suggestions, I'm open to them

I have been haphazardly working on a campaign world recently - tell me if this strikes your fancy:

It has been two score years since the god-Mage died, & it was like the world awoke from a dream
Exactly who the god-Mage was is lost, but it is strongly suspected that he was not always such. Our divinations tell us that he was a powerful wizard who fought heroes to cast the Overspell... & he succeeded. The spell did not give him fine control over every rock & being, but it gave fundamental control in shaping the the very essence of the realm. Information becomes fuzzy, as even the gods apparently cut off pieces of themselves to prevent corruption, & left the realm to it's fate.

Evidence suggests the realm may have gone through several versions; Simple Loyalty & Obedience, A Heightened Civilization, All Out War; It is unknown how long any of these really lasted, whether decades or millennia, but the final chapter in the god-Mage's rule was dominated by sex & lust. There was obedience as well, as even now to look upon the withered visage of the god-Mage inspires awe & subservience, even without knowledge of who the man was, but we believe the fundamental force that separated us from past iterations & drove the basic growth, appearance, & nature of all things was sex & lust.

For some examples, apparently only mammals used to have breasts, as opposed to anything female, & several monsters which used to simply eat sentients now use them for breeding, the male refractory period once stopped sex from continuing, disease was common, pregnancy was easier, etc, etc.
06/26/14 02:19AM
part of the idea, of course, is it is like the world was an ero game, and now it doesn't have to be, but it still has a lot of holdovers from when it was

I also have info on the gods and several empires, if this piques your fancy
06/26/14 03:34AM
Grim said:
part of the idea, of course, is it is like the world was an ero game, and now it doesn't have to be, but it still has a lot of holdovers from when it was

I also have info on the gods and several empires, if this piques your fancy

Well, if you want to, there is Roll20, which is an online tabletop game website:

Plus, that sounds like a great story. now we just need people and a time to play the game. Also, would you want a specific type of team, or are we just gonna go with the rag tag group of misfits, as I like to call 'em?
06/26/14 04:23AM
someguy231 said:
Well, if you want to, there is Roll20, which is an online tabletop game website:

Plus, that sounds like a great story. now we just need people and a time to play the game. Also, would you want a specific type of team, or are we just gonna go with the rag tag group of misfits, as I like to call 'em?

personally, I prefer "good" campaigns to "evil" ones - more reason for characters to get along and not have infighting. I tend to go with the open 'misfits', as you call them, for the versatility and freedom of choice it brings the players, though I like the cohesion of the team, I'd want player input on that - I'll presently post more of the flavor that I have written already
06/26/14 04:29AM
most kingdoms accept slavery as a practice, but civilized kingdoms will not allow kidnapped enslavement, & assume slavery more as either an extreme form of loyalty or debt; the difference in in the evil empires, anyone can be grabbed & made a slave, where as in the civil lands, only those in particular circumstances, & often there is a way to be freed [saving your owners life, buying your way out, showing you are once again of sound mind, etc]

Ur Empire – a large, powerful, & war like empire representing rule by the strong, indulgence, selfishness, & lawlessness. While they buy many slaves from the Sithak, they also perform raids & wars of conquest on whomever they believe is weak. Their ruling body, the Emperor & his shifting Council, have absolute power. The Emperor is always male, and there are records several incestual attempts in order to keep the bloodline pure. While mostly a male dominated society, occasionally women who are both as vicious as their male counterparts and of a powerful family will rise. Bloodsports, gambling, & crime is prevalent. Sex is often more about rape or mutual inebriation then love. Slaves are treated with less respect then animals, unless a slave has a particular skill that requires they not be damaged. The biggest thing keeping the empire in check is their own backstabbing, corruption, & decadence. It is considered a dangerous & terrible place to be, but also a place where as long as you don't piss off those in power, you can literally get away with murder, or anything else. A place where anything can be bought or sold for the right price, and no one cares who you are as long as you don't appear weak. While there is plenty of bigotry, there is little cohesion to it, although Elves especially are likely to be hated.

Goblins have a very similar society but with less order, strength, & size. Goblins also tend to praise the strange, such as odd mutations & unusual body parts. Goblin sex also almost always involves sadism of some sort. As slaves, goblins are common & easily trained, but not particularly desired as sexuals partners unless you're scraping the bottom of the barrel.

The Monarchy of Sithak deals the most heavily in the acquisition & selling of slaves. There are a great deal more rules & regulations then in the larger Ur Empire, but ultimately money & greed rules. The royal family has a great deal of money, respect, & power, but a council of guildmasters does most of the actual rule making, like a constitutional monarchy [but without the constitution]. Sithak does have the strongest navy & a large sea & trade presence, & many of the slave made goods of the Ur empire get laundered & middle managed by the Sithak. Citizens are rarely taken as slaves [that's what other kingdoms are for] except those who fall into debt or get rolled.

Orcs: Considered 'dumb but strong' orcs rule almost strictly by the strongest, with challenges for ownership of a household, Clan, or the Kingdom happening at any given time. Gender does not matter, though males are by far more likely to be in charge. All offspring are valued, & a rare rule is that children unable to take care of themselves cannot be made slaves – they can, however, be adopted, which in practice hold only a small difference. Raids on other kingdoms are common, but all out war is rare without an ally. In recent years, there are a significant number [about ¼] of orcs being born with flat teeth & tusks instead of fangs – called “grazers” these ones are vegetarians, & tend to less overall aggressive then most orcs.... in the sense that a rhino, boar, or hippo is less aggressive then a tiger. Physical domination is presumed to cause ownership, & therefore rape followed by slavery[or marriage] is common. It is not uncommon for the status of a slave to be changed to that of a wife [male or female]. Slaves are treated somewhat like cattle, but are therefore prized & rarely used for vicious sport. As slaves, Orcs are prized for their strength, ease to manipulate, & eagerness to participate in blood sports.

Giants, trolls, ogres, cowfolk, & barbarian tribes are almost identical to the orcs, but species-centric & smaller in number. They might also include more wild & mutated psuedo-civilizations [living more like primates]

Amazons are a medium empire of gynocracy rulership. Only males may be slaves, & sex with men is considered disgusting habit, especially by conservatives. There is both a queen & clan rulers. Magics make it capable to have children just between women. All women are welcome, but men are only property. While there is a strong warrior culture, there is also a more civilized tone. Raids for men used to be common before the magics were perfected, but now are rare. The amazons will defend their territory, but never declare war. Traveling Amazons are rare, often mercenaries or 'adventurers', but often have accepted males as company, though still inferior. As slaves, Amazons are prized as exotic & challenging like owning a rare bird or a tiger.

The middle Kingdoms are a large swath in the center of the continent with a mostly human population; These many small kingdoms are much alike in terms of commerce, & rulership. While specific kingdoms might have specialties of crafts, they are mostly agrarian feudal monarchies, occasionally large enough to support 2-12 smaller lords. Rulership & nobility is gender neutral. Most external conflicts are settled by diplomacy or a show of force, though cold wars & small wars [mostly raids] do happen. The most common internal conflict is inheritance, since neither maternal nor paternal lineage is 'right', mostly [but not always] going to the eldest. Justice is generally served, though specific nobles might overrule in some occasions. The gods of good hold a mostly strong sway, & their churches hold some influence – actions directly against such a church would be grounds for an invasion. While nobles do have the right to bed any unwed commoner, they are to give a gift for doing so, & they are supposed to marry if a child is made [the commoner becoming half noble], though these traditions are not universally practiced. Nobles may also invoke an old tradition of sleeping with the bride/groom on the first night of the honeymoon, & if a child is born of it the couple keep it, & the noble helps provide for it. Nobles are expected to protect their people, but there is no punishment for not doing so. Nobles are supposed to be above slavery, instead employing servants. Grounds for slavery include debt slavery “a debt that has not been paid in a year, will not be able to pay for at least another year, & whose assets cannot be sold to cover the debt”, magic slavery “the inability to make reasonable decisions for oneself due to enchantment that cannot be easily removed, & no one else who will support their dependence”, punishment by slavery, & willing/self slavery “being of sound mind, entering into an agreement to give another ownership over ones self”. A Noble or Justice sets a wage for debt slavery, however the owner is allowed to both grant bonuses & charge a 'reasonable rate' for upkeep, & the slave can still own goods. Magic slavery does not allow one to be the cause of the enslavement, & is grounds for enslavement itself. Willing slavery might be for a limited time due to a contract, or else an act of extreme loyalty. Note that slaves purchased outside the middle kingdoms by other means are rarely freed, unless a noble has strong incentive to do so. 'Neutral' & 'Evil' races are treated with mistrust & suspicion, sometimes outright hostility, though “adventurers, mercenaries, & worshipful devotees” are given a bit more leeway. Humans have a dual reputation as both being up for anything, but also being “vanilla”

Elves are mostly what you would expect. They strive on order & scholarly pursuits, but love to live in tune with nature. The are primarily vegetarian, with those who eat meat being considered 'atavistic', possibly barbarous. The only slavery they allow are debts of extreme honor. They accept the company of “good” & “neutral” races, though feel themselves superior to most. They are likely to immediately attack “evil” races & peoples, except in situations where it would be considered tactless, like diplomatic functions. Consensual sex is paramount, though there is a strong submissive streak among Elves, so there may still be bondage, rape-play, & a few rare dominants. There is also an underground fetish for husky humanoids – both muscular & girthy, as elves are universally thin & it is considered exotic & strange. Another underground fetish, especially among druids, is sex with plants & animals. As slaves, elves are prized for their beauty & hairless bodies, as well as their magical, artistic, & fine crafts skills.

There is a split group known as Dark Elves, who are only physiologically the same. They are devoted to the 'evil' gods & are considered an “evil” race. . They have a matriarchal society, though men do hold power based on clan, nobility, & station, unlike the amazons. All forms of slavery are common, with a heavier tendency towards other races & males. They too thrive on order, but also subterfuge, pain, & domination. They have a great love to see others fall or become corrupted, & games that emphasis this are more common then straight blood games.

Dwarves are mostly what one would expect. They strive on order, but also practicality. They prize strength, but also practical skills. The Cwarves have both clans & monarchies, the ruler being elected by the clan heads, which are in turn elected by the heads of each dwarven household, but all those elected are taken from a few 'noble' families. Dwarves are expert craftsfolk, especially at large works. Slavery is rare among Dwarves, since having a slave might mean you don't get to do something yourself, though the common forms are allowed, as well as prize slavery taken from an enemy. The most common slaves will have a fine skill & are treated as an exotic jewel one takes out to impress company or to polish. Other then marriage, the most common form of sex is drunken orgies, occasionally with other smoked drugs. Dwarves enjoy a good brawl or battle, considering it vigorous warm up & very hands on. Dwarves love to use dildos, costumes, & other sex toys. Pageantry in the bedroom is considered a great plus. Accepting three drinks is a common proposal for a tryst [less can be somewhat insulting, more is greater honor]. Complex braids & tattoo’s are considered flirtatious, as is showing off one's expert craftsmenship. Friendly & Consensual sex is paramount, but it is rare for a Dwarf to say no to sex once alcohol is offered. Dwarves get along well with 'good' & 'neutral' races, but can be highly polarized with the 'evil' ones, sometimes not caring, sometimes attacking them on sight. Dwarves as slaves are prized for their strength & craft skills, but are often considered an odd taste for sexual partners.

Shorties are completely elected council based. They also mostly agrarian, but with a strong like of creating complex devices. They are considered very peaceful, but mischievous, & depend on strange technology & goodwill to avoid war. Despite loving food & parties, they still tend to eat less then Dwarves, & are about a foot shorter, resulting in a greater amount of food trade then any other nation. They are known for loving to try new things & people before eventually settling down. While considered greater then average sluts [not a bad reputation, per se], size is sometimes an issue, & those who choose them as lovers are sometimes slandered as wishing to sleep with children – though to be fair, there are those who seek Shorties for that exact reason. While enjoying comfort, Shorties hate to be bored, & often leave lovers who want the 'same old thing' slavery is treated more like a game, & except in the case of punishment, most slaves are released within a year. Shorties as slaves are desired for their child like bodies, though in the empire often in an unfortunate & cruel manner.

Lust-forged: golems created as intelligent but programed sex partners. Many have become free agents once their master died. Some areas, even in the most civilized lands, will treat them as automatic slaves with no rights, literally being objects made for sex, while some others will afford them the same freedoms as other intelligent creatures. There are some small communities of lust-forged that exist in tenuous, mostly secretive harmony. While they do not traditionally get hungry, they do need food in order to heal, including weekly amounts due to normal wear & tear
Flesh golems can eat normal food or uncooked meat, usually based on whatever they're made of. They require no liquid, however. They can also sometimes be revived with lightening
Wood golems require sunlight, water, & some dirt. It is common to have metal joints or sub features, & dirt is most necessary when these are damaged.
Clay, stone [usually marble], & metal golems are the rarest sorts, since they tend to be prettier, but unyielding, & require some of whatever material they are made of. Metal can also sometimes be revived with lightening

Immortals include Sidhe Fey, Jin/Gen, Angels, & Devils/Demons. They serve various gods. When they breed with a mortal, they result in half immortals, which usually have pointy ears & some features of their Immortal parent. They're acceptance often depends on the local religion, & they are especially prized slaves.

Most creatures can interbreed, but usually favor only one of the parents. Occasionally, Dual heritages will result, such as half-elves, elf-orcs, dwarf-centaurs, etc, etc. Their children, in turn, will only favor one of their halves.

Shifters are various were-creatures of a variety of different types, & while they usually stick to their own kind, they tend to have adequate relations with other two-natured.

animal folk are distinct from anthropomorphic animals & beasts in that they have sentience, tribal civilizations, & appear more humanoid – while a lion or cow may have tits, it will still act like an animal. There is a variety of different Catfolk, Centaurs, Merfolk, Minotaurs, Rat Folk, a whole mess of various reptilians, & Wolf Kin. These varying species live apart, mostly solitary & peacefully, though occasionally barbarically & raiding, though they tend to get along with each other.
These folk are often prized as slaves for their exotic nature & qualities, although are often treated at dumb or as livestock.

Plant folk, oddly are a separate category – exceedingly rare, they tend to be very civilized, but with no civilization to call their own, mimicking wherever they are. They tend not to get along too well with animal folk, & often wither if kept as slaves.

There is of course a large number of other, monstrous races, such as dragons, various undead, & the fey, who hold no known kingdoms, & are too numerous & rare to list.

Evil Gods – most notable as being worshiped by the “evil kingdoms”

The Lord of Domination, god of Rape & Slavery
Especially worshiped by the Orcs, the Ur Empire, & the Sithak Kingdom
The Lady of Pain, goddess of Sadomasochism
Especially worshiped by the Dark Elves, the Ur Empire, & the Sithak Kingdom
The Lord of Want, god of Denial & Bondage
Especially worshiped by the Undead, the Ur Empire, & the Sithak Kingdom

Good Gods
The Lady of Experimentation, goddess of Curiosity & Carnal Knowledge
The Lord of Victory, god of Just Rewards & True Love
The Lady of the Home, goddess of Marriage & Children

Neutral Gods

The Lady of Spring, goddess of Youth & Beauty
The Lord of Revelry, god of Pansexuality & Inebriation
The Lady of Nature, goddess of plants, animals, &
The Lord of Crafts, god of tools & sexual toys
Especially worshiped by the Dwarves, Lust Forged, & some Shorties
the Lady of Womanhood, goddess of sapphic love, female supremacy, & female characteristics
The lord of Manhood, god of uranian love, male supremacy, & male characteristics
The Ruler of Forms, god of cross-dressing, transgender, & things out of place
06/26/14 06:13AM
Sounds neat. Now, what can the usable Classes and races be for this world?

OH, and will there be Mind Flayers?
06/26/14 06:55AM
someguy231 said:
OH, and will there be Mind Flayers?

There must be Illithid!

h2. Vann has spoken!

No, but seriously, I should stop talking since I have no actual intention of joining in. Don't mind me. :P
06/26/14 07:37AM
Vanndril said:
There must be Illithid!

h2. Vann has spoken!

No, but seriously, I should stop talking since I have no actual intention of joining in. Don't mind me. :P

Yes, what he said!
06/26/14 10:05AM
except the noted psychics, I'm basically fine with any class and race - though we might flavor them differently, eg, gnomes and halflings are a single 'race' called 'shorties', and aasamirs and tieflings are half-immortals

although if you try to power game like a pun-pun, I will squash you so hard you better hope flatties are your fetish - I'm not saying don't build a strong character, just don't try to combo out the game

Illithids are fine, though I will simply make their powers magic based, instead of psychic [their powers count as spell like effects anyway, if I'm remembering correctly], but unlike normal, they will be gendered [as suggested in the first blurb] - I'll also probably tone down their actual eating brains, and merely make it about slavery

if we've gotten all we can from here, we can throw some lines at /d/ and /tg/. My email is eli.pomerantz@gmail if you need to contact me
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