12/27/14 02:30AM
asking for manip advice
Long story short I've been a bit inactive on the manip side so decided to do one and found this really nice picture with Courtney from pokemon OR/AS. The picture however has some Japanese text in the background and I cant seem to edit it out well enough to make it look good. I've tried putting text boxes over it for what text I was going to add but it doesn't look good ether anyone got any advice here is a link to the source pic. www.aerisdies.com/img.php?a=9034&n=5&f=1#img
12/27/14 03:40AM
Wrong link? No japanese text there, nor censoring.

Is it image number 5 in that set?
12/27/14 04:25AM
<<hypnohub.net/forum/show/2317|this thread>> is devoted to manipulation advice and you might want to move the discussion there when you clarify which image you're talking about.

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