12/17/14 06:11AM
How do I become a decent H/MC writer?
Hello everyone,

I'm a lurker who seldom posts but now I come to you asking for help.
I would like to learn how to become a good H/MC writer. I've bought a read a lot of books on writing and MC but there are no books on writing H/MC themed stories.

Just to clarify, I'm requesting tips for writing H/MC with the focus on the psychology, emotions and sensations, etc. in various situations. I'm not all to concerned about the erotic content itself as I understand such things to begin in the mind are free to be reasonably subjective. (Not to seem like a buzz kill to anyone. Sorry if that came off as nihilistic I really meant for it to be the furthest thing from it.)
I'm not completely against anything; it's just that sometimes I feel that the mainstream can obscure other areas of potential. There are already plenty of images and stories focusing on the lustful and corporeal subject matters and to be honest I've finally worked up the nerve to admit to myself that I'm sick of it. (In fact I never cared much for to begin with.)

So please, to those who any advice at all to offer lend me your wisdom. I promise to read each an every word any of you type up no matter how long. Sorry for the long post and thanks.
12/17/14 06:52AM
Try hypnosis yourself, or read about people's experiences with it. That would help you get into the heads of the people into this. And make the emotions more realistic.
12/17/14 08:00AM
engaging characters are important because they make sure people are gonna actually read what you write and not just glaze over and skim around for stuff that appeals to them
don't focus on the dom in inductions because it's B O R I N G focus on the subject because that's H O T
understand grammar at at least a SAT level, vocabulary isn't important really at all so try to keep your words simplistic
think about the specific things you find hot and then think about why you find them hot and then build your stories around those reasons
quit writing because it's boring go ERP 8))))))))

most important tip for writing is to read
not like stuff on mcstories and literotica, just go read a lot and you'll start thinking in a way that helps you write
the more challenging the literature, the better
12/17/14 08:46AM
TakyonH said:
quit writing because it's boring go ERP 8))))))))

12/17/14 08:59AM
Dreamshade said:

i'm gonna make myself start reading more again so i might want to
12/17/14 07:12PM
The best way to become a better writer in a genre is to read good writers in that genre.
12/17/14 07:45PM

TakyonH said:

don't focus on the dom in inductions because it's B O R I N G focus on the subject because that's H O T

That. It's much more appealing to see how someone's mind get twisted into a whole new way of thinking than to see someone simply subjugate someone. I'm always happy to see both sides being represented in a story, but the former is always much more interesting to read about.

Good plotting is always nice too. Creating a context and a semblance of a setting can lead to some ironic twists and a further development and understanding of why some event happens as well as why they should matter. People want inductions and maybe a little dose of smut, but it's always nicer when there's a buildup within context to it instead of just things happening randomly.

I believe having an angle, a certain approach, is also quite important. Depending on the methods, you might want to focus on certain things prior to others. Be it magical, technological, simple hypnosis or other methods, there's a manner in which you can focus on some elements to bring it forth in an appealing way for readers. Even the most bizarre things can sound intriguing when written and approached in an unique fashion.
12/17/14 11:25PM
Have to agree. Get inside the sub's head, tell us what it feels like to be them.

Another thing, try for conflict. It doesn't mean the sub has to be good at resisting, or win outright, but they do have to put up some semblance of a fight. Stories of little to no resistance can work, but only if the setting is fantastical and the whole thing has a "scenes from a dream" feel, where the sub is swept away into some sort of decadent, mindless fairyworld. However, it is boring as piss when it's a more realistic setting, or when the dom is more real than supernatural.

Unlike TakyonH, i wouldn't advise against reading on MCStories or literotica, just know who the good authors are and know what you emulate. So many people read crap, and so produce crap, being what they've read.

try tabico from mcstories, in terms of stuff good authors should be emulating.
12/18/14 12:49AM
there are 3 kinds of literature as i see it: trash, consumable, and challenging
trash is self-explanatory
consumable would be stuff like good mcstories or later harry potter books - just stuff that's fairly well-written but is written in a pretty straightforward manner
challenging is stuff that's meant to be studied or is at least written in a way where sentences or paragraphs make you slow down and think to understand everything
obviously reading anything helps but i would contend that reading more challenging stuff helps you write at a consumable level a lot more than reading consumable stuff does
also i dont think reading MC-focused stories in particular is a very helpful way to develop your ability to write them
i mean at best you're going to learn the formulas that other writers use but i don't think anyone wants to be writing by a formula
tl;dr learn linguistics from challenging literature, develop your plots and MC-specific stuff through practice
12/18/14 01:15AM
Thank you to everyone who has posted so far. I'd like to add that I've also written quite a bit before. Although I've rarely finished anything I've have some experience. If anyone would care to spare some time they may have, I can write up something fairly brief to show people how I like to write and I can hear more advice on how to improve.

If anyone has any suggestions on what to write about I'd take it into consideration, though no promises. Thanks again for all of your support.
12/18/14 01:25AM
TakyonH said:
there are 3 kinds of literature as i see it: trash, consumable, and challenging

It's strange how well this applies to research journals >_>

But I'm taking notes on that. So we consider Twilight to be challenging, right?
12/18/14 01:35AM
HelixDome said:
Thank you to everyone who has posted so far. I'd like to add that I've also written quite a bit before. Although I've rarely finished anything I've have some experience. If anyone would care to spare some time they may have, I can write up something fairly brief to show people how I like to write and I can hear more advice on how to improve.

If anyone has any suggestions on what to write about I'd take it into consideration, though no promises. Thanks again for all of your support.

So, a suggestion to show us your mettle, then? Okay.

How about a small piece that could be connected to the Digital December theme going on right now? Just a little something to show us how you do it, if you would be so kind.
12/18/14 02:04AM
Helldorado said:
So, a suggestion to show us your mettle, then? Okay.

How about a small piece that could be connected to the Digital December theme going on right now? Just a little something to show us how you do it, if you would be so kind.

Sure I'll take a shot at that.
12/21/14 10:47PM
Figure out what your symbols are and push them. If I had to pick a writer to recommend, Jukebox is the one of the more varied ones on mc stories. I'd advise to read widely, because I figure that's the only way to figure out what you like and what sticks (mcstories has a favorites page, and some people make repeat appearances), but the authors I suggest you look at are outside of the mind control fetish:

* Vladmir Nabukov's "Lolita", for language.
* The Marquise De Sade "120 Days of Sodom", as an example of something which is intellectually stimulating but not sexually pleasurable.
* Bataille's "Story of the Eye", for the all around package.
* Sacher-Masoch's "Venus in Furs", for the romance.

Of the three the only one which I would not give a content warning for is "Venus in Furs". All of these works are classics though and as such readily available.

Also, if you want to work from a 'realistic' standpoint, Google 'social engineering'.


Pom pom said:
So we consider Twilight to be challenging, right?

Just, look into the spiral.

Ogodie-Kahn said:
tabico from mcstories, in terms of stuff good authors should be emulating.

Half of Tabico's stories are fucking terrifying. I think one ended with everyone getting fucked by Duke's Dear Freya, basically. Tabico definitely knows how to work it though.

don't focus on the dom in inductions because it's B O R I N G focus on the subject because that's H O T
understand grammar at at least a SAT level, vocabulary isn't important really at all so try to keep your words simplistic

Also I thought the idea was to kill the reader by forcing them to read a detailed hypnosis induction, largely copied and pasted from a library self help book, minus paragraph indentation. As long as I largely copy and paste it I'll score on an SAT. Just repeat that until your word count IS OVER 9000

}:D k;

In actual seriousness. I think the point on doms and subs is amiss because its the interaction between fucker and fuckee which I find interesting; and it is the effective handling of those relationships - who is sticking it to who; whose needs are getting met and why - I find interesting.

12/23/14 06:29AM
Don't do this:

(porn star name) was a (hair color, height, weight, breast size) (cliché sexualized occupation) who for some reason always acted like an utter bitch towards everybody around her.

One day when she went to work/school/shopping/funeral (...) (a wild smart guy with hypno skills appears)

(unoriginal induction is super effective!)

"Okay now keep calling me Master. Also, strip and give me a blow job."

(description of sexual activities)

The end.
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