10/03/13 10:20PM
Image Lost & Found Thread
As the name may suggest, this is a thread in which people can ask if others know of where to find a certain image via description of the image in question.

I only ask that people remember to quote the description when they've found the image. Otherwise things might get confusing.

10/03/13 10:20PM
Going first, the image I'm looking for was one that I did a manip of some time ago. It was a women with very short red hair. She was facing the viewer and resting her large exposed breasts on her arms while tilting to the side slightly. She wore a white apron with wide yellow straps. I think the back ground was a tree with grassy surroundings.

I want to re-manip since the last manip I did was kind of awful and I really liked that pic.
10/04/13 03:32AM
<<chan.sankakucomplex.com/?...breasts&commit=Search|Based on the tags it would surely have>>, I can't find it.
10/04/13 03:46AM
Stem_Cell said:
<<chan.sankakucomplex.com/?...breasts&commit=Search|Based on the tags it would surely have>>, I can't find it.

Yeah,I already tired searching the major image engines. I was actually hoping if someone had a save of the manip that I did or maybe the one that Kilroy did before he disappeared. I think the only place to find it online now would be pixiv. Unfortunately I don't know how to navigate a Japanese website yet.
10/04/13 04:04AM
Well, you've found it somewhere, I'm sure? If you remember you found it on a taggable imageboard, maybe it just suffers from an extreme case of tagme.
10/04/13 05:01AM
Actually it was sctoagn who orinally found it and posted it on Hypno-chan sometime ago. I think you know the rest.
10/05/13 02:05AM
I'm looking for a comic I saw on Deviant Art a long time ago. Misty, May and Dawn were looking to get presents for Ash, and decided to have life-sized dolls made to look like themselves, but due to a misunderstanding, the machines turned them into dolls instead.

Actually, I have part of it, but due to some computer trouble, I'm missing the best part.:(
10/05/13 09:30PM
deathwish said:
Actually, I have part of it, but due to some computer trouble, I'm missing the best part.:(

Try reverse image search on one of the images, maybe it's somewhere out there.
10/06/13 03:59AM
deathwish said:
I'm looking for a comic I saw on Deviant Art a long time ago. Misty, May and Dawn were looking to get presents for Ash, and decided to have life-sized dolls made to look like themselves, but due to a misunderstanding, the machines turned them into dolls instead.

Actually, I have part of it, but due to some computer trouble, I'm missing the best part.:(

I believe that was a Rosvo comic. His material is, regrettably, not allowed to be posted here.
10/06/13 04:55AM
Vorp said:
I believe that was a Rosvo comic. His material is, regrettably, not allowed to be posted here.

I'm pretty sure you're right. I think that comic was posted on Hypnobooru before he requested his material be pulled.
11/13/13 11:24PM
Does anyone remember that flash video with the blond that was hypnotized by the spinning spiral floating in mid air? They did breast expansion and at the end she had heart eyes. Were can I find that?
11/14/13 12:01AM
I'm wondering if anyone has old work from Rhachadi and Allisnotwell before they both removed all of their content. I think it's silly to remove it all to start anew, but I guess with all the annoying pestering some people do it can get tiresome.
11/14/13 12:07AM
MrGerp said:
I think it's silly to remove it all to start anew, but I guess with all the annoying pestering some people do it can get tiresome.

Some artists just don't like their old work for their own personal reasons. As someone who's done the same several times, i can understand why they'd do it.
11/14/13 12:26AM
I guess I can understand it, but it always struck me as somewhat selfish. It's a real punch in the gut to the people who liked those pics and never saved them.

Anyway, I do have some of Allisnotwell's pics that aren't posted, but not all. For example, I stopped saving her Kaa comic once the vore started. I also have a few of Rhachadi's manips, but not very many. I'll post them later.
11/14/13 09:51AM
Lost+Name said:
Does anyone remember that flash video with the blond that was hypnotized by the spinning spiral floating in mid air? They did breast expansion and at the end she had heart eyes. Were can I find that?

I have that. It was on the old Collective ages ago.

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