07/30/14 05:29AM
Videogames yes? then hip hop yes.
You guys gotta check out new clipping. album its a lot less merzbow.

Freddie gibbs piñata is 12 good.

also obligitory
07/30/14 05:38AM
somefag said:
Videogames yes? then hip hop yes.
You guys gotta check out new clipping. album its a lot less merzbow.

Freddie gibbs piñata is 12 good.

also obligitory

Oh fuck dude clppng would be 10/10 if TONIGHT wasn't on it. Fuck that track. I still did like Midcity better though clppng had some standout tracks like Get Up and Body and Blood. I do love both albums tho and may or may not be able to rap both Intro tracks back it up drop all that you got into the bag make it a tax write-off take it right off that ass. Pinata was pretty good but overhyped at its release. Really looking forward to DOOM finishing up the sequel to Madvillainy , though, love me some of those two.

OH aside from TONIGHT biggest disappointment on clppng was Stories 2 fuck it was a good track but nothing next to midcity's Story track.
07/30/14 06:52AM
also I gotta check out midicity then. intro turned me off cause I really don't like noise on its own but I guess I'll give it another chance.
07/30/14 07:14AM
somefag said:
also I gotta check out midicity then. intro turned me off cause I really don't like noise on its own but I guess I'll give it another chance.

DOOM said he's pretty much done with it back in January (cool interview, hearing DOOM speak is almost as weird as MC Ride;) it's up to the labels to push it out now. Hopefully before next year. There is technically a Madvillainy 2 already but it's just Madlib remixes of the first one AFAIK. Midcity's great - go look up the lyrics for Story, hands down best track for me. It's also got some less noisy tracks like Bout That, Killers, and uhh... The one with the line "my pimp juice is organic," that one's good. Oh, Get It, that's the name. Guns Up is probably the weakest (real) track IMO. Bullshit is like a watered-down Get Up but it's alright. You can delete Outro from your copy.
11/20/14 01:42AM
Daveed Diggs (clipping's rapper) did the narration on <<|these videos about global warming.>> It's absolutely hilarious.
11/20/14 09:10PM
The extent of my hip-hop knowledge involves supa gansta hardcore tracks about <<|not doing drugs>>.
11/20/14 10:29PM
greasyi said:
The extent of my hip-hop knowledge involves supa gansta hardcore tracks about <<|not doing drugs>>.

lol dre

One of those artists that I will just never get all the love for. Never been a fan.
11/20/14 11:38PM
TakyonH said:
lol dre

One of those artists that I will just never get all the love for. Never been a fan.


Speaking of doing drugs, is <<|on drugs?>> I can never tell but he always jumps between the straight edge and the messed up personas.
11/21/14 12:57AM
PomPom said:

Speaking of doing drugs, is <<|on drugs?>> I can never tell but he always jumps between the straight edge and the messed up personas.

Watch the I Fucking Hate You vid and tell me that dude hasn't done something. I picture Tyler as taking some prescription stuff (at least I'm pretty sure he was around the time when he and OF were at their most popular.) Don't get the feeling from his music that he takes hallucinogenics or speed or anything like that, though. There was that time when he tried to start a riot at a concert over here, I guess. Hard to say if he's using anything regularly now since I don't really keep up with OF. There's a quote from his manager's tumblr about him:

Christian Clancey said:
this is a guy who has never had a drink or drug in his life

But managers say a lot of shit.
11/21/14 01:06AM
TakyonH said:
Watch the I Fucking Hate You vid and tell me that dude hasn't done something. I picture Tyler as taking some prescription stuff (at least I'm pretty sure he was around the time when he and OF were at their most popular.) Don't get the feeling from his music that he takes hallucinogenics or speed or anything like that, though. There was that time when he tried to start a riot at a concert over here, I guess. Hard to say if he's using anything regularly now since I don't really keep up with OF. There's a quote from his manager's tumblr about him:

But managers say a lot of shit.

IIRC he was straight edge all the way through bastard at least, something something I can't remember.

I used to work with a producer that would go on and on about how the whole "drug thing is a sham" and that a lot of the drug shit is all lies. Like alcohol and weed are common but the blow is all made up lol. Then again it was just one dude and he wasn't working super high profile.
11/21/14 01:15AM
That's the feeling I get. In some high-profile cases it's obvious that it does happen though, like with Em back in the day, and it kinda trickles down from there. People get the impression that famous implies drugs, rappers included, so they start rapping about that just to try and get famous. Some rappers like Tyler (and T-Pain, lol) who do seem legit depressed or manic sometimes, I can see them popping pills. But a lot of the purp and coke party drug kinda shit's hyped up way out of proportion.
01/20/15 12:05AM
So I'm catching up on mixtapes I missed from last year...and I've had <<|GoldLink>> on repeat for a while at work now.

The lyrics are ok but his voice is pretty good and the beats are hypnotic @_@ anybody have some good mixtapes they've been listening to lately?
01/20/15 12:29AM
I don't listen to hip hop all too often, so I just listen to more mainstream stuff. <<| Chance the Rapper>> is my pick if I'm ever in the mood. Hated him at first but after hearing him for a whole summer (thanks sister) his stuff started to sound good.
01/20/15 12:34AM
Death Grips, Die Antwoord and Glitchmob/RJD2 remixes are what's on my radar. I have an embarrassingly small radar dish though. What should I be listening to?
01/20/15 03:33AM
Mr_Face said:
Death Grips, Die Antwoord and Glitchmob/RJD2 remixes are what's on my radar. I have an embarrassingly small radar dish though. What should I be listening to?

<<!dwNABARI!ZlErNHrQusJDHkMbFn5u2UI4e98PEvKIF5cjQCnyTco|Constructus Corporation - The Ziggurat>>
Die Antwoord before he took that name. Sci-Fi concept album. Easily a top 5 album for me. <<|Sample>>

<<|clipping. - midcity>>
Daveed Diggs and two noise music producers. Great album. Check out the rest of the stuff on their bandcamp if you like them. <<|Sample>>, <<|Lyrics>>

<<|Daveed Diggs - Small Things To A Giant>>
Diggs over more digestible beats. Not as good as clipping in my opinion but Diggs is good wherever he goes. His style is all over the place - sounds a lot like a Gambino who's actually seen some hood shit on a couple tracks, kinda like Big Sean in some places, then he'll go and spit some shit so fast it's only written as [???] on lyric sites. <<|Sample>>

<<|Run the Jewels - RTJ & RTJ2>>
If you haven't heard these, get on it. El-P and Killer Mike. Afterwards go back through El-P's catalog - he does the production for RTJ. Not all of Killer Mike's music sounds a lot like RTJ since it's been through different producers. <<|Sample>>
1 2>>>

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