08/19/14 10:30AM
Tranceless indeed!
I made a similar topic on the erotic hypnosis reddit, but I thought I'd make one here just for the hell of it. It's my first post, too, so hi.

I've been getting back into experimenting with files, with mixed results. Long story short, I feel like I'm so close to becoming tranced, but I can't let my mind go and just daydream or visualize. It's like snapping out of a dream constantly. It's so frustrating, and yet, no matter how much I try, no matter how much I will myself to actually become tranced this time, it just doesn't work. I don't become tranced, I don't become suggestible, anchors and triggers don't take hold, and I end up being very sad and frustrated, in more ways than one!

The general response on the reddit thread was find someone in real life to do it. Unfortunately, I'm not nearly that open with people, nor do I know anyone who could do it, or would be willing to be friends with benefits or whatever. It sucks! As much as I'm looking for advice, I'm also just venting. I don't know what else to do by this point, but I don't want to give up. :(
08/19/14 01:32PM
Tranceless said:
I made a similar topic on the erotic hypnosis reddit, but I thought I'd make one here just for the hell of it. It's my first post, too, so hi.

I've been getting back into experimenting with files, with mixed results. Long story short, I feel like I'm so close to becoming tranced, but I can't let my mind go and just daydream or visualize. It's like snapping out of a dream constantly. It's so frustrating, and yet, no matter how much I try, no matter how much I will myself to actually become tranced this time, it just doesn't work. I don't become tranced, I don't become suggestible, anchors and triggers don't take hold, and I end up being very sad and frustrated, in more ways than one!

The general response on the reddit thread was find someone in real life to do it. Unfortunately, I'm not nearly that open with people, nor do I know anyone who could do it, or would be willing to be friends with benefits or whatever. It sucks! As much as I'm looking for advice, I'm also just venting. I don't know what else to do by this point, but I don't want to give up. :(

Hi, nice to meet you. Here is your complimentary cupcake. :o

I have a similar problem, though it's because I think too much. My thoughts will latch onto any little thing and I'll end up not going under well or at all. Typos, awkward pronunciation, and misspeaking especially irk me and even a single one will likely wake me up. There's a good deal of stuff I don't like as well, and any mention of those will also do the same. Basically, my mind just doesn't like not thinking and it'll look for pretty much anything to keep itself thinking about something. I remember ending up pondering the voice of the hypnotist in one of the files I tried and only realizing it a minute or so later when I noticed I'd woken myself up thinking about it.

For this reason, I'm not even sure if I've ever gone under, though I've tried. Nothing seems to stick for longer than a week or two, if at all, and it's hard for me to tell whether I'm actually being influenced or it's just wishful role-playing on my part. I'd love to find someone around who's also interested in hypnosis, but I'm also very shy with people I don't know, so that's not going to be very easy.
08/19/14 05:01PM

This thread might help a bit.
08/19/14 10:42PM
Thanks for the thread, PomPom, I'm gonna give it a read when I can!

Dreamshade said:
Hi, nice to meet you. Here is your complimentary cupcake. :o

I have a similar problem, though it's because I think too much. My thoughts will latch onto any little thing and I'll end up not going under well or at all. Typos, awkward pronunciation, and misspeaking especially irk me and even a single one will likely wake me up. There's a good deal of stuff I don't like as well, and any mention of those will also do the same. Basically, my mind just doesn't like not thinking and it'll look for pretty much anything to keep itself thinking about something. I remember ending up pondering the voice of the hypnotist in one of the files I tried and only realizing it a minute or so later when I noticed I'd woken myself up thinking about it.

For this reason, I'm not even sure if I've ever gone under, though I've tried. Nothing seems to stick for longer than a week or two, if at all, and it's hard for me to tell whether I'm actually being influenced or it's just wishful role-playing on my part. I'd love to find someone around who's also interested in hypnosis, but I'm also very shy with people I don't know, so that's not going to be very easy.

That's exactly my problem! I'm so analytical, I can't just let my mind go for any reason. I feel like if I'm not listening to every single word as intently as I can, I'm going to not have the effects. I don't want to just fall asleep, you know?

Also, can I just say I need to become way more active in this community. It's so nice to finally be able to talk about this kind of stuff.

Edit: I guess my next question is: does anyone have any tips to relax an analytical mind? Hypnosis, or in general really. Honestly, it hurts my work too. I'm trying to be a writer, and I can't put anything on the page because I'm constantly thinking about it!
08/20/14 03:09AM
PomPom's link has some suggestions, Tranceless.
08/20/14 03:27AM
CollaredSexSlave said:
PomPom's link has some suggestions, Tranceless.

Ah, should have read that before responding. I've been overworked like crazy recently. I'm on my phone atm. These forums aren't the most mobile friendly.
08/20/14 03:36AM
Welcome to the Hub.

Unfortunately I don't have any advice to give. I have tried to go under a few times but I don't think i've ever been completely under. Personally I think my problem is that I have little frame of reference for what it feels like to be in a trance.
08/20/14 04:21AM
I find that guided visualizations are better as hypnotic inductions for people with overactive imaginations. Learn to keep your brain busy thinking of details in the scene you're imagining. There was one file I remember in particular (it's still on yt somewhere) that talks about you standing on a grassy hill and it starts raining, that one was good as fuck and I think it's probably what taught me how to visualize more totally. It's not really about the sights or the smells or sound or feeling in particular; it's about the patience that lets you take what subset of those does come to you and explore that sensation without worrying.

Unfortunately a lot of files have counting and stuff which really takes me out of it sometimes. "There's a set of stairs..." Wait, how many stairs? "10, you start walking down the stairs, 9..." And how many steps was I supposed to take? That's probably more me being a sperg than anything but I do think it's a problem that a lot of people try too hard to jam in "inductions" that have, through some memetic bullshit, become standardized, when really a proper and thorough visualization would function just as well.
08/20/14 06:42AM
Welcome. Like you, I have some failed attempts at hypno and I feel I should be more active around here. Same boat?

No advices with the hypno thing, I wish I knew myself. Being more active gets easier if you dare to post some drawings, other than that it's the forum for us. There was some talk about that chat, but it didn't work for me.

Anyways, the more the merrier, enjoy your time here.
08/20/14 07:32AM
TakyonH said:
I find that guided visualizations are better as hypnotic inductions for people with overactive imaginations. Learn to keep your brain busy thinking of details in the scene you're imagining. There was one file I remember in particular (it's still on yt somewhere) that talks about you standing on a grassy hill and it starts raining, that one was good as fuck and I think it's probably what taught me how to visualize more totally.

I'll have to look for that. That sounds right up my alley.

Unfortunately a lot of files have counting and stuff which really takes me out of it sometimes.

Christ I hate the counting inductions. That and "going deeper". Going deeper how? What in the hell does that mean? Mistress E on eSuccubus did a really good version of the count induction that involved a fair amount of visualization, stating how many steps there were, ect, but even that wasn't fantastic. That being said, I've had the most amount of luck with her files.

Being more active gets easier if you dare to post some drawings, other than that it's the forum for us.

I can't draw worth a damn past stick figure drawing, so you're not gonna see anything of mine up here. That being said, maybe one day I'll get brave enough to post something on mcstories.

The suggestions in PomPom's linked thread sound really useful, especially journaling. I think I'm gonna try and experiment with meditation and clearing my mind before taking another crack at hypnosis. Start with the basics, you know?
08/20/14 09:36AM
TakyonH said:
I find that guided visualizations are better as hypnotic inductions for people with overactive imaginations. Learn to keep your brain busy thinking of details in the scene you're imagining. There was one file I remember in particular (it's still on yt somewhere) that talks about you standing on a grassy hill and it starts raining, that one was good as fuck and I think it's probably what taught me how to visualize more totally. It's not really about the sights or the smells or sound or feeling in particular; it's about the patience that lets you take what subset of those does come to you and explore that sensation without worrying.

I gotta find that sometime.

TakyonH said:
Unfortunately a lot of files have counting and stuff which really takes me out of it sometimes. "There's a set of stairs..." Wait, how many stairs? "10, you start walking down the stairs, 9..." And how many steps was I supposed to take? That's probably more me being a sperg than anything but I do think it's a problem that a lot of people try too hard to jam in "inductions" that have, through some memetic bullshit, become standardized, when really a proper and thorough visualization would function just as well.

Oh my fucking god I hate it when stuff like that happens. If it's not specific enough I'll just end up wondering things exactly like that. As soon as I start wondering things like that I'm just totally done and have to start over.
08/20/14 12:04PM
Tranceless said:
Christ I hate the counting inductions. That and "going deeper". Going deeper how? What in the hell does that mean?

I know, right? And then there's the deepenings that quantify it. Like "every time you go under you'll go ten times deeper than before" and whatnot. Completely takes me out of it. Can't help but think 'That ten times is HUGE. And this fucker wants me to go like 10^6 deeper, do they even have any clue how much that is...'
08/20/14 12:09PM
Jeeze, I've never used hypnofiles or anything but you all sound a lot like me. I'm absolutely certain that, should I ever care enough to try, I'd be OCD enough to have all of these things bother me, too. XD

TheKinkyFinn said:
I know, right? And then there's the deepenings that quantify it. Like "every time you go under you'll go ten times deeper than before" and whatnot. Completely takes me out of it. Can't help but think 'That ten times is HUGE. And this fucker wants me to go like 10^6 deeper, do they even have any clue how much that is...'

I loled.

Would twice as deep work better? :P
08/20/14 01:00PM
But then they say "twice" so much you start getting to like 64x or 128x and that's just hard to even comprehend.
08/20/14 03:31PM
TakyonH said:
But then they say "twice" so much you start getting to like 64x or 128x and that's just hard to even comprehend.

Fuuuuuuuuuck I know right? For a comsci major 2 is such an important number it just makes me think about things completely unrelated.

TheKinkyFinn said:
I know, right? And then there's the deepenings that quantify it. Like "every time you go under you'll go ten times deeper than before" and whatnot. Completely takes me out of it. Can't help but think 'That ten times is HUGE. And this fucker wants me to go like 10^6 deeper, do they even have any clue how much that is...'

That's honestly what I think every time I hear someone say twice or ten times deeper. I don't think exponential growth of depth of trance is sustainable.
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