03/04/15 09:14AM
Cradily's shitty translations - stopped
Request for shitty translation by foffyoul5. May or may not finish.

Links for myself:
and Van's 'HUGELY useful little thing!'
NEW! :


Page 1:
JP: くっくっくいい格好だなぁ、 メラグちゃんに 遊馬のお仲間のお嬢ちゃにょぉ
ENG: Kukuku that's a good pose, Merada-chan. Yuma's comrade's daughter. [replace 'Yuma's comrade's daughter. ' with what their relation is to the main character. I don't watch the show]

JP: くっベクター! 何のつもり!? これをほどきなさい!
ENG: Vector! What are you planning!? Let us go!

JP: なんだよこれ? 気色悪い! おいてめぇ、 にやけてねーで 俺らを解放しねーと ぶっとばすぞ!
ENG: What is this? Disgusting! Stop this and release us now, or you're going to get it!

JP: おーおーこんな状況でも 威勢がいいじゃねーか 悪かねえがちょっと口答えに気を付けないと。。
ENG: Oi oi, even in such a state you can still talk back with such vigor, you need to learn your place..

Page 2:
JP: 俺の機嫌を損ねちゃうよ~?
ENG: Don't ruin my good mood, okay~?

JP: がっ?!
ENG: GA- [getting punched sound]

JP: ごぶっ?!
ENG: GOBU-?! [getting punched sound]

Page 3:
JP: ひゃはははぁ- どうだい? 少しは立場が分かったかなぁ?
ENG: Hyhahaha, how is it? Do you understand your position now?

JP: げほっげほっ。。ベク。。ターぁ。。っ いくらでもほざいていなさい。。 お前なんかに屈しはしないわ!
ENG: *pant pant* Vec..tor.. say what you want, I will never give in!

JP: がほっ。。 けはっ。。 そうだ。。 てめーなんかあとで ぶっとばしてやるんだからな。。っ!
ENG: *pant pant*.. that's right.. you will be beaten in the end..!

Page 4:
JP: くくっどうやらまだお仕置きが必要みたいだなぁ! いいぜぇ聞き分けのいい良い子ちゃんになるまで ちゃあんと躾けてやるよぉ!
ENG: Kukuku, it seems like you two need to be punished some more! Alright, I'll train you kids to become nice and obedient!

JP: がっ! ぎゃっ! ごぇっ!
ENG: Ga-! Gya-! Goe-! [getting punched sound]

JP: んぎいっ! ぶげっ! がふっ!
ENG: Ngii-! Gebe-! Gafu-! [getting punched sound]

Page 5:
JP: んぶっ。。うげっ。。ぅ。。
ENG: [panting/gurgling sounds]

JP: ぶぶっ。。ぅ。。 やばぁっ。。 んぶぅっ。。
ENG: [panting/gurgling sounds]

JP: ひひっ。。 次はちょお~っと 強くいくぜぇ?
ENG: Hehe.. the next one will hit a bit harder, okay?

Page 6:
JP: せ~の。。 オラァっ!!
ENG: Get ready.. and here!!

JP: おげぇっ!
ENG: [getting punched sound]

JP: ぐぎぇっ!!
ENG: [getting punched sound]

Page 7:
JP: [it's puking sounds, both of them]
ENG: [it's puking sounds, both of them]

Page 8:
JP: [puking sounds]
ENG: [puking sounds]

JP: [puking sounds]
ENG: [puking sounds]

JP: おいおい、中学生にもなって ゲロった上におもらししちゅうなんて はずかしくないのぉ~? こりゃ別のお仕置きが必要だなぁひゃははは
ENG: Oioi, you middle schoolers and puking and wetting yourself, aren't you embarrassed? How was my punishment, hahahaha

Page 15:
JP: くくっいい格好だなぁお前ら
ENG: Kukuku, this is a good pose

JP: はぁ。。はぁ。。 ベクター!今度は何をしようというの!?
ENG: Haah.. hah.. Vector! What are you planning now!?

JP: つくしょぅ。。てめぇ! あとでぜってぇぶっ殺してやるからな!
ENG: Stop it! I'm going to kill you!

JP: へへへ、威勢はまだまだいいみたいだなあ そう来なくっちゃ それじゃ。。
ENG: Hehehe, it looks like you still don't understand my power. Well then..

Page 16:
JP: こういうのはどうだぁ!?
ENG: How about this!?

JP: [screaming sounds]
ENG: [screaming sounds]

JP: [screaming sounds]
ENG: [screaming sounds]

Page 17:
JP: 痛っ。。 ベクター! なんなのこれは。。抜き。。くっ! なさい。。
ENG: Hurts.. Vector! What is this... injection..!

JP: づっ。。何か流し込まれてる。。!? 何してやがんだよ。。 やめろ、 ぬけよぉ!
ENG: W..what are you putting into us..!? What is that.. stop it!

JP: おいおい注射で泣く年じゃねえだろ? もうちょっとで終わりまちゅから 我慢ちまちょうね~
ENG: Oioi, crying over some injection? I'm not done yet, so try to endure it okay?~

Page 18:
JP: はい、 おしまい
ENG: Okay, that's enough

JP: っはぁ、はぁ。。 ひっ?! な、 なんよこれ。。
ENG: Aahh.. ahh.. w-what is this..

JP: ぅっぅぅぅ。。 俺のクリトリスが。。 めちゃくちゃ腫れ上かってる。。 なんてことしやがんだよぉ。。
ENG: uuuu... my clitoris is thorbbing and swelling.. what is this..

JP: けけけ、 立派なクリちんぽになったじゃねえか ガキのちんぽくらいは あるんじゃねえの? でもよ、 これで終わりじゃないぜ?
ENG: Kekeke, you kids have grown a splendid clitoris penis, have you not? But this still isn't the end, you know?

Page 19:
JP: まだまだもっと でかくしねえとな?
ENG: We need to still make it even larger, okay?

JP: Hyaaa! きりとりしゅがあああ
ENG: Hyaaaa! It's tearing offfff

JP: Fuaaaan! しゅわれてりゅううう!?
ENG: Fuaaan! It's breakinggg!?

Older comics in a post below.
03/05/15 05:49AM

Could solve a few problems for yah. It does kanji identification, which is the killer for me (my JP vocabulary is fairly large, but i know very few kanji, comparatively), and can then list all words which begin with that kanji. Saves you the time of having to transcribe the kanji back into babelfish.

Also, i'd call メチャメチャ ”fuck up" more than rape. Rape is a specific word, whereas repetitive words like that in Japanese tend to be slangier in meaning.
03/05/15 07:44AM
Ogodei-Khan said:

Could solve a few problems for yah. It does kanji identification, which is the killer for me (my JP vocabulary is fairly large, but i know very few kanji, comparatively), and can then list all words which begin with that kanji. Saves you the time of having to transcribe the kanji back into babelfish.

I'm not sure I get what you mean by kanji identification/saving me time for transcribing. Does it read the kanji somehow right off the page? If I knew the romaji for the kanji I usually type that instead into the sentence, and I put the entire sentence (kanji included) into google so I never translate it back into hiragana.

Regardless, that looks like a pretty useful site =D It'll help a lot when trying to find out the meaning of things.

Ogodei-Khan said:
Also, i'd call メチャメチャ ”fuck up" more than rape. Rape is a specific word, whereas repetitive words like that in Japanese tend to be slangier in meaning.

Ah, thank you xD I'll change that now.
03/05/15 07:59AM
I've been meaning to put this out there if I ever got the chance, and now's the perfect time.

I went looking around for a good piece of offline Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software a while back and found something I find incredibly useful. It's a program called KanjiTomo. It's free.

What it does is it tries to recognize any characters near where your mouse is pointed and displays them in an text box for copy purposes. It also gives a list of visually similar Kanji that it thinks the particular characters near your cursor might be, just in case it's wrong (which is around 20% of the time), so it's generally quite easy to choose the right character.

It takes some getting used to, as it's very quirky (you'll be toggling the "Automatic OCR" option a lot due to it recognizing arbitrary shapes as characters), but it's actually quite useful. I use it whenever I'm desperate to figure out some particular line's meaning in a hentai or something. It might only take me around 5-10 minutes (depending on word count) to grab an entire page's worth of Kanji.

<<|Check it out!>>

Just thought it was a useful little thing to share.
03/05/15 08:24AM
Vanndril said:
Just thought it was a useful little thing to share.

That's a HUGE useful thing. What is this magic. Great, now I'm going to spend the rest of the night playing with this xD
03/05/15 09:57AM
Cradily said:
That's a HUGE useful thing.

But it's actually very little! It's a HUGELY useful little thing! :D

Cradily said:
What is this magic. Great, now I'm going to spend the rest of the night playing with this xD

I'm glad I could give you something so wonderful, lol. :P
03/05/15 02:51PM
Vanndril said:
I've been meaning to put this out there if I ever got the chance, and now's the perfect time.

I went looking around for a good piece of offline Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software a while back and found something I find incredibly useful. It's a program called KanjiTomo. It's free.

What it does is it tries to recognize any characters near where your mouse is pointed and displays them in an text box for copy purposes. It also gives a list of visually similar Kanji that it thinks the particular characters near your cursor might be, just in case it's wrong (which is around 20% of the time), so it's generally quite easy to choose the right character.

It takes some getting used to, as it's very quirky (you'll be toggling the "Automatic OCR" option a lot due to it recognizing arbitrary shapes as characters), but it's actually quite useful. I use it whenever I'm desperate to figure out some particular line's meaning in a hentai or something. It might only take me around 5-10 minutes (depending on word count) to grab an entire page's worth of Kanji.

<<|Check it out!>>

Just thought it was a useful little thing to share.

FYI I highly recommend turning off the automatic OCR and opening the image directly in the program and using the zoom function. The little red box flipping out wherever my mouse went was driving me crazy lol

Its pretty accurate for me as long as I was zoomed in, although trying to read kanji in browser it was pretty much random.
03/06/15 04:57AM
Holy crap that tool *is* magic. If it turns the kanji into an actual string, then i can just punch it into jisho and go, which would reduce the amount of time i spend on translations by, like, half

(seriously, most of the time i spend is leafing through jisho's "kanji by radicals")
03/06/15 05:14AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
(seriously, most of the time i spend is leafing through jisho's "kanji by radicals")

I know that pain @_@ especially when a kanji looks like it has one radical but it's really a radical that has multiple smaller ones in it >_>

03/06/15 08:36AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Holy crap that tool *is* magic. If it turns the kanji into an actual string, then i can just punch it into jisho and go, which would reduce the amount of time i spend on translations by, like, half

(seriously, most of the time i spend is leafing through jisho's "kanji by radicals")

PomPom said:
I know that pain @_@ especially when a kanji looks like it has one radical but it's really a radical that has multiple smaller ones in it >_>

Oh wow, ~70% of my time spent on translating is trying to turn the google translated fragments into an english sentence X_x I guess my tiny knowledge of chinese actually helped because I generally know how to write the kanji.

PomPom said:
FYI I highly recommend turning off the automatic OCR and opening the image directly in the program and using the zoom function. The little red box flipping out wherever my mouse went was driving me crazy lol

Its pretty accurate for me as long as I was zoomed in, although trying to read kanji in browser it was pretty much random.

With background/white outline on the words (like the comic I'm translating) sometimes it doesn't register. But if it's white background completely it works fine. And yeah I unchecked the auto OCR too xD

THAT FEELING when you mouse over three kanji side by side and it correctly identifies all of them... dfgkjshdgkj
03/07/15 08:36AM
I seem to have suddenly become the VIP of this thread.

You're all welcome. :P

Here's hoping this allows you all to get m-...all of us some nice, new translations in the future. :3
03/07/15 11:59PM
Okay, I'm not sure if I want to continue translating this. The main character is stupid, which I can somewhat accept, but his heavy slang usage is really screwing up my translating attempts/annoying the crap out of me.

It looks like the girls get permanently turned into dolls? And he puts them up on display publicly? There are so many potential future problems with that...

I'll go and type in all the Japanese text into the rest of the pages in case anyone else wants to try. (May have typos)
03/08/15 12:07AM
Cradily said:
Okay, I'm not sure if I want to continue translating this. The main character is stupid, which I can somewhat accept, but his heavy slang usage is really screwing up my translating attempts/annoying the crap out of me.

Also it looks like the girls get permanently turned into dolls? And he puts them up on display? But there are so many future problems with that...

I'll go and type in all the Japanese text into the rest of the pages in case anyone else wants to try. (May have typos)

I might be able to take a look at it next week and try my hand, although I'm not too familiar with slang stuff either :/

Also that Pudding hypno-doujin translation I'm working on that's still only half done >_>
03/08/15 12:19AM
PomPom said:
I might be able to take a look at it next week and try my hand, although I'm not too familiar with slang stuff either :/

Also that Pudding hypno-doujin translation I'm working on that's still only half done >_>

I wasn't done editing my post yet! xD

Feel free to try =D I think it'll be a lot easier for someone who is better at english. It's literally taking me one hour for some of these sentences just trying to make sense of it.

Edit : and it takes me two hours to do 15 pages if I'm not translating! The difference.
03/08/15 11:42AM
Wow - this about quadruples the speed of translation for me. I'd call that a "decent" speed improvement. For quickly translating 1-2 pages to get the exact wording of a hypnosis chant, this is amazing.
1 2345>>>

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