02/18/15 05:12PM
Looking for Affordable Translations
Hello, Everyone

I'm searching for translators to commission a wide series of images from a certain black-listed artist. Since we all probably know who that is I won't mention the name. It's my plan to share the translations with everyone somehow once they're finished. There are quite a few images so I am expecting a lot of cost but I'd like it if there was some way to work out a deal.

Is there anyone who thinks they might be willing to work something out? My current price range is $200-$300. That's about the most I can do at the moment but I might be able to do more later on.
03/01/15 04:39PM
From which language to which other? And which artist?
03/01/15 06:51PM
Yugan said:
From which language to which other? And which artist?

Sorry, I suppose it was never really clarified. The language would be from Japanese to English and the Artist is Egarashinai.
03/01/15 08:22PM
Just noting: it's fine to talk about blacklisted artists. We just can't have their content in our gallery, is all.
03/01/15 09:47PM
DowsingLine003 said:
Sorry, I suppose it was never really clarified. The language would be from Japanese to English and the Artist is Egarashinai.

Well, it's not in my range, sorry^^
03/02/15 04:45AM
For Doujinshi consider Rinruririn ( ) but this guy only gives you translation and won't do editing so you'll have to do it yourself or find yourself an editor. That page will have links to possible editors

I've had two things translated by him, about 20 pages each, and it was $25 USD for each so it'd be in your price range.
03/02/15 05:00AM
I'd just find folks who can do it for free, honestly. The entire setup on e-hentai runs mostly cash-free. Are we talking about only a small set of egarashinai pics, or, like, dozens of them?

Harder part might be editing, if you want that. I think his stuff uses translucent bubbles.
03/02/15 07:00AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
I'd just find folks who can do it for free, honestly. The entire setup on e-hentai runs mostly cash-free. Are we talking about only a small set of egarashinai pics, or, like, dozens of them?

Harder part might be editing, if you want that. I think his stuff uses translucent bubbles.

Well I'm not opposed to doing any editing myself. I didn't plan on having anything fancy done anyway.

I'm not too familiar with e-hentai's community. I actually had a lot of images from Egarashinai that I wanted translated. (Pretty much every pic in his gallery that contains MC.) How does e-hentai's community work specifically?
03/03/15 12:04AM
DowsingLine003 said:
Well I'm not opposed to doing any editing myself. I didn't plan on having anything fancy done anyway.

I'm not too familiar with e-hentai's community. I actually had a lot of images from Egarashinai that I wanted translated. (Pretty much every pic in his gallery that contains MC.) How does e-hentai's community work specifically?

They have a bounty system. You earn points through uploading galleries, called gallery points easily enough, and can convert those points into credits, and through a more nebulous process, purchase HATH with those credits. Credits and HATH (usually at a ratio of 1,000 to 1) are used to offer bounties, where you request specifically that a work be translated. A user then executes the bounty and earns Credits and HATH.

You can also ask for pro-bono requests in the forums, though it often looks like begging.

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