12/05/14 05:32PM
Favorite Method of Hypnosis/Mind Control?
As the title implies, what's your personal favorite? Do you prefer the classic spiral screens and pocket watches, or do you like more... unconventional means? Anything between qualifies.

Personally I prefer... the ai- Spirals. Honestly I like all methods, but spirals just have a certain charm to them. What about you?
12/05/14 07:16PM
I'm usually more interested in the content of their programming. Tech control lends itself to prerecorded mantras but if the dom is speaking then that's just as good. Otherwise I use my imagination.
12/05/14 07:25PM
I mainly have the person just focus on my words as I speak/type as I guide them into a relaxed and suggestable state of mind.

Basicly I just tell them what happens as they relax more and more till all there is are my words and nothing else.
12/05/14 07:35PM
Words, body language, magic... Pretty much anything that requires the tist to be there in person or at least communicate directly with the subject. If I had to say why, I'd say because these methods usually imply some manner of formal education, which in turn usually implies a code of ethics. The sort of 'watch this video I linked to you while I fix myself a sammich' types just creep me out personally since pretty much any random ol' schmuck could have access to one.
12/05/14 10:32PM
TheKinkyFinn said:
Words, body language, magic... Pretty much anything that requires the tist to be there in person or at least communicate directly with the subject. If I had to say why, I'd say because these methods usually imply some manner of formal education, which in turn usually implies a code of ethics. The sort of 'watch this video I linked to you while I fix myself a sammich' types just creep me out personally since pretty much any random ol' schmuck could have access to one.

And I have met those types and had a fun time fixing the people they hypnotized -.-

If you make the vid and such then that's another thing as that is you putting in the effort in a way

But taking a file from the net you found radomly and profiting from some one else's work does not make your hypnotist and I get annoyed when those types of people lain they are when they have never once done an Induction themselves
12/05/14 10:40PM
I actually don't like spirals much. Something about them annoys me.

My favorite methods would be tech control and brain injection, followed by just talking them down into trance.
12/05/14 10:58PM
I guess I'm just boring. I like pocketwatches and spirals :P
12/05/14 11:13PM
I have to confess I haven't thought too much about this before, but the more I think about it now, the more I think I like the slow, touchy-feely stuff. The sub constantly having a stimulus while the 'tist whispers words of obedience into his/her ear for what is implied to be hours on end...

I'm not really that concerned as to which peripheral is used beyond that, though. Be it a magic spell, a spiraling screen, a pendulum/pocketwatch, an aphrodisiac injection or what-have-you.
12/06/14 12:30AM
Hmm, I'd have to say that there's something innately satisfying about using a pocketwatch/pendulum, swinging it in front of their eyes, and whispering sweet words of relaxation into their ear, as the swinging object becomes the most important thing in the room other than the voice. So I guess progressive relaxation works in with that a little bit, and would be my second favorite.
Spirals are also all well and good, whether magical or technological in nature. Of course, I feel better about tech spirals if someone is standing there, either watching them while the programming is in place (especially if pre-recorded, as was said earlier it's silly if it's just a random download-y thing, unless either specially made or as a joke), or specially made just for that person and the tist is going to collect his/her prize right after the programming is complete.

I dunno about just magic, 'Poof, you're my slave!', mostly because it can be really unimaginative and boring in manips after seeing thousands of the same thing, but well executed makes it on par with the aforementioned examples.
12/06/14 12:47AM
I'm a fan of eyes. Spirals, hearts, blank, or really any method of control that centers on the eyes. The specific induction doesn't matter too much.
12/06/14 01:41AM
IRL hypnosis: Pocketwatches, metronomes, or spirals, which add a sort of subconscious "arcane" feeling to help set the mood for a good vocal induction. However, these things alone are usually pretty boring for me when put into a fantasy context.

In fantasy... it varies from one scenario to another. I don't have one set control method that I favor above all others, but mind-dominating accessories (excluding the typical bondage ring/necklace/crown schtick) whether used by the dom or placed on the sub, psychic powers (holy shit, too many possibilities to list, but the more creative ones tend to be sexier), possession, and tech-control brainwashing rooms are usually very fun.

EDIT: parasites too. Tends to be 25/75 in favor of gross rather than sexy, but when it works, it's hot :3 . Eye beams and other hypnotic lights work well in conjunction with a lot of these as well.
12/06/14 02:16PM
I'd say hypnotic eyes (spirals, hearts, etc,...), hypnotic music and brain injection.
12/07/14 12:31AM
I love pendulums. I still want to hypnotize someone with those...(Yes in one chat session I sorta did but in person~)
12/07/14 12:44AM
For plausible scenarios, I'm partial to arm drop inductions. The process of a casual buildup, then a sudden jolt followed by gentle programming appeals immensely to my sensibilities. That it can be performed without any props is convenient as well. I am not opposed to pocket watches, though; I happen to own one.
On the more fantastic side, brain injection is where it is at, followed closely by tech control.
Heart-eyes are a guilty pleasure.

I find narrative to be most engaging when it encompasses the viewpoints of all actors involved, even if that means dredging up a computer's function calls or a parasite's urges. Bonus points are awarded for building logic traps directly into the induction.
As to the content of the control, I like anything that doesn't focus on humiliating the sub (unless that is specifically what the sub wants, of course). It just seems pointless, at best, to mock someone for behaviour they have no control over.
12/07/14 02:33PM

I think my favorite method has to be gradual and seductive. Something that's pretty close between everyone. A very good example was from an emsca story where people were put under from massage oil. It was fantastic :D
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