11/06/14 07:35PM
Egarashinai added to Artist Blacklist
Just making this post to let you all know that the artist <<|Egarashinai (エガラシナイ)>> has requested that we stop posting their art on HypnoHub. The artist has been added to our Artist Blacklist, aka. our Do-Not-Post list.

Such a shame. I like their work.

This is an interesting first for the site, though. We've never had a Japanese hentai artist contact us to take their stuff down.
11/06/14 07:53PM
We're famous~ Maybe next we'll get a C&D from a really big name like Sayori or Mizuryuu Kei!

*I'm kidding that would be very sad like this is
11/06/14 08:03PM
petal said:
We're famous~ Maybe next we'll get a C&D from a really big name like Sayori or Mizuryuu Kei!

*I'm kidding that would be very sad like this is

If we do, we'd just have to take down their amazing stuff. :/

But I doubt it. Those two seem like pretty awesome people, from what I've seen of them. They'd probably be happy to have their artwork spread.
11/06/14 09:49PM
Don't want to open up a can of worms but I never got why Rosvo and Egarashinai get so anal about when their stuff gets posted on other sites.

I mean, it would be one thing if people were actively taking credit for art that clearly wasn't theirs or if they were posting art that was originally behind some kind of paywall but as far as I know, that's never happened on this site.

Both Rosvo and Egarashinai have most of their art posted on a website that allows free viewing so I don't see why they got so mad when they saw it on this one. We tagged them in the post, gave credit and links to the original location, I don't see what else they could possibly want.
11/06/14 09:55PM
Well, I remember that when Rosvo asked for his stuff to be removed he explained exactly why he didn't like his art being reposted. He claimed that it made it very difficult to follow reactions and commentary for the art, because it would be posted across hundreds of websites. He wanted to consolidate all of his art into a handful of places that he had posted them to so that he could better keep track of all of the commentary, advice, or whatever else.

But who knows why most artists who don't want their free-to-view work reposted don't want them reposted? People are weird. I'm sure some of them just don't like it, that it just doesn't sit well with them. There doesn't really have to be a logical reason, I suppose.
11/06/14 10:29PM
I think some artists see their work as their property (even though I know some sites take ownership away from the uploader).
If we extrapolate from that mentality, it's just not... nice, to see your work being posted on some other site.
It feels like someone's stealing from you.
11/06/14 11:27PM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I think some artists see their work as their property (even though I know DeviantArt basically takes ownership away from you, and I think Pixiv does the same).
If we extrapolate from that mentality, it's just not... nice, to see your work being posted on some other site.
It feels like someone's stealing from you.

This is usually why I don't mind watermarks. While I think the big gaudy ones are a bit annoying and excessive, I think little ones with links to the original page are welcome. Though I would usually recommend putting said watermark over a complex pattern in the image, making it hard to remove with photoshop.

I'm not arguing against your idea, just adding to it :P I think it's perfectly reasonable not to want to have your stuff posted elsewhere if you don't want to.
11/07/14 03:14AM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I think some artists see their work as their property (even though I know DeviantArt basically takes ownership away from you, and I think Pixiv does the same).
If we extrapolate from that mentality, it's just not... nice, to see your work being posted on some other site.
It feels like someone's stealing from you.

In the copyright section of the terms of service of Deviantart.

"deviantART does not claim ownership rights in your works or other materials posted by you to deviantART (Your Content)."

11/07/14 02:38PM
Changer said:
In the copyright section of the terms of service of Deviantart.

"deviantART does not claim ownership rights in your works or other materials posted by you to deviantART (Your Content)."

Seriously? Must be thinking of another site, then...
Editing my previous post.
11/07/14 06:03PM
wait wait wait 2 seconds ...

<<|you tell me that this guys ask to remove their stuff on the site, and the same day, mindwipe left the site ?>>

11/07/14 07:53PM
Cell said:
wait wait wait 2 seconds ...

<<|you tell me that this guys ask to remove their stuff on the site, and the same day, mindwipe left the site ?>>

Nah. Mindwipe's been mulling over it for weeks. He hasn't said as much, but he's an easy read. :P

This guy's QQ was probably just the queue for Mindwipe to spring into action his retirement plan.
04/13/15 12:07PM
What about those of us who have pics commissioned by said blacklisted artists? I've got one done by Rosvo of an OC of mine that would definitely be relevant to the site. I remember that Rosvo and I agreed that, since it's my OC, I had full rights to use/post the pic where I wanted, as long as I maintained that the pic was done by him (granted, it's easy to see, so there's no point in even trying to argue that it wasn't his work).

That circumstance is common on sites like dA, FA, or HF, so I think a ruling on that grey area is needed. Plus, I'd like to get my hypnobait OC some more exposure, since I've seen other similar OCs get popular on here.
04/13/15 12:12PM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
What about those of us who have pics commissioned by said blacklisted artists? I've got one done by Rosvo of an OC of mine that would definitely be relevant to the site. I remember that Rosvo and I agreed that, since it's my OC, I had full rights to use/post the pic where I wanted, as long as I maintained that the pic was done by him (granted, it's easy to see, so there's no point in even trying to argue that it wasn't his work).

That circumstance is common on sites like dA, FA, or HF, so I think a ruling on that grey area is needed. Plus, I'd like to get my hypnobait OC some more exposure, since I've seen other similar OCs get popular on here.

You ask the artist I guess?
04/13/15 02:32PM
Zelinko said:
You ask the artist I guess?

As I stated, Rosvo and I arranged that I can use/post the pic where I wanted, since it's my OC, and therefore I have creative rights over her (or in this case, who I commission and what such arrangements for said commission are). I would just need to state that this particular pic was a commission, and not my own work. All I did was provide a reference drawing (which was one of my own of the character) for him to use.

He never watermarked it, and I also posted that non-watermarked version on my dA profile, which gives support to this. I just wanted to know from Vanndril or one of the other mods if this needed a ruling; Rosvo asked for any art of his to not be shown, so it seemed like a grey area to me.

...I just remembered I had another pic of my OC that I commissioned Rosvo that fits as well, though that one does have a watermark (from what I remember). So make that a ruling for each pic. :P
04/16/15 09:13AM
DrgnmastrAlex, that is quite the grey area. One I'm personally unsure how to handle.

On one hand, he did leave you with all creative rights to the image, but on the other he has banned all artwork of his from being posted onto the site. I understand your argument that the artwork is yours, despite being made by him, but it's not always so simple.

The bottom line, I feel, is that I am obligated to make the decision that best protects the site's longevity as well as corresponds to the wishes of blacklisted artists and commissioners. If push came to shove, I would probably allow the image, considering what you've explained, but it would be taken down again if the artist made even a peep in protest. However, I would much prefer if situations like this one were handled by the commissioner just double checking with the artist if they have any particular qualms about the image being shared on the site they are blacklisted on.

I'm not entirely sure how well any sort of claim of ownership to rights of an image by a commissioner over the artist would hold up in a court of law, and I'd like to avoid ever being personally involved with finding out. It is just much safer to ensure that all parties involved in the blacklisted content's creation are on the same page about the content being posted before it finds its way onto the site.

All this, of course, is disregarding the confusion this would inevitably cause other users regarding why that particular image of a blacklisted artist is allowed.
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