10/05/13 02:14AM
What do YOU like about the MC/Hypnosis theme?
Yep, this thread is where we discuss the strange fascination that ties our community together and just what kind of things we love about it.

To start, I love all sorts of mind control and hypnosis. The idea of the mind being bound is just a general turn on for me. But what I definitely love is the thought of the resistance and the slow and gradual submission or natural acceptance the subject becomes prone to. While I do like "instantaneous" mind control material, I feel like nothing exemplifies the mind control theme more than the subject's progressive compliance.

I am also a big fan of emotional manipulation - having a subject fall in love with their master for example. I also love the subject being "unaware" of something like doing something out of the ordinary without noticing via post-hypnotic suggestion or the like. The idea of the subject hearing a suggestion and accepting it as truth and then having him or her do it without realizing because it comes as naturally to them as breathing is just great - to put it simply.

And just to come clean with it all while I'm at it - I am a sub and would totally love to be the subject in any of these situations. >.>

So sit down, have a coffee, and make yourself at home. Let's talk about the theme of MC/Hypnosis and what you love about it.
10/05/13 03:35AM
RebKMG said:
So sit down, have a coffee, and make yourself at home. Let's talk about the theme of MC/Hypnosis and what you love about it.

Oh, how pleasant!

I'm about in the same boat as you. The general idea that someone's mind can be swayed, altered, and/or controlled simply arouses me.
I myself am a big fan of "instantaneous" mind control. The idea that it's fast, and that no one can resist is always hugely arousing to me. Relating to that, mass hypnosis is lovely, don'tcha think?

But I doubt there's anyone on this board who doesn't love a slowly induced, deep trance. I love trances maybe more than anything. That suggestible state of relaxed. Mmm.
10/05/13 03:45AM
I'll keep going, since I'm in a "happy" mood.
When it comes to trances, all the signs of it I find very pleasurable. Empty eyes, a sleepy, dazed look on their face. The body relaxing as the mind sinks into a trance. It's the best!

Oh I love hypnosis <3
10/05/13 04:06AM
Dammit James. You stole everything I was probably going to say, you monster. :p

I'm more on the slow side, though. Instantaneous can sometimes robs the fun of the fetish, in my eyes. Though, if executed a certain way, it can have its appeal.
10/05/13 07:01AM
I was always fascinated and turned on by hypnosis, even as a little boy (like 5 or 6 years old), basically since first seeing the Kaa scene in the JUNGLE BOOK, and then it was supplemented by seeing scenes of hypnosis in cartoons like JONNY QUEST, PLASTIC-MAN, and SCOOBY DOO, as well as comic book hypnosis, which was a occasional theme in RICHIE RICH and "Mysterio" in SPIDER-MAN, and there were a couple of hypnosis scenes in books I read as a kid (which I talked about in another thread I made last month). I'm not even entirely sure how I got erotic feelings for hypnosis at an age where I had no idea what a fetish even was. My best theory is that I had some natural sexual curiosity but was convinced at that age that anything involving genitals was dirty and gross, so the best way to explore these feelings would have been to be hypnotized and then do naughty things "against my will" (even if that's not exactly how hypnosis works). I do remember annoying several of my classmates trying to get them to hypnotize me, because, somehow, I assumed hypnotism was something a whole lot of kids knew how to do (when, in fact, I was probably the only kid in my grade who was borrowing hypnosis books from the library).

I started trying to hypnotize myself with a tape recorder and a book of hypnosis scripts when I was about 15, without much success. I think a lot of people have an aversion to being hypnotized by their own voice. Then, about a decade later, hypnosis mp3s finally started appearing on the Internet and I was able to experience being hypnotized semi-formally for the first time, though it took me years to be able to achieve much beyond a light trance. Today, I can go moderately under, but I still don't think I've ever achieved the super-deep somnambulistic state where the most interesting hypnosis effects, especially positive or negative hallucinations as well as amnesia or changing my personality/believing I'm someone/something else.

Getting to what I enjoy seeing in hypnosis fan art/fanfiction (as well as Japanese live-action A/V): long inductions, sleepy eyes, glassy eyes, slumped over in a chair, obliviousness (e.g. acting normally, not noticing they're naked), altered perceptions. Not really a fan of full-fledged hypno porn, though I will admit to enjoying watching those Japanese hypno videos where girls hump pillows thinking they're having sex and then they show a close up of the moist panties. I also, of course, enjoy watching the occasional stage hypnosis show, though my favourite part is the induction. I've never been brave enough to go up on stage, but I usually try to go under in the audience. (Never quite worked, though now that I'm having some success with mp3s, maybe I ought to try again. It's been a few years since I last saw a hypnotist show.) Also, I gotta admit that I love that MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC hypnosis mp3 files are a whole subculture; I'm not even that much of a brony, but I enjoy that there are recreational hypnosis files that aren't erotic.
10/05/13 07:16AM
A heavy question, why do I like MC...

Weirdly I feel like my MC fetish existed before I even knew about sex, I can remember thinking about controling people's minds even when I was like 8-10 something about the idea of making people love doing what they would never do normally struck a chord with me.

Blame all the old examples, Underdog 'I must do as Simon Says' or Scooby Doo "Watch the pretty coin of gold" hard to pin point any one things. By the time I was in my late teens I had realized it was the MC that really turned me on. Oddly I don't see myself as either a dom or a sub in my personal life. For me its almost a voyeuristic fetish I love reading the stories and writing the stories and looking at the pictures but I'd never want to dig into a hypnosis manual and try to put my wife under, despite the fact that she's shown willing.

So I do my manips and write my stories and at its core I find almost everything+MC a turn on. Do I have a foot fetish, not at all... but reading a story where someone uses MC to give someone a foot fetish totally hot.

I really love the whole fetish instillation aspect of MC, though I've got a warm place in my twisted little heart for MC in almost all its forms. The only aspects that don't hit my hot button are full robotic, cause if the person isn't there whats the point, and the whole help me I'm trapped in my mind stuff... I want them to love it not be tortured by it, thats no fun for me.

10/05/13 08:53AM
I already said it in another thread, but I really love trances. I just love seeing people (girls) in trances. Especially happy trances, because making someone do something they wouldn't normally do isn't hot enough for me; I want them to LOVE doing something they wouldn't normally do. And I enjoy a lot of different kinds of MC: traditional hypnosis, magical, tech, whatever. But I always enjoy it more if there's some level of personal interaction between the dom and sub.

I also like helpless subs. So, I find myself enjoying scenarios where the sub either has no chance to resist or can do nothing but hopelessly struggle against the forces overtaking their mind. Though I also enjoy subs willing submitting to MC.

Since some people brought up actual hypnosis, I'll admit that I have thought about trying it, but A.) I have a feeling I'd be really hard to hypnotize, if not impossible, and B.) I'm afraid if I tried it and it wasn't all that great, it would kinda ruin the fantasy for me. Besides, I've always preferred the dominant side of the fetish. But I don't really know how I'd go about learning how to hypnotize someone, and I don't have a partner to practice on, anyway. So, I've pretty much made my peace with keeping this a fantasy for the foreseeable future.

Mesmersbauble said:
reading a story where someone uses MC to give someone a foot fetish totally hot.

Well, I know what I wanna do now.
10/05/13 10:00AM
Mindwipe said:

Since some people brought up actual hypnosis, I'll admit that I have thought about trying it, but A.) I have a feeling I'd be really hard to hypnotize, if not impossible, and B.) I'm afraid if I tried it and it wasn't all that great, it would kinda ruin the fantasy for me.

After listening to hypnosis mp3's for a while, I went through the disillusionment phase where I was disappointed that "hypnosis reality" doesn't nearly measure up to "hypnosis fantasy", and I'm someone who will probably never stray far from the "mild" end of the hypnotizability scale.

The thing is, while I am still a bit disappointed that I haven't experienced most of the reality-bending phenomena better hypnosis subjects than I seem to experience, there is still a distinct "feeling" of being hypnotized I get when I listen to those files I respond better to, like a warm, floaty, pleasant feeling where time is distorted a bit and I can feel very mild body dysmorphia (like I can sort of imagine how having a tail, pony ears, and a unicorn horn would feel when I listen to the MY LITTLE PONY hypnosis files), and that's really enough for me to enjoy the experience of "hypnosis reality" even if it's nothing close to what I wished being hypnotized would feel like based on seeing fictional portrayals of hypnosis and the super-somnambulists at hypnosis shows.
10/05/13 12:58PM
I've had a MC fetish since I can remember (earliest I can remember is around my Kindergarten years) and admittedly, up until around when I was 12 - I was asexual, finding only sexual attraction through MC/Hypnosis scenarios I would imagine in my head. How I had such a fascination for it at such a young age perplexes me as it came before any of the usual influences like Kaa or Scooby-Doo's ghost clown. Pretty much my entire life I've had a thing for MC/Hypnosis.

Along with that, I've also been sexually adventurous when I was young, often finding myself linking the pleasure I gave myself to the feeling of submitting in such imaginary scenarios I had in my mind, which is probably why I'm largely a sub now.

Sasazuka said:
somehow, I assumed hypnotism was something a whole lot of kids knew how to do

I was the opposite. I never dared speak of hypnosis as a child because my fascination with it made me feel extremely awkward and I thought that everyone I was talking to about it would see right through me.

Mesmersbauble said:
I really love the whole fetish instillation aspect of MC,

Yeah, given my active imagination, I can get into almost anything as long as my creative mind sets it within a MC/hypno context.

Mindwipe said:
I already said it in another thread, but I really love trances. I just love seeing people (girls) in trances. Especially happy trances, because making someone do something they wouldn't normally do isn't hot enough for me; I want them to LOVE doing something they wouldn't normally do.

Oh yes, definitely! I also have gone under hypnosis enough to have some slight effects on myself and I have been in a happy/blissful trance and I assure you it's a wonderful feeling!
10/05/13 03:38PM
I'm pretty sure I mentioned this in another thread but I'll say it again. It probably stems from old cartoons and comics, but I really enjoy seeing characters acting differently for some reason, or transformed in way. Its one of those things that seems to happen in a lot of cartoons I had growing up, there always seemed to be an episode where one character or another got personalty changed, or turned evil or whatnot.
10/05/13 07:39PM
Mindwipe said:
I already said it in another thread, but I really love trances. I just love seeing people (girls) in trances. Especially happy trances, because making someone do something they wouldn't normally do isn't hot enough for me; I want them to LOVE doing something they wouldn't normally do. And I enjoy a lot of different kinds of MC: traditional hypnosis, magical, tech, whatever. But I always enjoy it more if there's some level of personal interaction between the dom and sub.

I also like helpless subs. So, I find myself enjoying scenarios where the sub either has no chance to resist or can do nothing but hopelessly struggle against the forces overtaking their mind. Though I also enjoy subs willing submitting to MC.

Hey, I'm pretty much the same! Especially the part about the sub liking the stuff they're doing. Though even if they're not exactly liking it, I also enjoy it when they act like it's completely normal to do whatever it is that they're doing.
10/05/13 09:20PM
Huh, seemingy lots of people here blame the cartoons... but I am skeptic of that - yes, it might have made people like Kaa, but the interest on the subject had to be there already, maybe genetics, or your "soul", whatever that is.

Personally, I like that the sub is being played with and cannot resist, for that reason I prefer forms of MC other than traditional hypno. I really don't think inductions work unless you're an extremely willing subject, and that's not exactly what I'm after, most of the time.

Also, at first I wondered if I was turned on by robot girls, or mind control, finally settling on the latter, so that may explain some things.
10/05/13 11:05PM
RebKMG said:
I was the opposite. I never dared speak of hypnosis as a child because my fascination with it made me feel extremely awkward and I thought that everyone I was talking to about it would see right through me.

I was the same way. In fact, I still don't like to bring up hypnosis/MC, because I associate it so strongly with sexual things.

saori said:
Hey, I'm pretty much the same!

*high five*

Stem_Cell said:
Huh, seemingy lots of people here blame the cartoons... but I am skeptic of that - yes, it might have made people like Kaa, but the interest on the subject had to be there already

I think it's pretty safe to say it's the cartoons. Yeah, The Jungle Book made me like Kaa. It made me like Kaa because "he can do that neat thing with his eyes that makes Mowgli sleepy and happy and do what he says. I wonder what that's like. I wonder what that thing is. It looks like that thing that the clown on Scooby-Doo used to make Scooby, Daphne, and Shaggy perform circus acts, or the thing that the vampire in that old movie Mommy was watching did to that lady. I wanna see more of that thing!" Basically like that. But you could be at least partially right about the interest being there before we remember it. I can remember watching The Jungle Book when I was 3, but I know we had that VHS tape before then, and even then I was really excited to watch the Kaa scenes, which means I saw that movie before my earliest memories. I can't say it's the same for everyone, though.

I really don't think inductions work unless you're an extremely willing subject

In real life? Sure. But anything goes in fiction. Granted, though, it tends to look really silly when someone is put under by a pocket watch that they were fighting really hard not to look at. :P
10/06/13 01:00AM
Mindwipe said:
I think it's pretty safe to say it's the cartoons. Yeah, The Jungle Book made me like Kaa. It made me like Kaa because "he can do that neat thing with his eyes that makes Mowgli sleepy and happy and do what he says. I wonder what that's like. I wonder what that thing is. It looks like that thing that the clown on Scooby-Doo used to make Scooby, Daphne, and Shaggy perform circus acts, or the thing that the vampire in that old movie Mommy was watching did to that lady. I wanna see more of that thing!" Basically like that.

What I mean is that the interest of someone controlling a subject (or you) probably was there already, maybe triggered by social influence of some sort too, and then the stories we saw portrayed it in a way we grew up to like.

Mindwipe said:
Stem_Cell said:
I really don't think inductions work unless you're an extremely willing subject

In real life? Sure. But anything goes in fiction. Granted, though, it tends to look really silly when someone is put under by a pocket watch that they were fighting really hard not to look at. :P

And that's the boner killer for me :( If she gets implanted with a microchip thingy, who knows what's there? There's mystery. But a pocket watch, or a coin in a string... I know what's there (and that it wouldn't work), so there's no mystery.
10/06/13 02:30AM
Stem_Cell said:
If she gets implanted with a microchip thingy, who knows what's there? There's mystery. But a pocket watch, or a coin in a string... I know what's there

Ah, but those are just methods to access the unconscious mind, and who knows what's there? ;)
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