10/11/14 02:57AM
Still Waiting Thread?
A simple, silly little topic... or not; it's your own view.

This is just a thread for you to post and talk about things you're still waiting for.

Could be anything good bad or otherwise. Although if it's bad or otherwise it'd be all the more interesting if you said why.

PS: No obvious song references :P JK
10/11/14 03:03AM
HelixDome said:
PS: No obvious song references :P JK

<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6nK6WcjEBY&t=0m45s|No obvious song references you say?>>

Anyhow, I've been waiting for Jon Smisu to let me know whether or not he wants to practice his hypnosis skills on me >.>
10/11/14 04:18AM
* For Blade & Soul to come out.

* For someone to hypnotize me into finding TERA's grind to be much more delightful.

* For the next FatalPulse Victim Girls installment.

* For Metals to buy my IIDX controller.

* For Vanndril to stop pestering me about posting my horrible manips.

* For PomPom to move into Brampton so she and I can go on sake-sake adventures.

* For Mindwipe to stream.

* For Mindwipe to make hypnosis files involving Holo.

* For Mindwipe to become a flaming homosexual.

* For Mindwipe x Vanndril yaoi fanfics.

* For my Sound Voltex controller to ship out.
10/11/14 04:29AM
I'm waiting for many things right now. Just a few:

>To move to Brampton so I can outdrink Mugi while sakebombing
>For Mindwipe to learn guitar so we can start a band already
>Equal rights for all fluffballs
>Tales of Zestiria
10/11/14 04:57AM
RebKMG said:
* For Blade & Soul to come out.

* For Metals to buy my IIDX controller.

Yes for the first one.

When I get money for the second one.

Let's see....

>Guilty Gear: Xrd (even though I'm awful at fighting games)
>Planetside 2 on the PS4 so I can actually play it without my computer being set on fire.
>Christmas o.o
>To try a hypnosis session at some point.
10/11/14 05:36AM
-Alien Invasion
-New good Windows version
-Consumer-ready Occulus Rift
-Apple's insolvency
10/11/14 07:20AM
- A confidence boost.
- The ability to ask others if they want to be hypnotized.
- The ability to just write my crap instead of sitting on it.
- The ability to get of my butt and get Minecraft.
- The day when I finally rule the unwashed masses.

Dr_Mabuse said:
Anyhow, I've been waiting for Jon Smisu to let me know whether or not he wants to practice his hypnosis skills on me >.>

Not right now. Maybe in the future.
10/11/14 07:20AM
RebKMG said:
* For Blade & Soul to come out.

I gave up on that, by now. That, and the fairly terrible anime adaptation killed any interest I might have had.

RebKMG said:
* For someone to hypnotize me into finding TERA's grind to be much more delightful.

That sounds hilariously amusing. XD

RebKMG said:
* For the next FatalPulse Victim Girls installment.

FatalPulse is my guilty pleasure. His art is just so delicious. So, yes please. :3

RebKMG said:
* For Vanndril to keep pestering me about posting my amazing manips.

Ftfy. :D Post plox. :P
Even if you don't post them, at least give them to me. I swear, I'll keep them a secret! @_@

RebKMG said:
* For Mindwipe to stream.

* For Mindwipe to make hypnosis files involving Holo.

* For Mindwipe to become a flaming homosexual.

* For Mindwipe x Vanndril yaoi fanfics.

Yes, yes, no, wut. In that order.

I don't have much I'm waiting for, really. But what I've wanted for a very long time now is...

A MMORPG to be released with...

* A combat system based on TERA's, but better balanced.
* The quest-interaction style of SW:ToR. You know, the "choice wheel".
* The level of exploration and random world events found in GW2.
* The lore depth and story quality of pre-Cataclysm WoW.
* FFXIV's casual-friendly take on just about everything.
* Rogues. Or Assassins. As a class. It's a must.
* Absolutely zero (0 - aka. NONE) P2W mechanics. Aesthetics are fine, though.

And, possibly the most important aspect...

* A cast of likable, quirky NPC party members that make the game capture that "group of heroes on an epic quest" feel like console RPGs that every MMO ever has missed by a mile.
** SW:ToR's companion system was the closest I've seen to this, but it still didn't do it.

Slightly more realistically (that should go to show how much faith I have in MMO developers nowadays), a VRMMORPG. Sword Art Online has sparked something in me that can only be quenched by experiencing VR gaming. I'd practically live in a game like that. I'd legit exercise and become an acrobat if it meant I could excel in a game like that.
10/11/14 11:05AM
for the right place and time to lose my hypno-cherry. n_n`

Also, December Bonus.
10/11/14 11:10AM
10/11/14 11:32AM
RebKMG said:
* For Blade & Soul to come out.

* For Vanndril to stop pestering me about posting my horrible manips.

* For Mindwipe to stream.

* For Mindwipe to make hypnosis files involving Holo.

* For Mindwipe to become a flaming homosexual.

* For Mindwipe x Vanndril yaoi fanfics.

These, as well as:

>Kingdom Under Fire 2
>Black Desert
>Someone I can trust to hypnotize me
>Someone willing to sell me a Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf H. or a Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger in working order for less than all the money in the entire world.

Vanndril said:
* A combat system based on TERA's, but better balanced.
* The quest-interaction style of SW:ToR. You know, the "choice wheel".
* The level of exploration and random world events found in GW2.
* The lore depth and story quality of pre-Cataclysm WoW.
* FFXIV's casual-friendly take on just about everything.
* Rogues. Or Assassins. As a class. It's a must.
* Absolutely zero (0 - aka. NONE) P2W mechanics. Aesthetics are fine, though.

>A combat system based on Vindictus's, but with cannons and sniper rifles.
>All else the same

10/11/14 12:24PM
you shouldn't have said JK because here they come

* <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-C-IbkuNWs|On a woman>>
* <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKLVmBOOqVU|On a friend>>
* <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtnkpMVjSrM|For you>>
* <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qF_qbaWt3Q|For the end>>
* <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBIxScJ5rlY|On the world to change>>
* <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=9giY58f-BYg|For this moment to come>>
* A dream job to fall into my lap because I sure as fuck don't seem to be working on it
10/11/14 02:24PM
To find a nice lady to guide me into a nice deep trance

On having gotten the time to practice and become a decent hypnotist

On getting confirmation for my spring and summer plans (well I need to send in the applications so this is in advance)

To be in a place that doesn't have an awful male to female ratio so I could try dating

For Halloween

To get the motivation needed to watch all of the shows and movies on my To-Watch list
10/11/14 10:50PM
Waiting for my brain to let me draw something without automatically saying it's bad.
Waiting for that "aha" moment so I can figure out what I'm doing with my life.
Waiting for HTTYD 3.
Waiting for Starbound to get a major update.
10/12/14 03:14AM
Vanndril said:
That sounds hilariously amusing. XD

I've actually had some thoughts about it. I want someone to hypnotize me to give me a feeling of projection into the character and universe when I play. So that way when I do things on TERA, I would react realistically; fighting world bosses would suddenly give me a very tense feeling and defeating them would greet me with a serious feeling of accomplishment.

Plus, I get to experience being an Elin. Or a Popo. Nyahahaha
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