08/16/13 11:11AM
panic attack manips
anyone have any those always great?
08/16/13 12:00PM
I THINK I have a few. I'll see if I can't hunt them down...
Don't expect anything tonight, though. :P I'm dead tired.
08/17/13 04:05AM
This raises a relevant point regarding Panic Attack's 3D manips, such as - say - "Taking Katie".

I notice that one was briefly up, and got deleted, which makes me wonder where exactly the line is?

Is it only "unrealistic" depictions of lolis that this site allows? Because "Taking Katie", I believe, was made with just the stock child model that comes with the Poser 3D software... meaning that deleting that basically means saying no to any loli art made using a 3D program, yeah?

I personally find that one a bit graphic for my tastes, but maybe it should simply be tagged "hardcore" or something and simply blacklisted for all users by default?

I think it's a shame to dismiss all 3D art on the basis of one too-explicit artwork... there's a lot of Poser art (and potential for poser art) that would fit in here extremely well. There's also a vast library of child and anime-character models in Poser, DAZ-3D, as well as other stuff like 3D Custom Girl that makes this kind of artwork easy.

Consider the following:

I think that's the kind of art that absolutely belongs on here, even if it does contain loli (e.g. l-exander909.deviantart.com/art/Marisa-s-Package-342647316).

Conversely, however, if that is allowed, why ban "Taking Katie"? A really good artist can do a MUCH better job of depicting a realistic loli. Take the following, for instance:


Would that be allowed, if she were looking at a pendant? And if not, why not? Would sleepymaid's most realistic pics be banned as well?

Consider this, for instance: yay.sleepymaid.com/displayimage.php?album=6&pid=73

Yeah, it's stylized, but sleepymaid's masterful hand makes her look like a real girl... so does that mean this image ought to be deleted?

I think this merits discussion, and a clear update of the posting rules, or nobody will know what's actually allowed to be posted. (Or else you'll just have way less stuff showing up, because people assume you're censoring something you're not.)
08/17/13 04:11AM
I'm just throwing my two cents in here, but both Taking Katie and that other sequence with Carolyn look completely unrealistic.
08/17/13 04:17AM
3D poser images are not allowed. 3D Custom Girl images are. That Sleepymaid image could never be construed as a real girl. The other pic you posted is probably a bit too close to realistic.
08/17/13 04:33AM
So, maybe add that to the policy?

Right now it just says "loli/shota is a go".
08/17/13 04:35AM
BluRider said:
So, maybe add that to the policy?

Right now it just says "loli/shota is a go".

Actually, it says

The Rules said:
Photorealistic 3-dimensional loli/shota images are not to be posted. No exceptions. "Photorealistic", in this case, will not be defined; it's rather self-explanatory.

While this rule is mainly attributed to 3-dimensional works, it can apply to 2-dimensional works that are overly realistic as well.

but I don't really like how Vanndril said he wouldn't define it. We should at least make an attempt at it.
08/17/13 05:04AM
Honestly, the 2D art I linked is far closer to photorealism than Taking Katie (which looks like 1995's definition of photorealism), so yes, it may be that simply amending that paragraph is the way to go.
08/17/13 12:35PM
Perhaps photorealistic was the wrong word. No matter.

Your worries have not fallen on deaf ears. After a bit of thought as to how, I rewrote the section to make it clearer.

[[help:rules and policies|The Rules]] now say:

h6. Realistic Lolicon/Shotacon

Overly realistic 3-dimensional loli/shota images are not to be posted. As a guideline: generally, if a 3D loli/shota image is not anime or cartoon styled and instead attempts to mimic a realistic human form, it is not allowed. If you're not sure if something is allowed, feel free to ask on the forums before uploading it.

This rule will apply to incredibly realistic 2-dimensional loli/shota images as well. These are rare cases.

Yes, this means that, for the most part, poser images of loli/shota are not allowed. Granted, as with just about everything else, this can be handled on a case-by-case basis.

If you're unsure if something is allowed, please don't just assume it's not. I urge you to ask on the forums and link to it from elsewhere.

In any case, please keep in mind that this isn't really our choice of a rule, but a restriction set upon us by Slayerduck, to avoid any potential run-ins with the law. He wasn't really 100% clear in his own explanation, but he did show me examples (whose links I have since lost), which is why I originally wrote the rule as something that was very much subjective - to, more or less, leave it as a case-by-case basis. The new rule should serve as a clearer explanation, though.
08/17/13 05:00PM
So how about that loli booru one Blu linked above?

That considered "incredibly" realistic?
08/17/13 07:22PM
man the whole reason i asked for the panic attack manips was im trying to find a ben 10 one anyone have it?
08/18/13 01:01AM
hypnoshadow1 said:
man the whole reason i asked for the panic attack manips was im trying to find a ben 10 one anyone have it?

Lol, sorry shadow, we took over your thread. I'll take a look for it now.

Edit: Damn, I don't have that one...and my google-fu has failed me...

TheZiggler said:
So how about that loli booru one Blu linked above?

That considered "incredibly" realistic?

That's a tough one. I'd say probably not, but only and solely due to the fact that the legs are just meshed together. It looks more like a portrait than a photorealistic loli. Yet, at the same time, the upper body is so close to realistic that I'd be wary of it.

If the entire body was drawn with the level of completion that the upper and middle torso are, it would be, without a doubt, too realistic.

Honestly, I'd probably run over and ask slayerduck about that. While I would give it a pass (barely), he may think it's not worth the risk. If you're thinking of manipping it or something, let me know and I'll do just that.
08/18/13 02:50AM
i know one guy on sleepychan that has a lot of them i just need to get the folder from him after he finds them
07/26/15 06:06PM
Hate to be the guy that necros this but, the topic is relevant to my interests.

Panic attack's done other work 3d besides the Katie one? Is that stuff lost to the ages or can it still be found floating around, as my google-fu is also failing me here.
07/30/15 09:45PM
The taking katie comics part 1,3 &4 are still available on exhentai, as well as a few other pieces of his work. My ehentai account recently can now allow me access to exhentai (yay), I theorize part 2 isn't available primarily because it wasn't too interesting, well at least for hentai standards. I found all 4 parts on a download site, but I can't find them anymore.

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