03/01/15 08:44AM
Scarce Characters in Hentai
So, I've been thinking about making a thread like this for quite some time, just for shits and giggles.

Over the years, I've enjoyed many anime and games that seem to be very obscure or even just outright unheard of. These products, however, often have really sexy characters who I would just love to see hentai or fetishy content of. But due to the obscurity of their series, it's impossible to find much of anything of them!

Having a character you really love that doesn't have even a single piece of hentai (or has literally a single piece...which might be even worse) feels terrible! I'm sure you all can relate. The point of this thread, then, is to list off and showcase such characters, male or female, in the hopes that some artist or commissioner stumbles upon them and loves their designs enough to make something of them. :3

That, and we can chat about things. Chatting is always nice.

So, here are the criteria:

* The character must be from a piece of visual media. Anime, cartoons, video games, etc. Characters portrayed by live actors in things like TV shows do not count.

* It must be extremely rare to find any hentai of the character. If you've searched the entire internet and found less than 20 or so hentai images of the character, then that works.

* The series the character is from must not have come out recently, 6 months or so. If it's an anime or cartoon, the series must have ended or been running for about that long to be eligible. This is because, if a series is new, chances are that hentai artists simply haven't gotten around to drawing characters from them, yet, and that more will pop up shortly.

When you post about a character, please give their name, what series they're from, and a link to some sort of image that gives a good view of them.

If someone posts about a character, and you know of a secret stash of hentai for said character, please, do share!
03/01/15 08:45AM
I'll start.

My first bunch of scarce characters all come from the same series: Agarest, Generations of War (aka. Record of Agarest War).

This game series is very obscure, despite how much I enjoy it. And the ladies are just beautiful! Pretty much the entire female cast has no hentai based on them at all. And those that do only have maybe a few images. You can see more or less all of them <<|here>>.

In particular, I'd like to mention these overlooked, sexy, little things from original Agarest:

* <<|Yayoi>>
* <<steamcommunity-a.akamaihd...hv2lM0d6NtWCp95SOJVZbRvWg|Sherufanir>>
* <<steamcommunity-a.akamaihd...E_2lcsc59pfWJ95SOKDFIAtSw|Silvi>>
* <<steamcommunity-a.akamaihd...x6mx8xP6I8DX595SOKvIP1LnA|Fyuria>>
* <<|Dyshana>>

And then a few from Agarest Zero:

* <<|Mimel>> (Image may appear small due to anti-hotlinking setup. Click on your browser's URL bar and hit enter to reload the page. Should fix.)
* <<vignette2.wikia.nocookie..../latest?cb=20141014154050|Routier>>
* <<|Tetora>>

I just love these character designs and their costumes. <3
03/01/15 08:58AM
I think Xillia 2 has been out long enough that I can be soundly disappointed in the lack of Nova images.
03/01/15 11:40AM
Oooh, I have some suggestions!

First is <<|Hazuki Ferrari>> from Galilei Donna.
This anime itself is pretty 'meh', but I've always had a thing for how <<avvesione.files.wordpress...nt-braids-orange_hair.jpg|she is drawn>> in it. In fact, I think that was the only reason I even bothered to finish the anime. <<|Especially this part in the OP..>>

Another character is V Juri F from Yozakura Quartet.
<<|JUST.>> <<|LOOK.>> <<|AT.>> <<|HER.>>
I saw the anime a few years back, but was so disappointed that there was barely any fanart of her. There's another season that came out semi-recently, but I haven't got to watch that yet.

From games I'd love to see more of <<|Yvona>> from Mabinogi and <<émon_Ranger_F.png|Pokemon Ranger (female)>> from Pokemon X/Y. (Although if you've seen my commissions you'd already know that xD)
03/01/15 05:57PM
Many secondary Fire Emblem characters before Awakening have been sadly neglected, especially from my beloved Tellius series; Jill, Lethe, Nailah, Lucia, Nephenee...
03/01/15 09:54PM
Any material on Radiata Stories. Such an obscure and underrated JRPG.

I like Romaria but the only one hentai image of her turns out to be her partaking in dendrophilia. >___>
Zida is a really cute shota but there isn't even any material of him at all.

There are over 100 characters in the game and yet there's hardly even any fanart for it. :c
03/03/15 03:46AM
I haven't found anything of Malice@Doll's Malice even though she's a god damn PROSTITUTE DOLL (robot) WHO GETS TENTACLE'D EARLY ON IN THE FILM
03/03/15 04:32AM
There's a lot, but the first one that comes to mind is Dallas Wyatt from Valkyria Chronicles.

She's a canon lesbian with an obsession with one of the main characters, Alicia. I've always had a fantasy about her MC'ing Alicia into being a lesbian. But there's pretty much almost no porn of her to begin with. In fact, I don't think I've seen a single Dallas x Alicia hentai image at all, and it's a canon fact that Dallas loves Alicia!

Edit: Also, in terms of characters who have a lot of hentai but don't have much MC hentai even though there's a good reason why they should, I present Kasugano Urara, aka Cure Lemonade from Yes! Precure 5:


During an episode in the first season, she gets mind raped by the villains (as do all of her allies), and each of them ends up seeing a vision designed to trap them inside their own dreams. Most of the other Precure 5 are given visions of either intense happiness or intense sadness, but hers is a bit different.

Her dream is to become an idol, so a mirror image of herself crawls out of the mirror and does this:

And she ends up like this:

And there's even a confirmed evil version of her (and all her allies) during one of the movies, but they're basically clones and not actually corrupted versions of them:

Buuuuut... what about all the MC porn? Well... there's a couple pics that sort of imply it, usually with her x her dark persona, but in terms of actual MC porn of her being corrupted? Nada, as far as I can tell.
03/03/15 05:45AM
Weren't there a few bad-end doujins made about Yes! ? Or am i confusing it with Smile...
03/03/15 06:03AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Weren't there a few bad-end doujins made about Yes! ? Or am i confusing it with Smile...

That would be Smile. They also have evil clone versions, called the Bad End Precure.
03/03/15 12:33PM
African-American women.
03/04/15 06:05AM
finerhats said:
African-American women.


I don't watch a whole lot of anime (maybe seen about 30 shows), but the only black female I can really think of is Casca (Kiasca?) from Berserk. And from a basic google search, outside of the show, she seems to be white around half the time. Maybe in the manga? I never followed along after I finished the anime.

There's gotta be at least a few more characters around though. Damn. Anime reflects the homogeneity of Japan, but now I want to see some sexy anime black girls.
03/04/15 11:10AM
If manga characters yet to leap to anime count, Himeno Kimihara a.k.a. Hime from A Centaur's Life.

The manga's been around a few years but I've only ever found one single barely Rule 34 pic of her, smooshing her breasts against the breasts of whatever the centaur from Monster Musume is called. And you really only see them from waist up, which completely ruins the point of having centaur girl porn!
03/04/15 05:29PM
Millenia from Grandia 2!

There's like 1 page of her on rule34, and that's including some repeats. I mean c'mon, she's a sexy winged demon chick who paralyzes and tries to seduce the main character repeatedly. And just to make me more annoyed, she's a redhead and rather on the dominant side.

So much wasted potential... it almost makes me want to commission something. And then I remember I'm poor.
03/04/15 06:39PM
Etoile Rosenqueen from Rhapsody. So scarce that literally all that's on Gelbooru AFAICT is official art. I know there's one nice piece of softcore something-or-other on rule34, but that's about it.
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