11/06/14 10:59AM
Sometimes, words are insufficient
(Cryptic title, because I couldn't think of anything that felt right.)

It seems like forever ago that I was just an anonymous lurker on Hypnochan. When I finally stepped out of the shadows to contribute something, it felt strangely fulfilling. Like I was giving back something. And as time went on, I wanted to give back more. That's where the idea for this site came from. We've been through a lot of changes. From the death of Hypnochan to the switch from Hypnobooru here and all the little changes in-between. I've changed quite a bit myself. Sometimes for the better and sometimes not. But now I've decided that it's time for me to make another big change for both myself and the site. And that is, effective immediately, I am stepping down as admin of this site.

Through all my time here, I've had all sorts of ups and downs, but I've come to realize the downs are always far more potent than the ups. Now, that may just be due to my inherent depression, but the point remains that I wind up feeling more unhappy in this job than not. And I can't even begin to describe the feeling I get when someone decides to publicly bash this site. In the end, I'm proud of what I've done, but I just don't have the strength to keep doing it.

I owe this place a lot. A whole lot. I met all of the people I speak to the most on this site (which may be kind of sad, but there ya go). I still love it too much to simply leave it. Not to mention I still have a very important project to share with all of you. So I'll still be around. Lurking, probably commenting. But that's going to be it for me. Sorry, Vann. I know it isn't fair of me to dump all the work on you suddenly like this, but I believe in you and I know you'll be able to get everything right back on track.

To the rest of you, thanks for all the time you've spent here. Thanks for the support, and I hope you all continue to enjoy this site. If I was able to help make something that brought even a handful of people some level of happiness, then I've accomplished all I really wanted. Anything more than that is merely a bonus.
11/06/14 12:01PM
Really? So this is how you're going to do it? I realize you aren't obligated to do this -- it IS a voluntary job after all, but for fuck's sake I knew something was up when you didn't want to talk to me. Maybe I'm just upset that you never told me a thing even though I pestered you quite a few times when I found it blatantly obvious that something was wrong.


Personal reason aside, I'm sure everyone will be sad to see you go. I hope that stepping down as admin for this site gives you any semblance of sanity you didn't already have.

11/06/14 12:03PM
Oh my.
Sucks you feel the need to do this Mindwipe, but I don't think anyone [with half a brain ... but that's about all we have here, innit? XD] can, or will, knock you for it. At least you are able to step up and say it. For that, I respect you.

I hope that whatever you decide to do with your future [whether it be here or there] serves you well, and it sucks you feel you gotta step down. =(

Thanks for working with Vann to get this place up and running though~<3
It'll forever be a baby of yours [you choose the definition of said term], and I'm sure that if down the road you decide that you want to come back, Vann would be more than willing to let you in on it again~<33

[PS. I'm shit with words sometimes, sorry if I'm confusing or whatever. Working on no sleep DX]
11/06/14 01:51PM
You've made me happy, running this site and posting your occasional logs :) . I'm sorry to hear these problems aren't leaving you much room to breathe...
11/06/14 01:53PM
Who will I foot bully now? I hope everything works out for you, and I know you'll be sticking around since this site is like crack cocaine.

Please keep us in the loop in the future!
11/06/14 02:26PM
Well as long as you'll still be around to talk to and stuff then I can handle this. I'd miss you if you pulled out of this place completely.... Anyway I know how you feel, being an admin of a site is harder thank you'd think.

Thank you for your hard work and I wish you luck in your future endeavours!
11/06/14 04:08PM
I just wanted to thank you for all the effort you've put into a really excellent site. You helped rig something that seems to foster a real community and lots of original hypno art, both of which I could not put a price on. I hope your next endeavor will be a good fit for you.
11/06/14 05:22PM
Well, thank you for what you've done.
This site is like a benediction to me. I was so happy when I discoverded it.
It gave me a chance to talk with other people who share this fetish, it made me feel less alone.

So, you have all my gratitude for this and I hope to see you again around here.
11/06/14 06:17PM
i was sad when hypnochan was closed
i was REALLY sad when hypnobooru was closed

now i'm more sad than ever when i see your post man, its like a little part of hypnohub just disappeared with this post :(

well, i hope we can still see you in the futur on the site, your name is lettered on the front door, nobody will forgive your job here, you can come back as you want :)

<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=apFIxtQdpek|i hate goodbye>> so ... see you soon :)
11/06/14 06:22PM
I like to say that most of the nice and great things work on human enthusiasm. And Hypnohub(and previously, Hypnobooru. As far as I know, anyway) is one of these things. Although I'm still kind-of-a-lurker, but I still have to <<static.giantbomb.com/uplo...2500626-1362370482353.png|show my respect>> to you and your accomplishments. I guess, I owe you a drink for creating all this.

Goodbye, Mindwipe, and have a nice day, week, month, year and life.
11/06/14 06:58PM
Unexpecteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed wat da fak boom mindblown. You still gonna stream ;o?
11/06/14 07:06PM
Aw hell, makin' me tear up like this. Here goes the voice of reason for all my crazy ideas and the best partner for administrating this site that I'm likely to ever have. It tears at me to see you step down, my friend. I'm sure you'll still be around, though - who are you kidding, I doubt you could ever fully leave the site :P - so at least there's that.

I'm not gonna try to convince you otherwise, this time. I know better than anyone how this job's grated on your nerves over the past two years (if you count hypnobooru). If you feel it's time for you to take a step back and be your own man again, then who am I to try and convince you otherwise? It looks like you've actually thought it through this time, rather than it being a jerk reaction, and I have to respect that. You've done more than your fair share of work for this community, so rest easy.

If, by some miracle, you ever decide that you want in on the action again, just let me know. You're always welcome back to your old position if you care to have it. ;)
11/06/14 08:34PM
Thanks for your service.
11/06/14 08:39PM
I have to agree with everyone here...

I am saddened to read you feel the need to step down as admin. You were, to me, exactly what an admin should be - always friendly, but not afraid to step in when things get messy, or when a work doesn't meet the standards of the site.

So, yeah. It's a darn shame to lose you as an admin, and I hope that whatever road your life takes you, you'll always think fondly of the community.

I'm glad you're not leaving entirely, though - that would just be asinine.
11/06/14 08:42PM
Godspeed. Hopefully, we'll get someone as good as you around here.
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