09/09/14 07:43PM
What triggered your interest in Hypno & MC ?
( I quickly checked the 15 pages and I hadn't seen a thread about this topic . My bad If I missed it )

Everything's in the title I guess.
Was it a manniped picture ? Some text ? A movie ? Or maybe a game ?
09/09/14 08:16PM
Every children's show ever, from when I was little. They all had MC, and I always found the idea incredibly fascinating. It wasn't even as though I gradually grew to like the idea, but more like a switch was flipped the moment I saw an MC scene for the first time. I immediately grew intrigued.

Fast forward many years, I pretty much started off my internet porn escapades looking up hypnosis and porn in the same google searches, because I knew you could find ANYTHING on the internet.
09/09/14 08:30PM
Somewhat like Vanndril, it could have been any number of cartoons (or maybe comics, B-movies, etc...). I'm personally leaning towards <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE3tHjvluzs&t=4m11s|this one>>, just due to remembering that I saw it in my early childhood home, as opposed to the house my family moved into a little later.

I have some credence for the idea that early fears can develop into fetishes. Although I recall "funny feelings" even back then, I consciously took the idea of mind control to be nightmarish, and even moreso, unfair. Of course on the other hand, the fear may just have developed from the sexual naivete of childhood, combined with the innate aversion to being dominated against my will...
09/09/14 08:47PM
Dr_Mabuse said:
I'm personally leaning towards <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE3tHjvluzs&t=4m11s|this one>>

I REMEMBER THAT! XD I used to love that show.
09/09/14 09:29PM
As customary, I blame animation. Many examples of zombie-sleepwalking, brainwashing and enchanting girls did things to my tastes.

Ranma 1/2 was specially keen on love spells and such, best scene ever was when Sasuke (narutards beware) brainwashed Ranma-chan just by whispering to her (him?).
Found it in Italian -Bewbs at 18:00 ^. ^

Shout out to Kaa, probably my first one ever. Damned snake.
09/09/14 10:07PM
I had a very conservative, "sheltered" upbringing. My parents tried to shield my virgin eyes from all things sexual. I guess my brain was trying to develop in those ways, but with no material to work with, when I first was introduced to fantasy hypnosis in a variety of different cartoons all at the same time. Some part of my brain was like "See how they respond to the visual stimuli? That means it feels good. This is what we've been looking for."

I later discovered a Fredericks of Hollywood catalogue and my brain was like "Hang on. There's no room in there for... Guys, we made a mistake! Get your work gear back on, everybody's getting overtime!" And that's the story of how I also got my lingerie, swimwear, and otherwise skintight clothing fetish.

To think, if I hadn't been so sheltered I might have turned out less deviant. Go figure.
09/10/14 01:15AM
It's all Kaa's fault.
09/10/14 02:24AM
Vanndril said:
Every children's show ever

09/10/14 02:31AM
Mindwipe said:
It's all Kaa's fault.

Pretty much this. And of course all the other cartoons in which hypnosis is an oh-so-common trope (usually involving the female characters, go figure).
09/10/14 03:00AM
Add another to the old cartoon pile.

<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7eOf9Rhyto|Tadah! You now have a fetish.>> Which reminds me, I need to make .gifs of this at some point, though that's probably the highest quality available.
09/10/14 03:38AM
I don't really remember. My friend was hypnotized once for a demonstration when we were young.

It was hot.
09/10/14 03:43AM
PomPom said:
I don't really remember. My friend was hypnotized once for a demonstration when we were young.

It was hot.

Go on...
09/10/14 04:04AM
JonSmisu said:
Go on...

It was my friend Caitlyn in fourth grade? Lol but 10 year old me was kinda like freaking out inside.
09/10/14 04:07AM
The. Jungle. Book.

Like i said in the comments section of a recent image, i had to have been like 6 or 7 at the time, 4 or 5 years shy of when i began noticing breasts and became sexually aware in a more normal capacity, and there i was, gettin' a boner, something i didn't even know the word for until about another 3 years (only child, no older siblings to teach me this stuff, and my parents didn't give me the talk until they caught me leafing through dad's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue collection)

Ghost Clown from Scooby Doo did much the same, though.

Although i did not really discover hypno-porn until i finally managed to figure out how to surf for porn without getting caught (didn't get my own computer until i was 18, and my parents were savvy enough to search cookies and even the temp files after i figured out cookies. Took me a while till i figured out both). Probably around 16 when i discovered NVHentai, which was my prime site up through 2012, when i migrated to e-hentai. NVH is a good beginner's site because they group things very easily by category, so you don't have to know how boorus or other archive setups work (e-hentai is still a little user-unfriendly), and so i was able to re-discover The Jungle Book r34, as well as general hypno porn. Some artists from NVH's "Hypnosis" stash led me to deviantart, which got me on DA_Entranced, which finally hooked me up with the broader community, leading here.

In the span of time between not watching The Jungle Book anymore and surfing NVHentai with impunity, Inuyasha was a nice resource, as were the "Despero" episodes of the Justice League cartoon.
09/10/14 04:09AM
PomPom said:
It was my friend Caitlyn in fourth grade? Lol but 10 year old me was kinda like freaking out inside.

Details woman/man! You can't just say, "My friend was hypnotized," and not expect someone like me to pry into this semi-traumatic childhood experience!

:P (If you don't, it's fine.)
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