08/18/13 09:16AM
Show some respect.
Mindwipe, Vanndril, and Slayerduck have all put SO MUCH time and resources into this site. If you don't like the way its run, don't bitch about it here. Just leave.

Personally, I think this is perfect. This is what we've always needed, since even DURING hypnochan. We have every feature we've dreamed of. We have freedom to post what we want, and we still protect our friends who live in nanny states. We have more features than a premium booru.org hosted site, with no ads, FOR FREE, thanks to our (new) friend slayerduck. We didn't even lose any content, thanks to MANY hours of hard work from our friends Vanndril and Mindwipe. We have everything you asked for.

So quit yer whining. Put your big boy panties (or girl) panties on. Use the forum for productive, enriched communication, not this arguing and demanding BS. If you don't like or can't view Loli/Shota, fine, it is blacklisted by default, even when logged off. If you think there isn't a difference between this and hypnobooru, guess what? All the content was saved.

So, long story short, we lost nothing, gained lots, and the potentially disagreeable new content (hey, its porn- tecnically, it all is!) Is a feature that is optional and disabled by default. All for FREE due to lots of generosity and hard work for YOUR sake. If you have a problem with any of that, I'm sure everyone else will be happy to invite you to leave.

I know that to some extent I am being hypocritical about this by arguing that we shouldn't be arguing, but it pisses me off to no end to see this shit, and I'm voicing my opinion now and publicly. I'm not targeting anyone (especially not our old friend Luna), but rather, asking everyone to keep our discussions here civil and respectful.

Additionally, this site was made by the aforementioned three people, and as such, they get the final say because it is THEIR site. If you question their authority, git your ass out the door.
08/18/13 09:39AM
I agree, it is their site they can do whatever they want.
08/18/13 10:21AM
Wow. I come back from work and --- yeah. I was surprised to see so much stressing about things. I would have thought this place was a complete and unmistakable improvement.

I give all the admins high fives and cookies.

Also... I'm cheering you guys on, but staying MILES away from the tagging debate. I like the current state of affairs and side with admin on it... but there's just a point in your life where you start to type in defense of lusting Sailor Moon despite a number on her wikipedia profile that just makes you stop, sigh and realize... I could probably be doing something productive.
08/18/13 01:32PM
Running this site isn't necessarily easy, and it's hardly ever "fun". Many people may think that the perks are nice...but honestly: what perks? The only perk we have that our users do not is control. Control that we can't use for our own selfish desires because it would drive away our users. Then what would we have control over? An empty, useless site.

More than anything, we hate to tell people "this can't be here." We hate to say "this image is under judgment of quality." We feel like complete cold-hearted assholes whenever we have to tell someone something like that. Hell, we practically try to take turns doing it, so that we each have a break from looking like an ass. When you boil it down, Mindwipe and I are really kind, understanding, and caring people. We really hate the very idea of hurting someone's feelings merely by doing our job. We're just that sort of people.

Running this site can be more demanding on time than a full-time job. It's about as fun as one, too. And it's rewarding in the same way as charity work. All we get out of all this work is a job-well-done feeling, and that's only if our users are content with our actions.

So, thank you. Posts like this remind us why, and for who, we keep doing all this. It's a very nice feeling when you notice that your efforts are appreciated.

bellchan said:
you stop, sigh and realize... I could probably be doing something productive.

Story of my life. ;)
08/18/13 05:35PM
Hear, hear.

I think you guys are awesome, and I'm really happy about all the great work you're doing.

I'm also sorry for kicking off what appears to have turned into a bit of an internet-fight. Not at all my intention.
08/18/13 11:44PM
It's all good, BluRider. Your post wasn't the cause of the problem, merely the catalyst used to reveal already underlying issues. It all would have come out somewhere, eventually.

I'd like to clarify that we do not hate it when people bring up concerns and potential solutions. In fact, we like that. I, personally, am always trying to think of ways to better how we do things. We always give serious consideration to ideas that are brought to us, attempting to consider and balance between pros, cons, effort, and availability of time. Even when we just finished something big that drained us, such as this site's setup, we'll always consider new ideas and, if we like them, add them on our unwritten "to-do" list.

Even so, do keep in mind that we're only human. We do have lives. The only reason we spend anywhere near as much time on this site as we do is because we want it to succeed and prosper, not because we have nothing else to do with our time.

*sniffles* Personally, I'm sad for losing out on my precious Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn beta time. :/ But that doesn't really prove my point about us having lives, now does it? ;)
08/19/13 01:09PM
Alex from dA here. It won't be much, but I'm ready to contribute with photomanips if you guys like.
08/19/13 01:35PM
AlexSable said:
Alex from dA here. It won't be much, but I'm ready to contribute with photomanips if you guys like.

Well, this is a random place to post that. :P
Call me ignorant but...there are a mighty lot of Alex's on dA (and apparently no Alex Sable). Which would you be?
08/19/13 01:41PM
Ops, sorry about that.

This would be me : l-exander909.deviantart.com/
08/19/13 03:23PM
Why can't we downvote things? A lot of low quality Content is already flooding in.

Also I don't believe in hugboxes. Administration should be held accountable for their actions. They're not gods.

08/19/13 10:10PM
Zelinko said:
Why can't we downvote things? A lot of low quality Content is already flooding in.

Also I don't believe in hugboxes. Administration should be held accountable for their actions. They're not gods.

"Why can't we downvote pics? I don't like this pic, so I should be able to hide it from everyone's view!" Yeah, downvoting is a terrible idea everywhere. If you don't like a pic, move on. Voting is the same as a "Like" button now. Deal with it.

By all means, hold us accountable for our actions. We don't like hugboxes either. But first, you'll have to come up with something we did wrong besides "The big meanies let in content I don't like". I don't see any of this supposed low quality content. The way we judge pics hasn't changed.
08/20/13 01:12AM
I've to say that I'm very happy with the new site. Lots of new user features, the blacklist (I'll finally be able to block guro stuff) and loli/shota content. I'm proud of you, Mindwipe, Vanndril and Slayerduck :3!

I certainly do not regret being the creator of the loli-hypnochan topic on the old site that led to the creation of this most awesome booru :).
08/20/13 02:04AM
Dantus said:
I'll finally be able to block guro stuff

Wait, what? We had a tag blacklist on the old site... and there's no guro here. Guro's even against the rules. =/
08/20/13 03:40AM
I found that at least for me, I would just be lazy and not log in most of the time on hypnobooru, so my blacklist was rarely used. As you stated in the introduction, logging in is practically necessary here. This is why, at least for me, blacklisting actually works now.
08/20/13 06:03AM
It's really heartwarming to see you guys pouring your hearts into something like this. I was super excited to see a better site coming up, and my heart fluttered when I saw the hypnolady and the hub logo pop up recently. This is all really nice, it's hard to believe there actually have been complaints. So I guess I'll just say, for what it's worth, I really appreciate all this hard work you've put in to this. I hate that it takes up so much of your time. You guys are great. Stay classy.
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